I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I updated Windows 11 directly from Windows 10, which felt pretty good. It looked alot like my Windows 10, and have used it for many months.
However, I encountered a problem that forced me to reinstall Windows 11, and thats where all hell began.
I am using my documents folder alot for programs as well as some games require it, and my programs started acting like "hey, you dont have these files here". I was lost, until I found out that OneDrive wanted to be my standard documents folder without my consent. So I uninstalled OneDrive.
That didn't help, so I searched the web, found out you should have unlinked before uninstalling the software. So I reinstalled it, but now the option to unlink was gone.
I uninstalled it again, and dived into the regedit to remove OneDrive and set up my local folder, which caused an insane amount of errors so I just said fuck it, reinstall Windows 11, turn OneDrive off right away, and then good to go.
Well, it kinda works now, but I fucking hate what it has done.
BECAUSE I have removed OneDrive, I am no longer to see the standard file explorer anymore, as it doesnt show shit.
It shows my documents, has shown my pictures etc (which I removed), and while it shows my drives, it DOESNT show how much space theres left, I have to go into MY PC to see my harddisk space.
Before I unlinked OneDrive I could BOTH see my pinned folders AND the drives like the picture below, but now when I have unlinked OneDrive then this feature is gone, like its exlusive to people who use OneDrive and punish people who doesnt.
To make matters worse, I am installing stuff ony my PC atm, which Windows Security triggers as malware. Tried to install it, Security didnt allow me, and credited by deleting the fucking file.
I couldnt figure out how to disable Security as Microsoft gets a stiffer by disallowing people to use their own brain, so I figured fuck it lets install kaspersky so I can set it as my preferred anti virus so I can deactivate like my previous install.
Nope, now Security is happy having a best buddy because that fucker just loves to be the MC in the anti virus story.
I have used Windows my entire life. How tf should some old degenerate be able to use Windows when someone who has spent years using it cant! Everything is fucking hidden into everything so braindead people cant find it and fuck it up.
I dont want to have my hand held, I want to fucking do what I want.
This is probably not gaming related, because I doubt Microsoft will let me play anything. But I am fucking pissed so this probably turned out like a cringy blogpost.
However, I encountered a problem that forced me to reinstall Windows 11, and thats where all hell began.
I am using my documents folder alot for programs as well as some games require it, and my programs started acting like "hey, you dont have these files here". I was lost, until I found out that OneDrive wanted to be my standard documents folder without my consent. So I uninstalled OneDrive.
That didn't help, so I searched the web, found out you should have unlinked before uninstalling the software. So I reinstalled it, but now the option to unlink was gone.
I uninstalled it again, and dived into the regedit to remove OneDrive and set up my local folder, which caused an insane amount of errors so I just said fuck it, reinstall Windows 11, turn OneDrive off right away, and then good to go.
Well, it kinda works now, but I fucking hate what it has done.
BECAUSE I have removed OneDrive, I am no longer to see the standard file explorer anymore, as it doesnt show shit.

It shows my documents, has shown my pictures etc (which I removed), and while it shows my drives, it DOESNT show how much space theres left, I have to go into MY PC to see my harddisk space.

Before I unlinked OneDrive I could BOTH see my pinned folders AND the drives like the picture below, but now when I have unlinked OneDrive then this feature is gone, like its exlusive to people who use OneDrive and punish people who doesnt.
To make matters worse, I am installing stuff ony my PC atm, which Windows Security triggers as malware. Tried to install it, Security didnt allow me, and credited by deleting the fucking file.
I couldnt figure out how to disable Security as Microsoft gets a stiffer by disallowing people to use their own brain, so I figured fuck it lets install kaspersky so I can set it as my preferred anti virus so I can deactivate like my previous install.
Nope, now Security is happy having a best buddy because that fucker just loves to be the MC in the anti virus story.
I have used Windows my entire life. How tf should some old degenerate be able to use Windows when someone who has spent years using it cant! Everything is fucking hidden into everything so braindead people cant find it and fuck it up.
I dont want to have my hand held, I want to fucking do what I want.

This is probably not gaming related, because I doubt Microsoft will let me play anything. But I am fucking pissed so this probably turned out like a cringy blogpost.