Question about dual color cross leads. If I make 1 fire and 1 dark cross with Glavenus, do all fire cards get the 9x attack for 2 crosses, or just the fire/dark cards?
If it works the way Kenshin does then the color of the cross doesn't matter for the ATK multiplier.
2 light crosses give Kenshin the same multiplier as two fire crosses.
You can just tank it too as long as you can burst down ~20% of their HP when it's time to kill. Myr worked just fine, it was just really slow going.I got Diablos on roll #7, which I was surprised about (I would have preferred Amatsu, if I had the choice). Also got Valphalk, Kirin; dupes of Narga, Gammoth, and Astalos. I was hoping for at least 1 Tigrex and Rathian,
Hopefully, I'll have Diablos up and running soon. Anyone else have any tips for the 3P dungeon (besides bringing dragon killers)?
Got Amatsu... on my alt.
I still hypermaxed it immediately and am trying to find a good pairing on my main.
Astalos, Narga, Tigrex, and Gammoth on main. No dupes is nice but nothing amazing.
I know, and my alt does have Kush so he has a home on that team. Blue male hunter is probably what I'll go for since I can hit 7c pretty reliably which should blow up most things, especially with 3 AAndros on my main.Amatsu is better suited to be a sub, so it might be a good idea to make the blue male hunter on both your main and alt for coop.
@Bladelaw Alright, I'll build a team for it soon. Thanks!
YOOOO, is your name Taz in PAD as well?? There's a Taz on my friend list with a 297 Uruka on DAth that I use whenever I can because stat transfer, fujin active, and board change with hearts all in one is crazy good. Is that you?I think ive broken the rng in this game last three godfests/collabs ive gotten,
Amatsu - Total 4 rolls
Fujin - Total 7 rolls
Uruka - Total 3 rolls
Think ill stop for now hah
So besides Kushi/Dath copy pasta are folks playing around with team building Blue Hunter?
I dug around my box to see if I had something different to bring. Awoken Andromeda seems like a god tier sub for this team. Great stats, double TPA + 7c with a finger, doesn't generally flood the board with one orb (like Scheat can) so there's still plenty of room to combo. Removes trash orbs (huge annoyance with Kushi IMO). You still need a hard bind clear to maintain tankability. Finding a strong synergistic blue bind clear is tough for me. The cop out answer is Awoken Isis with a better inherit. If I accept using the heart row for bind clear my options open up quite a bit. New Blonia for example would be perfect. Azathoth would be great too but RNG hasn't smiled on me there yet.
For now I'm thinking this will be my team:
Mizu x Hunter (Hiko)
Awoken Andromeda (Famiel)
Awoken Andromeda (Skuld/blonia)
Awoken Isis (Better bind clear)
Once Skuld gets her split evo I'll probably drop khepri unless I roll Nene in which case she'll be inherited onto Khepri in awoken form.
EDIT: I just realized Cthulhu would be a pretty damn good hard bind clear. Losing hearts for a bind clear isn't grand but the trash clear and super low cool down kind of make up for it. I'm not sure if Cthulhu him self or a different body should be used though.
YOOOO, is your name Taz in PAD as well?? There's a Taz on my friend list with a 297 Uruka on DAth that I use whenever I can because stat transfer, fujin active, and board change with hearts all in one is crazy good. Is that you?
If so I'd love to try and bribe a BF out of you if you have one and I can supply anything you'd like access too.
Hello yes that me i have a bf slot whats your Pad ID
I also have 5 friend slot left ID:391,800,407
whoa awesome! My ID is 367,983,353. Name is Studge. Any leads you need/want up? Let me know assists you'd like too and I can make it happen if I can.
Cool. Thanks again!Done, I main DAthena which you habe up amyways.
Saw that a Monster Hunter Collab was going on, decided to download the game again, got 10 free gems via mail, decided to test my luck on the MH gacha, hoping for Glavenus at least.
Rainbow egg with a + pops out. These are new to me, I don't remember the eggs looking like that last I played.
And out pops...
Damage null void awakening is in
Well, the dream is dead. Basically trading allows you to do the following: Trade base myr, trade pys, trade evo materials, trade easy descended drops. You cannot trade anything worth having. A bit disappointing as I was hoping at least rare invades would be in.
Do we know if it turns off the null for the whole team that turn or just the sub with the awakening?
I use (post guard break buff) Mito on JP cause double devil killer on eldritch
So I guess it's officially a trend now that they put all the new hotness, meta defining, power creepiest bullshit in 7 star collab REM exclusives and then charge $10 a pull on the machine. Am I just missing it, or does nobody else seem to be crying foul about this?
So I guess it's officially a trend now that they put all the new hotness, meta defining, power creepiest bullshit in 7 star collab REM exclusives and then charge $10 a pull on the machine. Am I just missing it, or does nobody else seem to be crying foul about this?
Playing around with Narga and Mizu hunter teams.
I'm not sure my normal approach to team building is really appropriate for these two. Normally I try to build a close to "bullet proof" team so I can throw it against most dungeons only making a single sub or inherit adjustment to handle a particularly nasty mechanic. With these two, their sub pool is wide open leaving you the versatility to build for whatever dungeon. They don't have many hard requirements (multiplayer aside).
Both need a hard bind clear. I say hard over soft because in most serious multi dungeons you want to be able to kill as needed and do it fast. 30 seconds isn't enough to pop an active, make a heart row, and setup an appropriate cascade to get enough damage to kill. Since both teams rely on their leaderskill for survivability you want to keep that safe. A hard bind clear handles this neatly.
