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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 |OT| of no auto shotguns




Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Release Date:
US: 3/18/2008
UK: 3/20/2008
Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Gamesite: http://rainbowsixgame.us.ubi.com/
Genres: Shooter, Stealth

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 – the sequel to the award-winning next-generation first-person shooter – returns to Sin City. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is your last chance to rescue America's sexiest city from an escalating terrorist siege that will force you into heart-pounding action from beginning to end. The best are back and this time winner takes all.
Recipient of numerous awards, including 2006 Best First Person Shooter and Best Online Game, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will push the top-selling franchise to new heights with new gameplay features and groundbreaking co-op and multiplayer modes.


- Ubisoft Montreal Returns – Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is back in the hands of Ubisoft's Montreal studio, creators of the award-winning and highly acclaimed Rainbow Six Vegas, to ensure that ending to the Vegas story is one you'll never forget.

- More Vegas – Sin City is back and bigger than before. Explore all new Vegas hot spots as the environment changes from dusk to bright daylight to dawn, creating a visual experience that is as challenging as it is breathtaking.

- More Multiplayer – The highly acclaimed multiplayer mode in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas has been upgraded to include 11 new, smaller maps that force more intense face-offs, 2 new adversarial modes, more rewards, and easier access to matches using the improved and intuitive matchmaking system.

- Unprecedented Customizable Experience – Create your own identity that stays the same in both single player and multiplayer modes and progresses as you do. Reap the benefits of your single player rewards in multiplayer and vice versa.

- Vastly Improved Co-op mode – Turn single player mode into co-op mode at any time, just by jumping into the game. Now your friend can jump into your single player game and help you without any change to the story. Single player maps and storyline were created with co-op in mind, which means every map has multiple entry points and the story is the same.

- Improved AI – AI is more challenging than ever. Now, the terrorists are equipped with thermal vision, night vision, and shields – not to mention a multitude of varying reactions – all of which are guaranteed to give you a new playing experience every time you go into battle. As you progress within the game, you'll only be able to outsmart your enemies by taking advantage of intel opportunities, such as thermal scanning, and tactical strategies, such as leapfrogging.

-New Weapons and Armor – Take down the terrorists more effectively using 11 new weapons. New camouflage, clothing and gear allow you to take customization to the next level.

- Ability to switch teams when game is full and/or has uneven teams. (THANK GOD)

- New Radar - The old always present radar has been replaced with a temporary radar only brought up by a thermal scan. It will not show you which dot represents an enemy or a friendly.

- If you have a RSV save file on your Xbox 360 you will receive Veteran Status as well as other unlockables giving you a XP boost.

Destroyable Environments – You’ve heard of bullet penetration, but we’ve taken it further. Not only can you shoot through wooden doors and thin walls, you can also break certain objects (such as tables) within the battlefield depending on its durability. See a tango taking cover behind a wooden crate? Shred it and watch them panic, or just shoot them through the box, whatever works for you. You can also damage certain vehicles, some to the point where they even explode. We also give you environmental objects that can help you, such as fire extinguishers which will give off smoke when you shoot them, and combustible tanks. We didn’t place these objects in areas that don’t fit within the environment (I’ve seen other games where gas tanks are placed in the middle of a public street); these environmental tools are found in places that make sense, such as a gas tank under a BBQ grill. Be warned… if the enemy AI spots these objects they’ll use them on you too.

Sprinting - You can sprint for a limited time until your character gets tired. Think of an imaginary bar that depletes itself when you sprint, and slowly begins to fill up again when you don’t. While you sprint you cannot do any other actions, so use it wisely. It’s really handy when you hear a frag hitting the floor. Sprinting uses the Left Bumper (360), L2 (PS3) and Shift Key (default for PC, can be re-assigned).

Improved A.C.E.S. System
A.C.E.S. stands for Advanced Combat Enhancement and Specialization. A.C.E.S. separates accomplishments into three categories: Close Quarter Battles (CQB), Assault, and Marksman. There are 20 levels for each category and each level yields a different reward. Its no longer how many kills you get in a round its how you killed your enemy. You will now gain XP for playing singleplayer, co-op and multiplayer.

