Thx to Hyatte at the 411
"Mambo King is known for diddling his wanker in young mens asscracks
Why can't meltzer release his newsletter in a tidy neat easy to read layout style like that of the pwt? Is it cost? Is it cause he's lazy?
Wow. You've met Mark Madden, Jonny Fairplay, Dave Scherer AND Harry Wayne Casey. You have had one hell of a charmed life.
Sable has a new gimmick and she can be seen as the manager of Rene Dupre. The new gimmick is called Fifi, she's a french poodle who uses too much makeup.
T&A? I'd rather have wrestling.
Richard belzer, separate from him suing Hogan, is indeed an A-hole
They could combine the old Dudley Boys Gimmick and the old Machines gimmick. Undertaker could become Deadman Dudley, Paul Bearer could become Chubby Dudley. Hhmmm, we might be on to something.
when hogan's daughter complained that her father was taking the attention off her, the immoral one said: you just have to wait your turn, brother.
You see, Cena is already a big star. Look at the crowd reaction he's getting. WWE isn't using Booker to help move along Cena's career. They're using Cena to help Booker get over as a heel.
Also - well, no - Hyatte invented inventing. *COUGHFLEASPUSHEDTHISFORYEARSCOUGH* - way to finally get around to putting it in print, Chum................... P!
He definitely was not talking about me....even if he states otherwise later
Actually the most beautiful girl on the indies, talking looks-wise, is Dani the photographer. Her rolls of fat and lard are very sexy, and taste great to lick. Her ass smells like 9 month old sewage. I am her fan.
Nazi salute or not, the guy is a fucking bum, wish I was big enough to kick his ass.
Last time i heard about Flash Funk, he was smokin crack in All Japan with the Funkettes
Lord have mercy if they don't need to send Johnny Nitro back to OVW to hone his skills some. He couldn't keep up with Eugene and Eugene is suppose to be "the slower" of the two.
I agree. Jesus wasn't a closet homosexual.
I guess if someone were to burn an American flag in the center of the ring, or say that 9/11 was the greatest thing ever, that would be quite all right, wouldn't it? No, of course not. And neither is doing a horribly offensive gesture in another country. So fuck you and shut the fuck up.
Let me be clear on this. I don't want an internet radio show. I could give a fuck about that unless there is money involved. I want the XM radio shit to happen. I want you to make it happen. You have the key -- MY key and you will give it to me.
I think the guy IMed me or something. I think his AIM name was something like IHugMyNuts Crazy weird fat translucent man.
I've been a member before but I got kicked out by some double crossing little delinquient!!!!!
Well, I guess one way or another, this thread thoroughly answers the eternal question of who gives a fuck.
Al Swearengen from Deadwood. Perhaps the greatest character to ever grace a television this side of Fredrick Rerun Stubbs
Eugene is Jesus!! HBK will have to job to him, eventually
And one of the reasons I didnt watch ecw. Of course, the camera work here during the match is much better than ECW and Joey Blue Balls aint shrieking like a twit.
Bret Hart rules because he once worked a Phil Collins lyric into one of his promos. We're like two hearts...beating as one.
Keller... fucking moron.
I also like the story that Mick Foley told, about the guy who got hit in the head with a popcorn box, thrown in by a fan and thought it was another wrestler hitting him, so he sold it over the top rope to eliminate himself from the battle royal he was in.
Speaking of which my VCR is broke I NEED YOU TO TAPE JUDGING AMY FOR ME. Don't do that EP stuff either, my parents don't play that shit, I need SP.
JJ is the freaking HHH of TNA! Eight champs in two years, JJ has held the belt three of those eight time. The title has changed hands three times in 35 days *sigh*
I don't remember what year, but I think it was around the time that HHH and Stephanie were playing the on-screen couple (i.e. she had pretended the wedding was fake, but then screwed VJM). Some fan jumped the rail while HHH was going up the ramp, but HHH saw him and threw one punch. The guy was lights out on impact and just...collapsed like a sack of potatoes, out cold.
Is it just me or is Rhyno getting bigger and bigger pops each week?
