EQ2 wont be out for quite a while, will it? Open Beta has not even started yet AFAIK.
As long as I played (release until right before PoP), dialup was all right - IF you didnt want to raid.
In the big raids, dialups would often be disconnected from the excessive lag. Pretty much unplayable.
I read somewhere that the lag has been reduced thru optimizations, but no idea if is true.
Why have you specifically chosen EQ - or EQ 2, a game that we dont yet know how good will or not be - anyway? There are plenty other similiar games out here.
If you plan on waiting, WoW will probably be a competent product.
Not the second coming of Christ as someone hypes it (good move of Blizzard to hire the guildleaders of 2 of the most known EQ guilds, and invite many of them to beta, it created a lot of hype), but should be a good EQ clone.
CoH is out and should be easy and fun, probably more than EQ, for a couple months at least.
DAoC is similiar to EQ, with a focus on PvP. Like EQ, is a old game, so might be hard to get up par with the veteran players, in both knowledge and gear. Might... not sure, havent played it.
AO players usually sound really satisfied, but that game is quite complex, not newbie friendly.
If I were in you, Id check the IGN Vault boards for opinions on the various games (no need for an insider account and there are boards for all major MMORPGs), download some free trials (avaliable for all but the most recvent games), and check myself.
Since Im not you, Ill instead just wait for Guild Wars

Should be out within this year, and the E3 open alpha rocked. And by "rocked", I mean it was FUN, not the pretty graphics