As good as that was back then (The show) it's quite ironic how much of it is true in regards to what we're seeing today as a result of so called 'educated women'
You'd have to be a complete twonk to not notice that whenever a few women have a 'great idea', things turn to some form misery for others, even other women. Well, mostly other women on most occasions.
DEI in your cornflakes?
Women lead
Feminism, causing other women to not want to seek partnership till it's too late causing depression, etc etc?
Star Wars dying on it's arse?
Illegal migrants flooding your shores, most with utterly shit views on women? Liberal
Men in women's spaces/sports? Liberal
HR departments that make life hell for men and are total bitches to other women? Yeah, that's
Ever worked in an office that's all women and mostly middle aged women? It's hell, their snipy, bitchy, cruel to each other and most are on the verge of breakdowns?
Now I know they'll be the come back of 'You're wrong, and a knob'. And true, I'm a knob. But like I said, you'd have to be a complete twonk not to notice..
Either that, or you haven't worked along side a lot of women.
Give me a building site with ten blokes than an office of bitchy women anyday. I've worked both on more than a few occasions.
Don't shoot me. I've just lived too long