Ok, I sold and item and shipped it off today. Anyway, I went to "My eBay" page, and it showed what I was selling, and at the bottom it says:
"How to Mark an Item Shipped
Above, you'll see items that you've sold. You can use the icon to track the shipment status of your items. After you've shipped an item, just select the "Mark Shipped" link in the "Action" column, and the icon will "light up", indicating that the item has been shipped."
However, I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find this infamous "Marked Shipped" link. The only thing in my "Action" columm is "Print Shipping Label".
"How to Mark an Item Shipped
Above, you'll see items that you've sold. You can use the icon to track the shipment status of your items. After you've shipped an item, just select the "Mark Shipped" link in the "Action" column, and the icon will "light up", indicating that the item has been shipped."
However, I've looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find this infamous "Marked Shipped" link. The only thing in my "Action" columm is "Print Shipping Label".