XP/Rank Amounts and Unlockables

Story Mode / Terrorist Hunt
Max # of players:
1-2 Players Story Co-op offline (split screen)
1-2 Players Story Co-op online
1-2 Players Terrorist Hunt offline (split screen)
2-4 Players Terrorist Hunt online.

Story Setting – The game takes place before, during, and after the events of Rainbow Six Vegas. You play as BISHOP, a male or female operative depending on your P.E.C. character. Voice has been recorded for both male and female Bishop. Locations will take you through areas inside, and outside Las Vegas: Rural and residential areas, strip clubs, back alleys, and many more areas never before visited. There will be a definite climatic conclusion to the story. You do not need to play RS Vegas in order to appreciate the plot, but it does help. Good on its own but better together.

Knight – Story Co-op mode allows a second player to join at any time without interrupting gameplay. Both players can play the entire game without any changes to the story. Player 2 is code-named “Knight”.

Civilians – In the game, you will encounter civilians taking cover or running for their lives. Do not accidentally shoot them or its game over. These civilians (not to be confused for hostages) are not scripted to get shot, but you must quickly take out the terrorist or they may be accidentally shot in the cross-fire. Your team mates will also call out, “Civilians spotted” when they are in sight.

Team Camo – Your AI team-mates will follow the camo style you use. Note: Everyone will have their own unique camo in Multiplayer.

Team Mate AI – When ordering your team-mates to advance, they will no longer run blindly. They will “Leap Frog” from one cover to the next while backing each other up. Your team-mates are not just “another pair of guns” in Vegas 2. They behave like real people do and act on instinct (better team AI). They also converse with each other, and to you, about your mission. They will give you useful information about weapons and situational strategy.

Outfitting Stations – Throughout the story mode you may encounter outfitting stations which let you change/reload your weapons, gadgets and outfitting. Each station has a limited number of uses (there are 10 kits inside each box) but chances are you will only use them once per area and move on.

Gadgets – In story mode, depending on your difficulty setting, you will have a different supply of gadgets. Casual x10, Normal x5, Realistic x2.

Enhanced Rules of Engagement – Your team-mates no longer have unlimited gadgets. Depending on your Rules of Engagement you can order your team-mates to throw Smoke, Flash or Frag grenades as well as door breaching. However, as in real life, your team AI may sometimes miss the target. To ensure accuracy, ensure there are no obstacles in the way of your team’s throwing arc before initiating the command. Switching between Infiltrate and Assault works like Rainbow Six Vegas. They will help you strategically order your team to play stealthy (return fire only) or aggressively attack a situation (attack at will).

Thermal Scan – Your tactical map will show (for a limited time) an overhead scan of all heat signatures in the area. It works the same as a GPS device, but in story mode. Overhead Thermal Scans can be used an unlimited number of times, but last only for a limited time and has a fairly long recycle time. Use it wisely. Not available in Terrorist Hunt or Multiplayer.

Sprinting & Bullet Penetration – Sprinting and Bullet Penetration is available in all modes. Please refer to Part 1 for more information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enhanced Terrorist Hunt

You now have the option to have AI team-mates play with you in Terrorist Hunt, or go lone-wolf like R6 Vegas. Also, depending on your difficulty and number of tangos, you have a limited number of respawns. When playing online, you can also toggle if you want friends to join you mid-game or not.

Team Camo – See above "Team Camo".

Player Performance Screen – Whether you succeed or fail a Terrorist Hunt mission, you still gain XP depending on your performance. The game over screen will show the following:

SCOREBOARD – Username / Kills / Deaths / Accuracy / Ratio (kills to deaths)
TOP PLAYER – User Stats / Best Weapon / Kills with weapon / Accuracy / Headshots

XP – is split up into even more categories:

OVERVIEW – Difficulty Setting / Total XP Earned in this match / Enemies Killed
PLAYER PERFORMANCE – Headshots / Visually Impaired / Unaware
TEAM PERFORMANCE – Kills by team mates
PENALTIES – Suicides, Team Kills

Enemy AI

If your enemy AI is being shot in the foot when taking cover, he’ll actually respond now by moving further back behind cover. There are also different ways to identify your enemies:

Terrorist with Shield: Harder to kill. Must shoot them in the leg, exposed arm, unshielded portion of the head or back/side.

