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Project Tamriel: A Creation Kit Project - Bringing Entirety of Tamriel Into Starfield


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Probably not gonna finish within our lifetime but the fan ambition is worth commending.


Project Tamriel is an ambitious and groundbreaking modding endeavor that aims to bring the entirety of Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls series into the expansive universe of Starfield. This project will seamlessly integrate Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind into Starfield, creating a unified and immersive experience on a single distant planet. By including iconic items, detailed maps, and beloved quests from these classic games, we are dedicated to reimagining Tamriel with a unique Starfield twist.


Imagine traversing the breathtaking landscapes of Skyrim, exploring the mystical realms of Morrowind, and experiencing the grandeur of Oblivion—all within the advanced, immersive environment of Starfield. Our vision is to create a cohesive and richly detailed world where fans can rediscover their favorite Elder Scrolls locations and adventures, now with a starfield twist of perspective.

Key Features​

  1. Complete Integration of Skyrim:
    • Experience the snowy peaks, lush forests, and iconic cities of Skyrim reimagined in Starfield's universe.
    • Enjoy familiar quests, characters, and lore with new Starfield-inspired elements.
    • Enhanced graphics, physics, and gameplay mechanics.
  2. Expansive Tamriel World:
    • Oblivion and Morrowind will follow Skyrim, bringing their unique environments, quests, and items to this new world.
    • Surrounding regions of Tamriel will be added to create a comprehensive and immersive planet.
  3. Authentic Items and Quests:
    • All weapons, armor, spells, and items from the Elder Scrolls series will be meticulously ported and updated.
    • Quests will be faithfully recreated, ensuring an authentic yet fresh experience for players.
  4. Modular Release Structure:
    • The project will be released in sections, starting with Skyrim, followed by Oblivion and Morrowind.
    • Each section will be fully playable and polished, ensuring high-quality content throughout the project's development.

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It's been like what, 14 years for skyblivion and it still hasn't come out yet? No chance this sees the light of day.
When i first saw Skyblivion i thought the graphics were not much better than vanilla Oblivion but then i saw a comparison and Skyblivion looks so much better. I hope it comes out soon.
This simply isn’t going to happen. If it was ‘we’ll try recreating the Skyrim map in Starfield and go from there’ I‘d have a little faith, but this reads more like someone’s shower thoughts turned into a project: ‘we’re going do this! and this! and this! and this!’ with no thought to how much work any of it is going to take.

The scope of the project makes Skyblivion look like a simple port job. Dollars to donuts the person starting this thing hasn’t made a mod in their life.
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"Project Tamriel is an ambitious and groundbreaking modding endeavor that aims to bring the entirety of Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls series into the expansive universe of Starfield. This project will seamlessly integrate Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind into Starfield, creating a unified and immersive experience on a single distant planet"
I guess they havent played Starfield

A Starfield planet is small. Very small.

And they wanted to make Tamriel in one?
I bet this would have gotten nowhere and the developers would have canned it the second TES6 released so they can start an even dumber project in that game.
Season 1 Wow GIF by Rick and Morty


I feel like that was one of those "I will suggest something colossal and awesome and hope people will join me who will do all the work, but I'll be the poster person as it was my idea!"-kind of project.
I doubt that person even knows how to mod Starfield himself.
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