Sale ends 5 days from March 16th
The RX480 here meets the bare minimum requirements for a good VR experience. It's the 4GB variant but 4GB is enough for VR as I currently run my VR games on a 4GB R9 Nano. The card itself run around $200 on Amazon or $180 on Newegg meaning you're only paying about $600 for the headset itself which is in line with the price of an Oculus + touch.
This would be a good deal to get into VR if your GPU was what was holding you back.
Sale ends 5 days from March 16th
The RX480 here meets the bare minimum requirements for a good VR experience. It's the 4GB variant but 4GB is enough for VR as I currently run my VR games on a 4GB R9 Nano. The card itself run around $200 on Amazon or $180 on Newegg meaning you're only paying about $600 for the headset itself which is in line with the price of an Oculus + touch.
This would be a good deal to get into VR if your GPU was what was holding you back.