In Rage's story, the asteroid strikes on August 23, 2029, and the few pockets of survivors are forced to begin a new civilization.
The world is populated by human survivors of the impact, who have come together to form settlements around oases and other practical or habitable locations, including racetracks. These fragile homes are diligently defended by the inhabitants against bandits and mutants, which are divided into various gangs and organizations of their own. Bandits and mutants serve as the player's main enemies for much of the game, and later races, although id Software has hinted at some sort of significant change around the halfway point in the storyline, where races become relevant.
The player emerges into this setting after being preserved inside an underground shelter called an Ark. The Arks are the direct result of the Eden Project, a massive international undertaking in which hundreds of Arks (cryogenic pods) were sealed under the surface of the Earth with twelve people inside each. Each passenger possessed a special ability or trait that, combined with those of the other members, would help them rebuild society. The Eden Project, however, was far less successful than hoped. The player's Ark in particular is in sorry shape upon the start of the game - all of the other residents of the player's Ark are dead (presumably because of the impact), and the equipment of the Ark is destroyed as well, and so the player wakes up alone and uninformed. With no memory of his identity or objective, the player is forced to head for the surface to find sustenance and allies.

The Authority: Very little is known about the Authority. While their motives are unclear, they offer rewards to anybody who turns in an Ark Survivor. Obviously, avoiding them is in the player's best interest. It is also hinted that the Authority has been experimenting on the mutants, resulting in such beasts as the giant mutants.
Mutants: While not necessarily organized enough to be a distinct faction, mutants are nonetheless a common presence in the wasteland. Although a few have been wrangled for use in entertainment on Mutant Bash TV, plenty remain loose in the wasteland. Few details have been released, although one trailer depicts a mutant over two stories tall tearing apart a billboard, indicating that many victims of mutations have been altered dramatically. It has been evidenced that the Authority has conducted experiments on the mutants, resulting in the giant mutants.
The Wasted Clan: A dim-witted bunch that enjoys mechanics, home-brewed alcohol and fighting. The Wasted are most commonly found in (what used to be) industrial areas, where more scrap and parts are on hand for their automotive projects. In fighting, they'll sacrifice any semblance of tactics for the sheer effectiveness of blunt objects to the face, and prefer to reach for the nearest club and come at the player from any direction they can (although they will use guns on occasion). According to legend, the Wasted Clan are the last remnant of the United Kingdom.
The Ghost Clan: Sinister and stealthy, fearsome and fearless. The Ghost Clan is arguably the most id-like of Rage's enemies, dealing in the occult and staging gruesome sacrifices in order to gain a seat in the afterlife. Feared even by the other clans, Ghosts use the environment to their advantage while fighting - climbing around walls, leaps of faith, and hanging from beams are some of the many ways they evade the player, while their boomerangs provide both melee and ranged opportunities for them to cut intruders to ribbons. They also appear to be cannibals, as in a gameplay demo, one Ghost can be seen eating a corpse.
The Scorcher Clan: The asteroid Apophis was the steed of a demigod - so says the Scorcher Clan, who believes that tapping the energy of the asteroid (and thus its supposed supernatural owner) will make them invincible. As their name suggests, the Scorchers like fire - lots of it - and they make this abundantly clear with the amount of it they paint onto their bodies and cars. Their leader, a brutal fellow named Reaver, absolutely despises the Shrouded Clan, and displays his leadership with a picture of the asteroid itself, emblazoned on his car. He likes fire, a lot of fire.
The Shrouded Clan: Behind the gas masks and orange scarves, they are deserters - the Shrouded Clan is made up of those who abandoned their own clans in disillusionment, and banded together to disguise their identity and motives. They are skilled engineers, and use their cunning to booby-trap their lairs, as well as craft RC bomb cars and automatic turrets (like those the player can make).
The Jackal Clan: aka "The Jackie Clan", howls in the night signal the coming of the Jackal Clan. Part animal and part human, they are a savage group of hunters and combatants. The Jackals act more like a pack of wolves on a hunt than a well-trained military force. They adorn their bodies with bones, furs and animal scalps that give them an appearance more beast than man. They are savage in nature and vicious in combat. They are feared even by mutants, as a group of large mutants (who themselves had just slaughtered a bandit clan) fearfully back down from a fight with only two of them.
The Gearheads: The Gearheads are the most intelligent of the wasteland's factions. Not relying solely on brute force for survival, these bandits have built advanced machinery and weaponry that make them a force to reckon with. These bandits look to technology for their salvation and vow to never let mother nature destroy them again. Some believe that founding members of this group may well have been Ark survivors that gave up on society and went their separate ways.

