A New Hope
Sadly, I doubt the PS2 port will even sell as well as the GC original. That goes for Tales of Symphonia also.DSN2K said:PS2 = New hope for sales.
jarrod said:Sadly, I doubt the PS2 port will even sell as well as the GC original. That goes for Tales of Symphonia also.
jarrod said:Sadly, I doubt the PS2 port will even sell as well as the GC original. That goes for Tales of Symphonia also.
Grizzlyjin said:
NotMSRP said:How did you find this on Capcom's site?
Dice said:I wonder how VJ looks on PS2. Crisper than the GC version like with SSX Tricky?
DSN2K said:PS2 = New hope for sales.
NWO said:I don't understand how exactly. Sure its a larger userbase but you can pick it up on the Cube for $15-$20 which is cheaper than what its going to cost on the PS2. (Some CC had it for $5 as well which was a fucking steal)
And by the time this game hits VJ2 will be out so why would you want to play the first one over the second one.
Dice said:I wonder how VJ looks on PS2. Crisper than the GC version like with SSX Tricky?
We have actually never seen direct frame buffer screens of the PS2 version (except those that Olimario tried to pass as direct, while they obviously weren't)The IQ on the Gamecube version is much better. We compared frame buffer captures from both versions in a thread on the old GAF. The PS2 very looks less crisp around the edges.
bionic77 said:Every system should get a port of Joe to make sure that everyone has a chance to play it.
Li Mu Bai said:I agree with you once again jarrod.
Nicco said:VJ appeals to the hardcore gamers. Hardcore gamers have multiple consoles. I'm not expecting the game to sell better on PS2. Those who were interested in the game probably already own it, and aren't likely to buy it again with so many holiday seaon titles.
FYI: VJ debuted at #10 and sold 200 grand in the US.
He meant sadly like it won't sell well on the PS2, because a game like Joe should sell a crapload, ya know?efralope said:And I agree the GCN version will sell better, although I have to say that it's not "sadly" or "unfortunate"...
Nicco said:FYI: VJ debuted at #10 and sold 200 grand in the US.
Link316 said:yeah that's too bad for VJ, even with all the hype and ad support that Capcom gave to it more GC owners were busy last year buying Mario Party 5 and Mario Kart instead of a new game like VJ
He's a well-known troll at GameFAQS, trying to talk sense won't do any good. Just let him keep saying stupid shit, he'll get banned eventually.ge-man said:What are you talking about? The game did pretty good IMOt considering that it had both a love it or hate it art style and unforgiving difficulty. That's usually a fatal combination.
Eh, if lucky ToS could equal the GameCube release (300k+) but I doubt it'll sell more than that and it definitely won't come anywhere near the usual 600-800k the Tales games usually demand. Packing in a ToR demo is a good idea though, but I also expect that game might not hit the lofty heights ToD2 managed. I think Namco would've been better served porting Symphonia to PSP as a launch game (instead of Eternia). It would've been guaranteed a western release then also probably.SolidSnakex said:With ToS I fully expect it to sell as much if not more than the GC version did in Japan.
sonic4ever said:I know I plan to buy a copy of Viewtiful Joe, when it is released for the PS2. I think the Game could sale just as many copies as the GAMECUBE version. Not all the Hardcore players went only to the Nintendo console. I was interested in Viewtiful Joe for a long time, just not enough to Buy the Nintendo console, now that Capcom has made it for the PS2, I will purchase it.
Also, who says that Tales of Smphonia won't sale well on the PS2 in Japan, that has been the console where most of the fans went after PS1, if the 2d tales sold, why wouldn't the 3d tales sale well too. Just becuase a game was on the Gamecube doesn't mean other people won't buy the game. many people will wait to see if the game comes on thier preferred system of choice.
jarrod said:Eh, if lucky ToS could equal the GameCube release (300k+) but I doubt it'll sell more than that and it definitely won't come anywhere near the usual 600-800k the Tales games usually demand. Packing in a ToR demo is a good idea though, but I also expect that game might not hit the lofty heights ToD2 managed. I think Namco would've been better served porting Symphonia to PSP as a launch game (instead of Eternia). It would've been guaranteed a western release then also probably.
Sure but ToD2 was a bit of a surprise success for the Tales games, so it's a flawed comparison. I don't really expect Rebirth or the combined sales of Symphonia (GC+PS2) to manage the same mark. Especially after XenoSaga II sold about half what it's predecessor did....SolidSnakex said:Well ToS didn't even manage to sell half of what ToD2 did in Japan so i'm factoring that in. So even if that other half goes out and buys ToS on the PS2 it'll sell more than the GC version did. I think there's a good chance of that happening especially with the ToR demo included.
Well, what about ToD2's high sales when it generally isn't regarded as good as Eternia/Phantasia? I'm not sure game quality really bears much weight in the sequel driven JP RPG market....SolidSnakex said:"Especially after XenoSaga II sold about half what it's predecessor did...."
Well that's not a great comparison since the general opinion on X2 is that it's not as good as the original while with ToS the general opinion on it is that it's actually better than ToD2.
Eh, I sincerely doubt the PS2 port will break 300k. Maybe if there was more added content (like the PS1 port of Phantasia) and the visuals were on par with the GC release but as is (with Rebirth just around the corner) I think 300k is best case scenario. Namco should maybe space the Tales games out more.SolidSnakex said:Like I said I expect it to sell atleast as much as the GC version. I think NAMCO will give it a good push (which will be helped by the new ToS theme song for the PS2 coming out around the sametime as the game).
Well, what about ToD2's high sales when it generally isn't regarded as good as Eternia/Phantasia? I'm not sure game quality really bears much weight in the sequel driven JP RPG market....