While I'm pretty sure that I'm nowhere near finished with the game yet (so no spoilers, please), I just had to bring up how much I'm loving the game so far. I just got past the part where you get the reflector to shine light on the big orb on one side of that huge gate, and I'm constantly amazed at how good some of these environments look. I love how even though most of the areas use pretty similar colors, it's still wonderful to look at due to the lighting, or just the way the room's laid out.
One thing that I'm amazed at and haven't seen mentioned at all before is how awesome the camera system is. I've always hated the fact that ever since the advent of 3d gaming, we've often had to spend quite a lot of time adjusting the camera. While I'm sure it's a lot harder to have a camera in a 3d game keep up than it is in a 2d one, I'm always disappointed that recent games often require you to be constantly babysitting the camera in order to see where you're going. In Ico, however, the only time I have ever messed with the camera has been to just admire the surrounding area. I've never had to tweak it to see where I was going or find the platform I had to jump to. Sometimes it even gives you subtle clues as to what you're supposed to be doing next. For example, when I got to the part with the windmill, I spent a little time trying to figure out how to get to the top of it, then I realized that the camera was swinging around at a certain point not only to give me a bit of a neat view of the spinning windmill blades, but to also say "hey, maybe you want to try jumping on those".
The one thing that's bugging me a bit so far is the fighting. While it's not hard or anything, it tends to drag on a bit long. What's really funny is that I've seen POP nailed more for the fighting segments, and while there are similarities, at least you can kill the monsters in one hit in PoP. In ICO, you've got to spend a bunch of time whacking them with a stick before they finally go down. The sword I just got does seem to be helping that out quite a bit, though....
Gotta get back to playing now... I need to figure out what I'm supposed to do with this waterfall....
One thing that I'm amazed at and haven't seen mentioned at all before is how awesome the camera system is. I've always hated the fact that ever since the advent of 3d gaming, we've often had to spend quite a lot of time adjusting the camera. While I'm sure it's a lot harder to have a camera in a 3d game keep up than it is in a 2d one, I'm always disappointed that recent games often require you to be constantly babysitting the camera in order to see where you're going. In Ico, however, the only time I have ever messed with the camera has been to just admire the surrounding area. I've never had to tweak it to see where I was going or find the platform I had to jump to. Sometimes it even gives you subtle clues as to what you're supposed to be doing next. For example, when I got to the part with the windmill, I spent a little time trying to figure out how to get to the top of it, then I realized that the camera was swinging around at a certain point not only to give me a bit of a neat view of the spinning windmill blades, but to also say "hey, maybe you want to try jumping on those".
The one thing that's bugging me a bit so far is the fighting. While it's not hard or anything, it tends to drag on a bit long. What's really funny is that I've seen POP nailed more for the fighting segments, and while there are similarities, at least you can kill the monsters in one hit in PoP. In ICO, you've got to spend a bunch of time whacking them with a stick before they finally go down. The sword I just got does seem to be helping that out quite a bit, though....
Gotta get back to playing now... I need to figure out what I'm supposed to do with this waterfall....