- 2004: Scientists detect an asteroid the size of Manhattan spiraling in deep space. Excitement turns to concern as predictions have it passing dangerously close to Earths lunar orbit sometime in 2029. The asteroid is dubbed 99942 Apophis after the Egyptian god of chaos.
- 2024: Apophis is privately assigned a Torino rating of 7, the highest ever on the scale to measure the likelihood of an object impacting Earth. Publicly, the US and other collaborating governments announce a rating of 4. NASA and the European Space Agency believe the rating will be increased to 10 within 12 months.
- 2025: The Ark project begins. Capsules are buried deep underground and designed to burrow out at preset dates several years after the disaster. The goal of the project is to preserve knowledge, genetic samples and other items essential for human life. Thousands of Arks contain groups of inhabitants who are injected with Nanotrites, an untested new technology allowing them to survive deep-freeze hibernation.
- 20252027: The government stockpiles massive arsenals of weapons and supplies within hardened fortifications deep inside the Earth.
- August 2029: News reaches the general population as smaller meteorites impact the Earth ahead of Apophis. The Ark project is initiated.
- December 2029: Apophis strikes the Moon and slams into the Earth carrying the force of 1,000,000 megatons of TNT. Entire countries are devastated, cities are erased, and lakes and rivers evaporate. The Earth is cast into a multi-year impact winter as the sun is blocked by dust and debris in the stratosphere. Within one year, 80% of Earth's life disappears.
- 2035: The dust starts to settle as survivors crawl out of caves and shelters to a world that is nothing like before. Civilization is gone, and little hope remains. People group together in loosely formed clans. Small settlements and camps are constructed as many try to find shelter from the unknown dangers lurking in the wasteland that Earth has become.

The user plays as a survivor of the 2029 Apophis meteorite impact who has just awoken from an Ark (a world-wide movement which took scientists and other significant people, and froze them underground in cryo-pods so they could rebuild Earth). Soon, the player comes to realize that his Ark has malfunctioned and that he is the only survivor. Apparently this environment is perfectly suited to the rough-and-tumble dune buggy racing seen in games like MotorStorm, as that sort of gameplay will be an important feature of Rage. Players will have the ability to augment their cars with various items and upgrades they can gain by completing races, but the game is not specifically a racing title, trailers have shown a mix of mainly first person shooter elements as well as driving elements. (Racing is optional in Rage.)
Rage will also feature some role-playing game (RPG) elementsan inventory system and the capabilities of weapons will be based around types of ammo. Players will also have the option to customize their weapons. There will also be side missions. More on the RPG elements have not been detailed. At E3, Tim Willits stated that at the game's core is a first person shooter with car-combat added in and without the racing being the sole and central focal point. The world will be populated by the human survivors of the impact who were preserved from the asteroid by being buried in the Arks. The world will also be populated by mutants, who will serve as the player's main enemies at least for the first half of the game, as id is currently talking of a major change taking place at the midway point of the game.

Rage has two multiplayer modes: Combat Rally and Legends of the Wasteland. In Combat Rally, up to six players compete in a free-for-all match that takes place in an arena designed to make use of the vehicles. The objective is to collect rally points that appear around the arena while killing your opponents and stealing their points. Legends of the Wasteland is a series of two-player bonus co-op missions based on stories that you hear about as you play the single player campaign.

Links to full articles
Destructoid Its fun, theres a lot to do, and the tech behind it is incredible.
Joystiq From what I played, Rage is a seemingly strange mix of ingredients that comes together well enough to remind you why first-person shooters can be so exciting.
1Up "Rage may already be the best Id game ever."
Kotaku RAGE is the id Software Comback Ive Been Waiting For
PlayStation.Blog Rage is easily among the best-looking first-person shooters Ive seen this console generation
Giant Bomb Fantastic lighting, richly detailed environments, and expressive, fully-realized characters exist within this world.
Cheat Code Central If the first three hours of RAGE are any indication, id Software has an addictive surefire hit on their hands.
RipTen After playing it Bethesda was lucky they didnt have to pry the controller from the palms of my sweaty nerdy hands.
GameXplain Bioshock meets Fallout 3″
MTV Multiplayer An id Software that has more of a story to tell than just an amazing headshot.
Strategy Informer Its definitely my pick for best FPS of 2011
GameReactor We know weve only seen a small chunk thus far, but, racing aside, the separate gameplay factors alone are enough to excite, and together form a stunning FPS that we hope lives up to our renewed expectations.

**UPDATE** not anymore:
10/10 - Game Chronicles
Rage looks like a launch title for whatever system Xbox is planning for us next. I still can't believe my six year old Xbox 360 is capable of delivering the graphics and the gameplay I've been enjoying for the past week. Rage is much more than just the best FPS experience I've had in 2011; it is a pivotal and redefining moment for the future of game design that will push your console further than anyone though it could go. You don't want to miss this.
10/10 - Gaming Nexus
RAGE is easily one of the best games of 2011. The game is stunningly gorgeous, the gameplay is incredibly varied, and the entire experience is insanely addictive.
9/10 - Gametrailers
We never imagined that the RPG elements would be so vast or deftly handled, resulting in a pleasant surprise. A near-perfect mix of first-person shooting and role-playing, it's a nice fit for those who felt too detached from the gun play in Fallout 3 or Mass Effect.
8.5/10 - IGN
The great controls and useful weapon upgrades help make Rage's shooting parts a lot of fun, but the storyline fails to create any real tension and the game's characters, friendly and hostile, never do or say anything memorable.
8/10 - GiantBomb
This is meat-and-potatoes action game design with a few antiquated quirks, but it does what it does well enough--and looks legitimately stunning while doing it--to deliver a satisfying experience, all told.
8/10 - Gamespot
Rage creates an engrossing world full of dazzling detail and entertaining shooter action.