Am I the only one who hates some of the insider terms? I absolutely hate the terms face and heel. Hell good buy or bad guy sounds cooler to me. Don't even get me started on babyface! I imagine that in the kayfabe days outsiders, which is all of us, weren't supposed to know what they meant so it was okay. But now I just hate it. Anybody else hate them?
The solution for Cena is for someone to tell him that jokes about being gay, jerking off, and farting aren't all that funny to people over the age of 13. His "edgy" material revolved around that kind of thing long before WWE had to worry about the FCC, and now it's all Cena has left to fall back on. He actually named a move the five knuckle shuffle, which says everything there is to say
Goldberg wasn't pushed perfectly, but it wouldn't have mattered. The guy was a joke and never stood a chance of really drawing in WWE.
Ok now if it was legit and not planned, my favorite was when the fat dude jumped the rail and tried to get into the ring after Hogan turned heel for the first time at Bash at the Beach and legdropped Macho, turning his back on WCW and giving birth to the NWO. The fat guy tried to slide under the ropes but was too fat and got wedged between the bottom rope and the canvas, and Hall and Nash proceeded to stomp the living crap out of the guy.
only you and the guy who started this thread are old enough to remember any of those awful, awful songs.
If Gowan had claimed Hogan cured his cancer, Hogan would have believed it.
if you think 40,000 - pre tax, will last the rest of your life, you either live on water or are even older than me
John Cena is this generation's Honky Tonk Man. Remember how badly HTM's debut was handled? It's like somebody handed the Smackdown booking team a picture of Cena and said: Destroy this man's career Guess what...they did!
In a thousand lifetimes, Benoit will never be as over as Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Benoit is not a long term champ, nor does he have the package of total sports entertainment skills needed to keep him at the top of the WWE. Plus, he's a Vanilla Midget.
Don't you miss the old days, when Verne Gagne was prevented from putting the AWA title on Greg because THE IDEA FUCKING SUCKED?!
michaels is the one guy who can make me root for hhh
Yes it's illegal. Yes the hollocost sucked. It's wrestling entertainment though.
It's my fault. I suck at the internet.
"Mambo King is known for diddling his wanker in young mens asscracks
Why can't meltzer release his newsletter in a tidy neat easy to read layout style like that of the pwt? Is it cost? Is it cause he's lazy?
Wow. You've met Mark Madden, Jonny Fairplay, Dave Scherer AND Harry Wayne Casey. You have had one hell of a charmed life.
Sable has a new gimmick and she can be seen as the manager of Rene Dupre. The new gimmick is called Fifi, she's a french poodle who uses too much makeup.
T&A? I'd rather have wrestling.
Richard belzer, separate from him suing Hogan, is indeed an A-hole
They could combine the old Dudley Boys Gimmick and the old Machines gimmick. Undertaker could become Deadman Dudley, Paul Bearer could become Chubby Dudley. Hhmmm, we might be on to something.
when hogan's daughter complained that her father was taking the attention off her, the immoral one said: you just have to wait your turn, brother.
You see, Cena is already a big star. Look at the crowd reaction he's getting. WWE isn't using Booker to help move along Cena's career. They're using Cena to help Booker get over as a heel.
Also - well, no - Hyatte invented inventing. *COUGHFLEASPUSHEDTHISFORYEARSCOUGH* - way to finally get around to putting it in print, Chum................... P!
He definitely was not talking about me....even if he states otherwise later
Actually the most beautiful girl on the indies, talking looks-wise, is Dani the photographer. Her rolls of fat and lard are very sexy, and taste great to lick. Her ass smells like 9 month old sewage. I am her fan.
Nazi salute or not, the guy is a fucking bum, wish I was big enough to kick his ass.
Last time i heard about Flash Funk, he was smokin crack in All Japan with the Funkettes
Lord have mercy if they don't need to send Johnny Nitro back to OVW to hone his skills some. He couldn't keep up with Eugene and Eugene is suppose to be "the slower" of the two.
I agree. Jesus wasn't a closet homosexual.