Terrorist with Light Machine Gun: Tends to have very heavy armour and are harder to kill.

Terrorists with Thermal Vision Goggles: Smoke bombs will not affect their view. They will also use smoke as well.

Terrorist with Ballistic Face Mask: Come at you with shotguns and are especially deadly when you are behind penetrable cover.

Terrorist with Crimson Red Beret: Elite Terrorists with who are deadly and very professional. Highly skilled and have amazing accuracy.

Be careful when you’re in a room mixed with different looking tangos. When they come at you in groups, they will back each other-up and “Leap Frog” from one cover to another to get closer. Shielded tangos aren’t afraid to walk right up to you either.

Tangos call for help: That’s right. In later stages, if patrolling Tangos spot you and you don’t take them out in time, they will radio for backup and call in for re-enforcements. In a matter of seconds your area will turn into a hot spot of action and panic.

Max # of players:
360 - 14, Dedicated Server 16
PS3 - 14 Dedicated Server 16
PC - 14, Dedicated Server 16

No map editor.
Ever hear someone tell you, “I’ll take your whole team on”? Multiplayer matches no longer have to be balanced. For example, you can now have a game of 7 vs 2 (Player Match only). No host migration. No split screen online. No multiple “squads” per team.

Join In Progress - You now have the option of allowing players to join in the middle of a multiplayer map and play right away instead of waiting until the end of the match. You can toggle this option if you want joiners to wait until the end. No party-invite.

Menu Interface – Vegas 1 fans will be happy to know that when in a full room, you can now swap teams without asking someone to leave and re-invite them back. As mentioned in Part 1, you now have 4 slots for custom preset equipment templates: Assault, Recon, Demolition & Sniper. Whatever weapons and gadgets you save on each template will always be there as you freely swap between them. From the multiplayer menu, you have the following:

Launch Game (host only)
Change Team
Match Settings (changeable by host)

Communication - While your team is talking, your HUD will display the person’s name on the top left, showing you who is talking.

Sprinting & Bullet Penetration – Sprinting and Bullet Penetration is available in all modes. Please refer to Part 1 for more information.

Host Control in Ranked Matches Improved - Ranked Matches are a competitive area where players go to affect their statistics. Therefore, we have certain “fixed” settings that cannot be modified by the host in order to create a fairer experience:

- Join In Progress: Disabled
- Game Invitations: Enabled
- Friendly-Fire: Host Control
- Host cannot kick players under any circumstances; In Lobby & In Game.
- Automatically kick a player after 3 Team-Kills
- Lock Teams: Host Control
- Host cannot force a player to change teams
- Auto-Swap Teams: Host Control
- Game cannot start until there is an even number of players on both teams. (ex: 3v3, 4v4)
- Require a minimum number of 4 players before starting the game.
- Modify respawn setting: Disabled; therefore this setting is disabled from the CREATE MATCH and MATCH SETTING screens altogether.

I am very pleased to announce that Vegas 2 has the option for you to invite your friends into ranked matches (while in the multiplayer lobby). The person who invites and the person who accepts will be on the same team. Think: ranked clan matches with you and your friends.

Radar (Overhead Map) – Can be toggled on or off and is auto-saved to your system. You can set this under multiplayer OPTIONS.

Kill Cam – When enabled, the camera will look to the location from which the killing shot came. Kill cam can be toggled on or off under multiplayer MATCH SETTINGS.

Loading Times - Much, Much Better!
We substantially reduced the waiting & loading times associated with playing multiplayer compared to Vegas 1.

* No loading of the multiplayer menu to play online; the PEC is now part of the main menu.
* PEC assets are streamed, so there is no need to load other players' PEC assets.
* Join in Progress eliminates having to wait in observer mode until the round ends.
* Coop Tango Hunt can be launched alone, so you aren't waiting in a lobby for more players to connect before you can play.
* Clients and host load maps simultaneously, as opposed to having the host first load the map and then all clients following afterwards.

We also optimized the replication of custom faces across the network. We've noticed in Vegas 1 that when there is a full multiplayer room of custom faces, it would sometimes take over 15 minutes to load them all (and would be pending with a default face until they loaded). In Vegas 2 we have optimized the custom faces so even with a full room each face would load in a minute or less (depending on the connection). With our tests they loaded in a matter of seconds.

