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REmake - Welcome to last millenium!

Eight years after its release on the PSX and two years after its GCN remake, I finally got around to playing Resident Evil.

Hearing all about the 'tank' controls, idiotic puzzles, and limitations of the pre-rendered environment, I wasn't looking forward to the experience. Truth be told the first 30 minutes of the game were some of the most chore-filled, tedious, slow, and awkward minutes of gameplay in any game I've ever played. The tank controls were disorientating and absolutley useless in an emergency, the plodding pace and endless amount of locked doors were almost enough to put me off.

But I hung in there.

Once I realised how ineffective my weapons were, came to terms with the controls and picked up a few keys, I fell in love. This is an adventure game, through and through, and approaching it as one changed my view on the game totally. Aside from over-analysing some simple situations, none of the puzzles posed any real frustration. Once you get into the game, the controls become totally second nature. The camera works really well in combination with the controls, and really, you have to be pretty weaksauce not to be able to adapt.

The shotgun and magnum are great fun and even the combat becomes enjoyable once you get the controls down. I played on Type A, for reference.

I played through as Jill and played on normal. My time was 13 hrs 42 mins.
I didn't give Barry his gun back and let him die and got the ending without him (no blowing up mansion, escape with Chris, kill Wesker and Tyrant).

I'm not sure if I'll play it through differently, or unlock the other modes as I have lots of other games to play. Resident Evil 0 and the Onimusha series for starters. After finding the tank controls quite enjoyable, I'm going to play through all the similar games at the same time.

REmake gets a big thumbs up from me. Any gamer that missed it out on the first (or second) time around should definitley pick it up.



I can't support the REmake love enough.

It's a shame, a damn shame, that they didn't use Type C in Zero, or retrofit 2,3, and Veronica to use it.
this game is a true classic. this is how i imagine the original resident evil was envisioned by the creator. the graphics are still to this day jaw-dropping.

the best part about this game (for me) is that i was a huge fan of RE1 on psone. i seriously must have beaten that game 15 times, and now 6 years later playing through REmake was a real treat for me. i can still remember RE1 on psone line for line, room for room, everything. so seeing the little changes and improvements in the game is awesome.

to own a gamecube and not own REmake is a travesty. this is easily a top 10 game of this generation, and quite possibly the best single player gamecube game ever created


buck naked said:
Once I realised how ineffective my weapons were, came to terms with the controls and picked up a few keys, I fell in love. This is an adventure game, through and through, and approaching it as one changed my view on the game totally. Aside from over-analysing some simple situations, none of the puzzles posed any real frustration. Once you get into the game, the controls become totally second nature. The camera works really well in combination with the controls, and really, you have to be pretty weaksauce not to be able to adapt.

Nice dude. Nitpicking games to death is passe. RE on the GC is a fantastic adaptation which everyone should give a whirl, let alone fans of the RE series.


My favorite addition was the Mansion owner's daughter. :(

Just thinking about her I have to turn the lights back on.


REmake is probably the most polished Resident Evil game ever...It was perfect in all senses. An awesome game that has been terribly underrated.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I can't support the REmake love enough.

It's a shame, a damn shame, that they didn't use Type C in Zero, or retrofit 2,3, and Veronica to use it.

The GC ports had Type C control...
When I was choosing my controls at the start of the game, I thought over the different modes and I failed to see how Type C really solved any problems. Knowing that it wasn't present in RE0 meant that I didn't want to have to learn to play the game twice, so I just stuck with Type A.

I did a quick search around on the net for the other RE games on the GCN. Why are they still so expensive? They must have been pretty low volume, because they definitley haven't sold well enough to justify their year old RRP.


The reason they didn't include Type C controls in RE0 was because of the extra inputs needed for the extra character - switching, controlling, etc.

Well, that's my guess, anyway.


buck naked said:
When I was choosing my controls at the start of the game, I thought over the different modes and I failed to see how Type C really solved any problems. Knowing that it wasn't present in RE0 meant that I didn't want to have to learn to play the game twice, so I just stuck with Type A.

I did a quick search around on the net for the other RE games on the GCN. Why are they still so expensive? They must have been pretty low volume, because they definitley haven't sold well enough to justify their year old RRP.

Capcom games take longer than others to officially discount. Since the games have low sales relative to the low shipments, discounts from retailers (excluding CC) usually come from Capcom. These are just for the RE ports. In other words, stores don't have enough copies to consider the games an undesirable asset to their stores - they'd rather just sell them and make more profit that way.

explodet said:
The reason they didn't include Type C controls in RE0 was because of the extra inputs needed for the extra character - switching, controlling, etc.

