Ugh that was fucking horrible. I couldn't tell where the ball was most of the time.
number1jagsfan said:God this is teleport hell.
spwolf said:haha, first half was almost playable, 2nd was heh... but what can you do.
Where are you from?
6:3 for number1jagsfan.
Steroyd said:good game Panajev should have scored by more, if there was a curse Icon for all my missed chances... :lol
number1jagsfan said:UK, where are you from? It definately got worse in the second half, there was some really bizarre shit happening.
Steroyd said:good game Panajev should have scored by more, if there was a curse Icon for all my missed chances... :lol
Number1jagsfan could you put up the result of your match in it's me versus you and I want to know who is away and who is at home.
Panajev2001a said:Thanks, I still leave too many holes in the defense (especially the sides) and lose concentration (near the beginning of the second half you really were crushing me), but although I hate losing :lol, I enjoyed the game a lot.
number1jagsfan said:Done
Steroyd said:The one chance you had you scored, I hate it when that happens to me, because sometimes my attack goes spastic like what you saw with Torres being slightly offside, and Kuyt missing an empty net.
Panajev2001a said:You are right, I won't question the result: you clearly were the better player.
I need to work on my mistakes though... for example the COM defense, effective, but I abused it and my players were really tired after a while.
Steroyd said:Sorry about the over celebration but it was Man U.
spwolf said:play vs me? send invite...
Panajev2001a said:Are you still on ?
I'll send an invite asap.
Only one game though, I cannot stand lose too many in a row :lol.
Steroyd said:They need to make the knockout tree printable. :/
And may we have many more.
spwolf said:cmn dude, send invite, dont have much time, wife is nagging
this is prime tv time :lol
Steroyd said:Was testing it out and it was great, I want to hold an International Tourny on Saturday at 9PM.
Need to figure out how to end an event first though.
Steroyd said:Yeah thinking about it Saturday is the bulk of the football matches plus MOTD, Sat 9PM wouldn't be ideal for me either.
Then again we could hold a tourny over the whole weekend and you can bicker amongst yourselves at suitable times.
Gaf PES Tournament rules.
First to enter a Gaf tournament you must register to and search for whatever tournament I've specified in this matchup thread, by clicking My Event then typing in the name of said event.
Now that you've entered the Gaf Tournament the event will be held over the weekend (normally) it is your job personally to organize a time with whoever you've been paired up with to play your fixture.
It is important that when you've finished a fixture with your opponent that you BOTH log into Pesrankings and enter the result when the match is over.
The Finals of said Tournament will be held at 10PM on Sunday the latest, if everyone has finished their fixtures early and you can both agree to a time beforehand then you're welcome to.
Setting up matches
The person who is playing at Home is the one who starts a room and invites the person who is away when creating a room set invitations to limited to prevent any unwanted intruders.
During the rules set the condition to normal so everyone has a fair shot and prevents any players (particularly star players) with the dreaded grey down bar... it also stops people like Ronahldino and his vile dribbling (VILE I tell you VILE) from having the red up arrow as well.
number1jagsfan said:I can't believe so few people on GAF have PES on PS3. Are people just not reading this thread? What about spwolf and the other guy that played in the last tourney?
AstroLad said:Certainly I don't think anything will ever live up to the WE9 league-
kaizoku said:guess i'll take england