Rankings – Vegas 2 will reward returning gamers with enough XP to make the first rank, as well as extra gear to help you on your mission. If you are a returning Elite (or completed story mode on realistic difficulty) you will be rewarded all the benefits that veteran gamers get + more.

XP Cap per match – There is none! Depending on how well you play (A.C.E.S., Team Kill, Suicide, # of Kills, etc) you can earn up to and over 1200 XP (which was the cap limit in Vegas 1). Mind you, it takes a lot of skill to earn over 1200 XP per match.

"I'm not cheating... a fly died in the center of my screen"
In multiplayer modes, players do not have a crosshair when covering against a wall. If you've played Vegas 1 multiplayer, you most likely came across a gamer who put a black dot in the middle of their screen with a marker, or a put a small rip of paper in the center held by a piece of tape. Whatever the case may be, there was no way to stop them from aiming from behind cover with their self-made crosshair and killing you in a blink of an eye. Enter Vegas 2, where pop-n-shoot has a movement penalty applied to the accuracy. Players are encouraged to peek around corners when waiting instead of covering to pop-n-shoot.

Multiplayer Modes
Team Leader (NEW): Eliminate the enemy team’s leader and their team while protecting your own leader. As long as the Team Leader is still alive, all other team members can respawn to aid the team. Once the Team Leader is killed, there will not be anymore respawns for the team. However, if the Team Leader kills someone on the opposing team, they will no longer respawn whether or not their team leader is alive or dead.

Total Conquest (NEW): A revised version of Conquest mode, Total Conquest is an intense back-and-forth game where the tide can turn at anytime. Capture all three satellite transmitters and hold them for the duration of the countdown. If a satellite is interrupted the countdown resets.

Deathmatch: Free-for-all combat with no mercy. The player with the most kills wins the match. Respawns optional. Renamed from Survival & Sharpshooter.

Team Deathmatch: Two teams compete by hunting each other to see which team will rack up the most kills. Respawns optional. Renamed from Team Survival & Team Sharpshooter.

Attack & Defend (There are three game types depending on the map)

A&D - Item Extraction: The Attackers must reach and pick up a briefcase, then bring it to an extraction zone. The Defenders they must prevent this from happening. The match can also be won by eliminating the opposing team. C4 cannot be attached to the briefcase. The Defenders cannot pick up the briefcase.

A&D - Hostage Rescue: Two hostages are placed in different areas of the map. To win, the Attackers must successfully locate and escort the hostages to the extraction point. The Defenders must prevent the attackers from escorting the hostages to the extraction area.

A&D – Demolition (NEW): One team must pick up the bomb and successfully detonate it inside one of the target sites. The other team must prevent this from happening by finding the bomb and defusing it. In other words, there is a role-reversal where the attackers become the defenders (arm bomb then protect it during the countdown), and defenders become the attackers (defend target sites then defuse it when armed).

COMPLETE Weapon List:
-Red Dot Sight
-Red Laser
-Long Range Scope

-HK Mark 23 ( MK23 MOD.O.US SOCOM )
-Glock 18
-92FS ( Beretta 92 )
-Raging Bull
-Desert Eagle

-MAC 11
-Steyr AUG para
-Type 05 JS
-Škorpion vz.83

-XM-26 LSS (slower rate of fire than Vegas 1.)
-500 TACTICAL ( Mossberg 500 )

-Scout Tactical
-L96 Arctic Warfare
-SR-25 SD

Assault Rifles:
-MTAR21 Tavor TAR-21

Light Machine Guns:

Purchase convincing screens

Click for larger versions.

MORE IMAGES HERE - Thanks Full Recovery

Story Co-Op Featurette - HD DS
Multiplayer Demolition Featurette - HD SD
Multiplayer Team Leader Featurette - HD SD
Weapons Trailers - HD SD

GameInformer - 9.5/10 and 9.25/10
Games Master UK - 8.4
Playstation Official Magazine UK - 8
Edge Magazine - 7
Official Xbox Magazine UK - 9
Gamespy 4.5/5
Teamxbox 8.4

Other Schtuff:
PC Requirements
Vegas 2 Sweepstakes - http://www.r6v2sweepstakes.com
Achievement List

