I don't have a programming question.
What I want to know, is this:
Does programming stop sucking?
I started my first ever programming course on tuesday. NEVER knew anything about it. Hell I don't know much about computers. The course is intro prog. JAVA. We did a "welcome to Java" application.. that was easy..
Then came project two.. write a program that computes the area of a circle. We had to turn it in on the second class-- the same class we were introduced to a programm with input and declaring "doubles and "ints" and whatever. He wanted it to read in diameter too. I quickly put my notes next to the lab pc and tried to COPY as much as possible from the application he went through earlier which calculated grosspay (hourse worked * pay rate) and tried to replace the variables with radius and pi..
it didn't work.. I have NO IDEA what the hell is an object.. a class... a method.. when do I declare things? what should be declared? in what order? relative to what? wtf? fhuta?
80% of the application he went through he said "just memorize it and I'll explain later." I can't think like that. So I went out to the bookstore and got Schaum's outline to programming with Java. It has lots of exercises so I thought it would benefit me. WRONG. First, it also doesn't explain anything and says classes, for example, will be explained in later chapters. OK. I guess that's how programming is.
I took the same problem, calculate the area of a circle, from both school and schaum's outlines. In school we imported JOptionWhatever (system class? blah) BUT in schaum's outlines they DID not import those.. schaum's imported the java.io.* and addes stuff like "throw IO exception" after the main method.. That's something the professor NEVER mentioned.. same goes for the stuff after that like "Input Stream Reader" and bufferReader.. never mentioned in school. Is it because Schaum's outline Java is published in 98 and it's old?
I browsed Amazon and all books got mixed reviews.. What the hell am I to do? I really want to learn it. I just have no idea on what to do right now.
Also, for some reason I can't install JGrasp, the editor the professor wanted.. it says can't install unisntaller, can't find jGroup, can't freaking find lift its head from it ass. I tried GWD editer but there are no features to run or compile. can't find them. I also can't compile or run the programs using Dos.. it says "javac" is not a freaking command or something. I uninstalled and installed the SDK dozens of times..
*starts wailing*
What I want to know, is this:
Does programming stop sucking?
I started my first ever programming course on tuesday. NEVER knew anything about it. Hell I don't know much about computers. The course is intro prog. JAVA. We did a "welcome to Java" application.. that was easy..
Then came project two.. write a program that computes the area of a circle. We had to turn it in on the second class-- the same class we were introduced to a programm with input and declaring "doubles and "ints" and whatever. He wanted it to read in diameter too. I quickly put my notes next to the lab pc and tried to COPY as much as possible from the application he went through earlier which calculated grosspay (hourse worked * pay rate) and tried to replace the variables with radius and pi..
it didn't work.. I have NO IDEA what the hell is an object.. a class... a method.. when do I declare things? what should be declared? in what order? relative to what? wtf? fhuta?
80% of the application he went through he said "just memorize it and I'll explain later." I can't think like that. So I went out to the bookstore and got Schaum's outline to programming with Java. It has lots of exercises so I thought it would benefit me. WRONG. First, it also doesn't explain anything and says classes, for example, will be explained in later chapters. OK. I guess that's how programming is.
I took the same problem, calculate the area of a circle, from both school and schaum's outlines. In school we imported JOptionWhatever (system class? blah) BUT in schaum's outlines they DID not import those.. schaum's imported the java.io.* and addes stuff like "throw IO exception" after the main method.. That's something the professor NEVER mentioned.. same goes for the stuff after that like "Input Stream Reader" and bufferReader.. never mentioned in school. Is it because Schaum's outline Java is published in 98 and it's old?
I browsed Amazon and all books got mixed reviews.. What the hell am I to do? I really want to learn it. I just have no idea on what to do right now.
Also, for some reason I can't install JGrasp, the editor the professor wanted.. it says can't install unisntaller, can't find jGroup, can't freaking find lift its head from it ass. I tried GWD editer but there are no features to run or compile. can't find them. I also can't compile or run the programs using Dos.. it says "javac" is not a freaking command or something. I uninstalled and installed the SDK dozens of times..
*starts wailing*