Well, that's my guess, anyway.

That's it; RE0 had to have that control scheme basically; Type C wouldn't have worked too well.

aoi tsuki

Once you get into the game
That's the problem. i got into it for two hours when i first got it and then put it down for the night. i tried to pick it back up but got annoyed at the controls, kinda like GUNVALKYRIE. Overall the game is great, and has never left my collection since it's released. i still have hope that someday i'll pick it up again and finish, but if that day is after RE4 it's not very likely.
I went absolute gaga over this game in the spring, got to the caves with Chris myself, watched roommate beat Jill. From what I've played of RE0 (The first 5 or so minutes), it's not nearly as interesting.

I managed to get RECVX for $5 at CC today, so that might revive the spark. You might wanna try heading there when they open tomorrow. One CC had numerous RECVXs for PS2 even late into the day and the other still had it for GC on the shelf, away from the bin.

Are 2/3 worth hunting down? Not that I'd ever get time to play them before RE4 comes out, but I've got this drive to collect em all.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I'm still playing through RE remake. Just about to kill that plant creature using the chemcial formula. I've enjoyed the game so far. A completely unique gaming experience for me when you look at my library of games.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I can't support the REmake love enough.

It's a shame, a damn shame, that they didn't use Type C in Zero, or retrofit 2,3, and Veronica to use it.
After playing through RE0 I actually like the default control scheme better, and now I use it in RE remake, but the first few times i finished the remake i used type C.


Are 2/3 worth hunting down?

If you're talking about the GC versions, I'd say only if they're cheap or you've never played them before. There's a few minor changes - slightly sharper graphics, RE2 on a single disc, better load times, but nothing major.

Is it just me, or do RE2/3 on the GC lack auto-aim?

Ranger X

This remake is the perfect example of how exactly a remake must be done. Thumbs up to Capcom for this one.
Resident Evil is still the best of the series to me and when i played this remake, it just confirmed it again...

Buck, you should play at least one time with Chris dude.
yes. BUY THIS GAME... now that its cheap you, bitches.

Show some respect to a gaming legend.

* play through to get the rocket launcher (unlimited)... that makes the game radically teh sex. crimson heads... hehh haahh


RE:Remake was the first RE I played and I absolutely love the Crimson Heads.
Having zombies come back to life in a stronger form made you cautious about how and even if you where going to kill them… You always made sure you had fire and oil with you to burn them.

I was kind of disappointed that there where no Crimson Heads in RE0&Co… Made the games feel less scary and a little to easy…

It’s absolutely gorgeous too, those pre-rendered backgrounds really makes the game feel alive… Stunning.
The controls where never and issue really, you just had to adapt to them a little… It also added some fear factor since you don’t have complete control over the character and kind of add a panic feeling when you’re trying to flee from zombies or hunters.


Lisa Trevor and the crimsons heads made REmake so damn good. RE0 was disappointing. I found the characther switching annoying rather than an addition.


I'm playing RE0 at the moment. I really like it so far. I haven't played a RE game since Code Veronica was released on DC, so this brings back that 'Resident Evil feeling' :)

I just got those knights to stop blocking the doors. It's not scary yet, but very good despite that. Oh, and Rebeca is hot! :B


I'm confused and traded in my copy. (Buy game, beat it, find it enjoyable but know I won't replay it any time soon, quickly trade it in while it still has some value and plan to buy it back when this generation starts to die out and all the games are $2 each.)

What're the different controller types?
I really enjoyed the heck out of this.

I think I'm going to have to go back and play it again, but with Tales of Symphonia lurking really soon and trying to get through Majora's Mask it might be a while.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ourumov said:
REmake is probably the most polished Resident Evil game ever...It was perfect in all senses. An awesome game that has been terribly underrated.

Nope. There is a nasty stutter between virtually all camera angle changes (during cinemas). Luckily, RE0 pretty much removed it...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I've been playing through REmake this weekend. Right now I'm on the 2nd disc, I made 2 saves so I could get different endings by either
giving Barry his gun during the fight with Lisa or not giving it to him and letting him die. This time I gave him the damn gun, but I'll run through again and let him pay for leaving me behind. I took the easy way out of the Lisa Trevor fight and just pushed over those stones, I didn't feel like wasting ammo on her.I also need to run through again and save Richard and Rebecca. I don't remember Rebbeca even screaming for help this time I played through so I guess I missed my chance to save her.