I guess if someone were to burn an American flag in the center of the ring, or say that 9/11 was the greatest thing ever, that would be quite all right, wouldn't it? No, of course not. And neither is doing a horribly offensive gesture in another country. So fuck you and shut the fuck up.
Let me be clear on this. I don't want an internet radio show. I could give a fuck about that unless there is money involved. I want the XM radio shit to happen. I want you to make it happen. You have the key -- MY key and you will give it to me.
I think the guy IMed me or something. I think his AIM name was something like IHugMyNuts Crazy weird fat translucent man.
I've been a member before but I got kicked out by some double crossing little delinquient!!!!!
Well, I guess one way or another, this thread thoroughly answers the eternal question of who gives a fuck.
Al Swearengen from Deadwood. Perhaps the greatest character to ever grace a television this side of Fredrick Rerun Stubbs
Eugene is Jesus!! HBK will have to job to him, eventually
And one of the reasons I didnt watch ecw. Of course, the camera work here during the match is much better than ECW and Joey Blue Balls aint shrieking like a twit.
Bret Hart rules because he once worked a Phil Collins lyric into one of his promos. We're like two hearts...beating as one.
Keller... fucking moron.
I also like the story that Mick Foley told, about the guy who got hit in the head with a popcorn box, thrown in by a fan and thought it was another wrestler hitting him, so he sold it over the top rope to eliminate himself from the battle royal he was in.
Speaking of which my VCR is broke I NEED YOU TO TAPE JUDGING AMY FOR ME. Don't do that EP stuff either, my parents don't play that shit, I need SP.
JJ is the freaking HHH of TNA! Eight champs in two years, JJ has held the belt three of those eight time. The title has changed hands three times in 35 days *sigh*
I don't remember what year, but I think it was around the time that HHH and Stephanie were playing the on-screen couple (i.e. she had pretended the wedding was fake, but then screwed VJM). Some fan jumped the rail while HHH was going up the ramp, but HHH saw him and threw one punch. The guy was lights out on impact and just...collapsed like a sack of potatoes, out cold.
Is it just me or is Rhyno getting bigger and bigger pops each week?
Am I the only one who hates some of the insider terms? I absolutely hate the terms face and heel. Hell good buy or bad guy sounds cooler to me. Don't even get me started on babyface! I imagine that in the kayfabe days outsiders, which is all of us, weren't supposed to know what they meant so it was okay. But now I just hate it. Anybody else hate them?
The solution for Cena is for someone to tell him that jokes about being gay, jerking off, and farting aren't all that funny to people over the age of 13. His "edgy" material revolved around that kind of thing long before WWE had to worry about the FCC, and now it's all Cena has left to fall back on. He actually named a move the five knuckle shuffle, which says everything there is to say
Goldberg wasn't pushed perfectly, but it wouldn't have mattered. The guy was a joke and never stood a chance of really drawing in WWE.
Ok now if it was legit and not planned, my favorite was when the fat dude jumped the rail and tried to get into the ring after Hogan turned heel for the first time at Bash at the Beach and legdropped Macho, turning his back on WCW and giving birth to the NWO. The fat guy tried to slide under the ropes but was too fat and got wedged between the bottom rope and the canvas, and Hall and Nash proceeded to stomp the living crap out of the guy.
only you and the guy who started this thread are old enough to remember any of those awful, awful songs.
If Gowan had claimed Hogan cured his cancer, Hogan would have believed it.
if you think 40,000 - pre tax, will last the rest of your life, you either live on water or are even older than me
John Cena is this generation's Honky Tonk Man. Remember how badly HTM's debut was handled? It's like somebody handed the Smackdown booking team a picture of Cena and said: Destroy this man's career Guess what...they did!
In a thousand lifetimes, Benoit will never be as over as Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Benoit is not a long term champ, nor does he have the package of total sports entertainment skills needed to keep him at the top of the WWE. Plus, he's a Vanilla Midget.
Don't you miss the old days, when Verne Gagne was prevented from putting the AWA title on Greg because THE IDEA FUCKING SUCKED?!
michaels is the one guy who can make me root for hhh
Yes it's illegal. Yes the hollocost sucked. It's wrestling entertainment though.
It's my fault. I suck at the internet.