Gamer Round-Up: (Updated up to post # 668)
GAFaccount : PSN/Gamertag

Xbox Live

-ARNiE- : arnie lfc
Broadbandito : Broadbandit
dork : dorkimoe
Duck : DuckRacer1
Gamer @ Heart : GAMERatHEART17
Geoff9920 : Rodrik
gray_fox224 : Riceman224
KarishBHR : On The Rochks
madmook : madmook
Marty Chinn : Darknight
Sandman42 :Zell Rocks
Saren is Bad : Atomic Gypsy
Secks4Food : Rosco906
strange_booj : Everdred Zer0
waynej506 : MuchVman

calder : caldermuyo
g35twinturbo : Gr1mj0w
LiquidMetal14 : LiquidMetal14
Teetris : Teetris
zedge : NirvanaX


For some reason I was down on this, but I decided to read up on the added features. It's quite a hefty amount added. I only played the first Vegas minimally but loved what I played. Day 1 PS3 purchase now.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I can't wit for this. I have gone back to R6V since CoD4 online has been destroyed for Australians. I'm still getting use to the slower more technical game play again. My first few online matches resulted in a horrible score for myself.
strange_booj said:
- Vastly Improved Co-op mode – Turn single player mode into co-op mode at any time, just by jumping into the game. Now your friend can jump into your single player game and help you without any change to the story. Single player maps and storyline were created with co-op in mind, which means every map has multiple entry points and the story is the same.
God this was all that R6:V was lacking, I can't wait for this part. Vega's co-op was so borked for such an awesome game.

- Improved AI – AI is more challenging than ever. Now, the terrorists are equipped with thermal vision, night vision, and shields
Didn't some enemies already have this, the ones with the glowing red goggles?


slept with Malkin
This will be my MP game of the year. Now give me a freaking remake/port of Garage you bitches.

-L85A2 (Britain's Main Assault Rifle)-My baby is back.

Zipa Tony

Lets hope the multiplayer looks non shit. The player models especially are SO BAD in vegas multiplayer.

Annnnd no 4 player coop saddens me. That and terrorist hunt are legendary for me.


Fair-weather, with pride!
SO excited. Traded in CoD4 for it and only had to put up 20 extra dollars. CoD4 was amazing and the best game of last year but oh boy oh boy can't wait for some sweet back in vegas action.

Zipa, 4 player is still in for terrorist hunt. Just not campaign.


slept with Malkin
Zipa Tony said:
Lets hope the multiplayer looks non shit. The player models especially are SO BAD in vegas multiplayer.

Annnnd no 4 player coop saddens me. That and terrorist hunt are legendary for me.

Eh, the online visuals are no doubt going to be blah especially coming from COD4. But honestly, I don't really care because it's all about the gameplay.


Subete no aware
If I have to defend another asshole as he types on a computer, I'm going to break the fucking disc in half.
That, along with the shitty checkpoint system, was the worst thing about the game. I gave up on trying to finish the game on realistic.

Still, I guess I'm a sucker, because this will be day one for me.


Added to OP:

- Your bullets can now penetrate surfaces like wood, drywall, and other flimsy substances.

- Ability to switch teams when game is full and/or has uneven teams. (THANK GOD)

- New Radar - The old always present radar has been replaced with a temporary radar only brought up by a thermal scan. It will not show you which dot represents an enemy or a friendly.

New Multiplayer Modes:
Demolition - One team is the attackers who are trying to plant a bomb at one of two detonation points, the other team is charged with defending those points.
Team Leader - A classic VIP setup with a twist. Each team has a leader that, once killed, strips the rest of the team of their ability to respawn.
I don't see it mentioned anywhere or maybe I am blind, but are they going to allow people to join multi-player matches in the middle of gameplay?


Fair-weather, with pride!
Zipa Tony said:
That is why I hope the multiplayer looks good. The campaign levels were way nicer than terrorist hunt levels.

I didn't even notice or care.

Zipa Tony

QVT said:
I didn't even notice or care.

I played coop close to 90% of the time, and I played a lot. Awesome mechanics but I just hoped to hell they would clean it up in the sequel. The fact that they are TAKING OUT single player levels for coop in part 2 is shitty.