I got burnt out on the Resident Evil series after playing RE2 and RE3 back to back, but REmake made me enjoy it all again. But for some reason I can't stand RE: CVX, something in me just hates that game. I just never feel like pushing my way through like I did with the other Resident Evil games.


For a Finer World
In Type C you use the right analogue trigger to move the character forward. When you don't have to use the the analogue stick to both walk/run AND turn, it's much easier to avoid the dreaded Resident Evil "treadmill", where the character starts running against an obstacle while hordes of monsters chew upon his/her neck...

And REmake is one of the most atmospheric games this gen. It and Project Zero are the only games which I just couldn't bring myself to play at night.
Grizzlyjin said:
But for some reason I can't stand RE: CVX, something in me just hates that game. I just never feel like pushing my way through like I did with the other Resident Evil games.

you're not the only one. I hated it too and I'm a big RE jiz fan. RECVX was way too hyped up and its biggest problem was the move to complete 3d ruined the polish/atmosphere that defined the RE series. It just looked so bland and mehish. I am excited about RE4 but because of CVX... I am quite worried; but it looks like a different sort of game altogether so that might be a good thing.


0G M3mbeR
The Back + Run = 180 degree quick turn was the greatest invention to the RE controls EVER.


REmake is my 3rd favorite GC game behind Metroid Prime and Prince of Persia. I can't recommend it enough. RE 0 was a great game, but I didn't enjoy it as much. Probably becuase it was released a mere 7 months after REmake. I never got the chance to be hyped for the game.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Fixed (best is RE0).

No, no, no. RE0 had way more jaggies, and poorer character models. The backgrounds were better, but the character models stood out so much. The character models in REmake blended perfectly with the pre rendered backgrounds.

Oh, and RE0 sucked. If you hate RE0, there's still a chance you'll really enjoy REmake(I know I did). REmake kicked my ass. The 2nd "great" game(first being Pikmin) on the Gamecube, and the first I played.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
No, no, no. RE0 had way more jaggies, and poorer character models. The backgrounds were better, but the character models stood out so much. The character models in REmake blended perfectly with the pre rendered backgrounds.

Uh, RE0 and REmake are equal. But RE0 edges out because of the background.
Yeah I loved playing through the REmake a few times with both characters. Awesome graphics and atmosphere. RE0 wasn't anywhere near as good IMO. Stupid stupid enemies and no where near as scary.

I've always wanted to play through RE3 as its the only main RE game I haven't played at all.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I still can't get into RE0 no matter how many times I play it. Played through every other RE game; just can't get into this one...I never even got off the train! o_O

Even doing the lowest of the low-- cheating, using a Gameshark and getting tons of ammo and guns still couldn't get me into RE0...


I completed RE:0 last month and I was disappointed with it. I think RE:Remake is one of the top 3 Gamecube must have games in the GC's current software lineup, so I had high expectations. The ending was weak (if there are two or more endings tell me) and both the two character system and lack of boxes for items really made the game difficult to play (in regards to the fun factor). I think REmake was more beautiful (it had nice environments... water tank anyone?) and for the most part it had the better looking monsters. RE:0 had some cool looking insects but the frogs, monkeys, and leechmen were just dumb...

I think the game is worth owning for $20, especially if you're a huge RE fan (I am) but you will probably find yourself forcing yourself to play and finish it once you're near the end of the first disc.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
I liked RE Remake better than Zero, but Zerowas fun to play. Zero is ALOT harder than remake. Beating the game on hard mode is a bitch


Zero is my favorite for some reason. I love the gameplay dynamic, the story and the length - not too long, not too short. It's my perfect RE.


I'm stuck in RE Zero :(

I'm at the puzzle with the animals in the basement. I've tried everything.. can someone give me a hint? Just a hint.
I have only played one resident evil game (Code Veronica X) and it sucks!!! Crappy controls and ultra cheesy story/voice overs etc But I am sure the GC RE games are good.


Orin GA said:
each animal is dominant over another animal except for one. Start with that one

Yep; I believe there's a description tablet somewhere describing something a bit similar. Think ecology here! :D


Yeah, it's not for everyone. But since I have extensive knowledge of the story, and I mean extensive, I truly love what it gives the series. It gives the series a sense of conspiracy, depth and evil. But that's just me. ;)

The ending on the other had to be weak. :p
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