IGN: What are the enemies that we are fighting this time around? Are they creatures infected by the Sands of Time or something else?
Yannis Mallat: Diversity. D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y ! We are featuring a good bunch of different kind of enemies, because we want the player to gasp each time he encounters one. There is no "infected-by-the-Sands-of-Time" creatures, we have human-like enemies, we have fantasy enemies, we have big bosses, and more
all calling on gamers to utilize our newly implemented Free-Form Fighting system to define their own creative combat techniques in an effort to take them out.
Did I say we want diversity?
IGN: What new sand powers can we expect?
Yannis Mallat: Several new powerful attacks can be triggered if you have enough Sands of Time. All the sands powers will give the player a true sensation of power. For instance you will be able to slow down the Time of your enemies without slowing yours. Trust me, when you see how some of these guys attack
..it will make a big difference. Many other ingredients in the level-design will also force you to use it. For example, a wheel that blocks your way, turns too fast to be crossed, you slowdown the time and it becomes easier, this giving more depth to the experience.
In any case
.I hope you enjoyed my sidestep of giving away the new powers.
IGN: Certain moves in Prince of Persia were cool, but pretty useless. Will things like swiping the sword while running along a wall be used more effectively this time around?
Yannis Mallat: Every move is effective as long as you master the Free-Form Fighting system. The player will build his own way of fighting, what we are providing him are all the necessary elements to support it, from the environment to the enemies. FFF is gameplay within gameplay. Think about it as a system that links every move the Prince has (and he'll have more than in the previous game) and melts the athletic moves with the fighting moves. SSX with 2 swords!
Improvisational Combat
..Creative Combat
call it what you will - all we know is that no 2 people will fight the same way.
What's going to be your signature style?
More info in the link