You know what, I've been deciding between Vegas 2, Hot Shots Golf and a couple of other games, but after reading that feature list I've made my decision. What a monster of a multi-player FPS this is going to be. I should've never doubted it in the first place. I'm going to sink countless hours into this game. Shootah of the year!!

Btw, who's getting this for PS3? Can we get a roll call?

also, did you know that if you have a save file for the original Vegas on your system, you get a free couple of level. If you have an Elite save file, you get extra weapons + levels... I forget the exact details.


Presidio and Streets again? I like the maps, but am more interested in new maps than returning ones. And Streets has been done countless times now, haven't they come up with a new training facility?

To contradict myself, it'd be nice to see War Town and Old Town return....but not Calypso. Also, as long as VIP and T-Hunts return, I'll be happy.


Presidio is back? oh that sucks...that map was exploited to hell in T-hunt for easy XP. It was like a good 1/4 to 1/3 of all t-hunt matches were in Presidio
kbear said:
Presidio is back? oh that sucks...that map was exploited to hell in T-hunt for easy XP. It was like a good 1/4 to 1/3 of all t-hunt matches were in Presidio
Gah how can you hate Presidio, it is a classic. If anything like 90% of T-hunt matches are at the LVU campus and pretty much everyone knows the ins and outs of that map in order to get XP.


Illuminati said:
Gah how can you hate Presidio, it is a classic. If anything like 90% of T-hunt matches are at the LVU campus and pretty much everyone knows the ins and outs of that map in order to get XP.
It's so brown and ugly. For the ps3 version, most t-hunt games were in Presidio because it was the easiest and quickest to win on realistic. LVU was a distant second.. and pretty tuff on realistic

man i cant wait.. i'm getting hyped just talking about it
I'll be there day 1, even with my new found silver status. I easily played 1000 games of the first one, looking forward to another 1000 with this. WTF at the maps though, six new ones? I wouldn't call this game an expansion pack like many others have for most reasons, but six maps!


Added to OP: (Will update more in an hour or 2)

- New Radar - The old always present radar has been replaced with a temporary radar only brought up by a thermal scan. It will not show you which dot represents an enemy or a friendly.

- If you have a RSV save file on your Xbox 360 you will receive Veteran Status as well as other unlockables giving you a XP boost.

Improved A.C.E.S. System
A.C.E.S. stands for Advanced Combat Enhancement and Specialization. A.C.E.S. separates accomplishments into three categories: Close Quarter Battles (CQB), Assault, and Marksman. There are 20 levels for each category and each level yields a different reward. Its no longer how many kills you get in a round its how you killed your enemy. You will now gain XP for playing singleplayer, co-op and multiplayer.

XP Awards
-Kill while using a rope
-Kill through Cover +2
-Kill at less than 7 meters +1
-Kill a vision imaired opponent (flashbang etc.) +2
-Kill using C4 +2
-Headshot +1
-Kill at 25 meters

-Kill at short range +5
-Kill a sprinter +4
-Headshot +4


strange_booj said:
- If you have a RSV save file on your Xbox 360 you will receive Veteran Status as well as other unlockables giving you a XP boost.
Where'd you get this? What about the ps3 version?


strange_booj said:
- If you have a RSV save file on your Xbox 360 you will receive Veteran Status as well as other unlockables giving you a XP boost.

and u can be a chick now.
MasterCharged said:
does anybody know if the playstation eye will be supported?

Trust me, if it's anything like the vision cam troubles in the first one, you don't want to mess with it.

bathala said:

and u can be a chick now.

You could in the first one too.
strange_booj said:
- If you have a RSV save file on your Xbox 360 you will receive Veteran Status as well as other unlockables giving you a XP boost.
Now that is really awesome. All my hours of playing will not go to waste. If only other games did this.


Secks4Food said:
Trust me, if it's anything like the vision cam troubles in the first one, you don't want to mess with it.
Yeah I really hope they improved upon what they had, my face never quite looked right.


bathala said:

and u can be a chick now.
Eh? You could do that in the first one. My custom character was female and people used to joke that she looked like Vasquez from Aliens. :lol

She will be coming out of retirement next week. :D


I'm kinda hyped for this game. The first FPS game I buy since Halo 3. Totally different style of gameplay. Never bought the first RSV but I'm getting this day 1..
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