For Narga, she has several options and great inherit choices. An inherit to consider is Nenji from the Kenshin collab, 7 turn cooldown for "Bind recovery for 3 turns. Change Fire, Jammer, Poison & Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs." Trash clear, dark orbs and bind recover on a short enough cooldown to fit on any decent inherit base. He was a 5* pull so if you chased Kenshin, Saito, or Hiko odds are good you have him. I'm using Gremory as a base since this is an improvement to her skill and doesn't wipe out hearts.
For Mizu, I'm kind of at a loss. There's a ton of great blue bind recover options but most of them are through the awakening instead of an active. The bind clear actives I have available to me are kind of underwhelming. Is there a hidden gem I'm not thinking of? Isis is only two turns and her awakenings aren't as helpful to the team as I'd like so even as a base she's not quite there. I know I can venture out of blue and build a bicolor team, basically replace Julie for Mizu and run that team and it'll perform just fine but I'm looking to build toward his color. Reincarnated Isis seems like a good enough compromise so maybe I just need to wait. If I had Beach Metatron I'd use her here in a heartbeat. Cthulhu is kind of close to Nenji but eats hearts and will take an eternity to skill up. I know I said it earlier but Awoken Nene on Khepri is probably the best answer while staying in blue but alas no Nene. For now I'm probably just going to stick Water Dragon Swordsman on Khepri and see if Revo Isis can outshine her when we get her.
What about Rinoa? 4 turn bind clear + 5000 heal + haste for just 7 turns cooldown. Also has bind recovery awakening and 4 blue orb enhances.
Depends on your box and farming needs. Lead Rozuel and Revo Horus are good 2 SBR fire subs. What do you need to farm quickly that Shiva dragon isn't cutting it for?I'm debating buying a second female hunter for the fire form. Already planning on dark female and blue male for the free ones. But for farming the fire female seems good since I don't have yamamoto or Meri on this account.
I have over a million mp, so it's not that. It's that I don't have a good 2 sbr fire sub. And she might not be better over all, than super Shiva Dragon. Thoughts?
Depends on your box and farming needs. Lead Rozuel and Revo Horus are good 2 SBR fire subs. What do you need to farm quickly that Shiva dragon isn't cutting it for?
On the other hand you have the mp and if you think it'll be fun go for it. I bought a second female Hunter so I could make Kirin armor. I only have maybe one team she's good on.
So I guess it's officially a trend now that they put all the new hotness, meta defining, power creepiest bullshit in 7 star collab REM exclusives and then charge $10 a pull on the machine. Am I just missing it, or does nobody else seem to be crying foul about this?
It's more of not having Meri or Yamamoto damage. Aizen really does cover that though. I'll think about it, I love fire teams. But dark is my go to. And I'm already building subs for yog... Though getting him is a different story.
Edit: here's where all my plusses are at, I have a lot of other cards that I haven't evolved etc...
Edit 2: looks like I uploaded them I reverse order, but you get the picture. I also have a few +297 mules not in favorites.
Diablos and Amatsu are the prizes and have about a 3% pull chance, everything else is generally best utilized as a situational inherit/sub or a placeholder sub for something better. They all have crazy high base stats which transfer nicely.I have a ton of stone saved up. Is MH Collab a good thing a pull?
Is having 3 pulls (plus the 2 hunters) just to have access to easy 8xATK/2xhp a good idea.?
What are some of the highlights?
Sanada, Ares, and awoken Cao Cao make a pretty good base for a silly damage team. Find something with 2 SBR and you'd be good to go. I'd say if you can't see yourself using the dark female (not a fan of coop for example) go for the red one.
I self coop a lot to save stamina, especially in large challenge dungeon sets and both my main and alt dark boxes are really strong so Narga armor made sense. Too bad Yamamoto isn't dragon or attacker, I'd make the fire female hunter on my alt in a heartbeat otherwise.
Yeah I bought one and made dark and fire versions. Still need the final mat for my blue hunter and it refuses to drop. Once I get that I'll work on getting them all hypered. I'm kind of excited for the dark female one to be honest, my dark box is strong.
■② +15 Eggs from Select Descended Dungeon Boss Monsters
Duration: 7/14 (Fri) - 7/23 (Sun)
For the duration of this event, boss monsters from select Descended Dungeons will drop with +5 added to each stat (HP, ATK, & RCV), for a total of +15! Select Descended Dungeons include:
7/14 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Medjedra Descended!
7/15 (Sat), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... The Thief Descended!
7/16 (Sun), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Cauchemar Descended!
7/17 (Mon), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Takeminakata Descended!-No Wd/Dk
7/18 (Tue), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Hera-Ur Descended!
7/19 (Wed), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Athena Descended!
7/20 (Thurs), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Sonia Gran Descended!
7/21 (Fri), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Satan Descended!-No RCV
7/22 (Sat), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Surtr Descended!-All Att. Req.
7/23 (Sun), 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM (UTC-8)... Sandalphon Descended!-No Dupes
■③ 4x Experience in Ultimate Arena-No Continues
Duration: 7/14 (Fri) - 7/23 (Sun)
For the duration of this event, Ultimate Arena-No Continues will have 4x Experience!
Ultimate Arena-No Continues will have a 4x Experience bonus from its original, unaltered experience value.
God damn. What a sick event!
20 runs per 297.
1000 stam solo, 500 stam with a partner. Not as good as Japan's +30 but I'll take what we can get. The real question is how many mules I should farm. Note for the future: This is also potential trade bait.
I'm going to do at least one a day I think.