Well they finally got an entertaining thread backfire. https://www.resetera.com/threads/th...ame-do-you-think-they-were-referencing.66552/
This thread is hilarious, thanks for sharing
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Well they finally got an entertaining thread backfire. https://www.resetera.com/threads/th...ame-do-you-think-they-were-referencing.66552/
In line with the recent threads at Era I ask for a small thought experiment: What if Era members were not humorless self-righteous millenial bitches? Would it change how you feel about the place? Why are they?
They would have never left while attempting to sabotage the community here on their way out if that were the case.![]()
They would have never left while attempting to sabotage the community here on their way out if that were the case.![]()
You got banned for that post, seriously the other place really are a joke.https://www.resetera.com/posts/12380019/
I got a banned for a week for this. Not even a fucking warning.
Fuck Resetera bunch of Prags
I got a banned for a week for this. Not even a fucking warning.
For saying the truth no less, anyone who doesn't even entertain that possibility you brought up does so out of dishonesty or sheer idiocy.
I am still scratching my head how it is misogyny for someone who is heartbroken to succumb to even deeper substance abuses to "numb the pain" which is very, very common.
You can't win with these social rejects over at their asylum.
It's because of a stupid worldview that you can't participate in something without actually being culpable of whatever happens in the natural course of that context. Dude didn't kill himself because his woman left him, but that probably aggravated his situation. It's not her fault. It's not anyone's fault. But apparently stating the obvious, that nothing happens in a vacuum and our actions are not defined by one single motivation, is blaming someone since any thought that is above the complexity of "hurr durr Trump gamergators" is out of bounds.
This is what happens when you micromanage every sentence in search of any hint of wrongthink. You level the discussion on basic shit, it's like a kid that gets one of those goofy rounded scissors but the kid is a 30 something inept fuck.
Yeah, these people have over 10K-20K posts, and the forum has not hit a year yet.
You got banned for that post, seriously the other place really are a joke.
I got a banned for a week for this. Not even a fucking warning.
After going through some of this and laughing at the absurdity of some of these bans I just can't for the life of me understand how people could engage in a discussion forum that actively bans any opposition from the group and seems to revel in the power they get from banning people for literally nothing. It's like a cult being lead by the queen of hearts. Doesn't really matter what you say if it opposes the group opinion whatsoever then "Off with your Head".
This is gold.
The mob is at it again, this time because rappers curse (Eminem).
At some point, people are gonna realise it was feminism all along, not just the third wave.
It's silly to imply that at its origin there was no justification for what those activists were pursuing. A societal/cultural shift in how women were viewed/treated was truly needed, and I think the original goals have largely been reached. There will of course always be room for improvement, but the current incarnation clearly takes it too far and largely ignores the collateral damage they do. The falling behind of boys/men in our education system will likely become one of the biggest failures of 21st century society.
It has always been based on patriarchy theory, which is an incorrect interpretation of Western society.
It's silly to imply that at its origin there was no justification for what those activists were pursuing. A societal/cultural shift in how women were viewed/treated was truly needed, and I think the original goals have largely been reached. There will of course always be room for improvement, but the current incarnation clearly takes it too far and largely ignores the collateral damage they do. The falling behind of boys/men in our education system will likely become one of the biggest failures of 21st century society.
It has always been based on patriarchy theory, which is an incorrect interpretation of Western society.
Spot on. Feminism in its original form was definitely needed, much like the black rights movements were needed, and the goals were noble. The difficulty is that once a movement achieves its objectives it no longer has reason to exist. What tends to happen then is that the moderate voices wander off, it's done, so all that's left is the hard core, and they'll push harder and harder for more and more. Any activist group will succumb to this fate, usually they shrink to a size that this ceases to be a problem, but in the internet age they've done a worryingly good job of spreading their particular brand of hate.
If you're talking about the "original goals" laid out my Marx and Engels (Engels mostly; see his book 'The Origin of Family, Private Property, and the State') then no those goals have not been met. Engels considered the traditional family unit to be an obstacle standing in the way of true human progress. He proposed that since child-bearing was the first "division of labor", women would benefit from having their own separate "breeding" units with their own social structure, and males wouldn't be able to "use marriage to enslave women".It's silly to imply that at its origin there was no justification for what those activists were pursuing. A societal/cultural shift in how women were viewed/treated was truly needed, and I think the original goals have largely been reached. There will of course always be room for improvement, but the current incarnation clearly takes it too far and largely ignores the collateral damage they do. The falling behind of boys/men in our education system will likely become one of the biggest failures of 21st century society.
And patriarchy has never really been real the way feminists frame patriarchy.
What did exist in the old days and still exists in some parts of the world is expecting both men and women to fulfill certain roles in society, this can absolutely be an oppressive system but it's oppressive for both women and men, that's a key difference from feminist rhetoric.
Try being a man 100 years who didn't fit traditional social norms and you'd probably get just as much flak if not more than if you were a woman.
Feminists seem to believe old society hated women, that's just not the case.
To be fair I think there are some more old school feminists that realize this, but they've been drowned out by the crazies.
That's a very good point.
People wanted equality, hey, that's great! Just fine and dandy, but we got it basically and now those movements have become self perpetuating things that are now doing more harm than good.
I think with a lot of these people political shit is just their hobby, just something to do, but they don't realize the damage they've done and are doing, they need a better hobby like say... video games.
Sometimes I'd be curoius about their faces, I mean, what faces this kind of ppl have?
People wanted equality, hey, that's great! Just fine and dandy, but we got it basically and now those movements have become self perpetuating things that are now doing more harm than good.
She looks kinda like a retarded goth Velma.I always thought the girl in that video was kinda cute.
I'll bite: what's the deal with MADD?That is kind of the case with all movements. Money gets involved and then they have to justify their existence so they can keep on getting money. All large social movements eventually become cancer. Look at MADD for example.
Actually I’m curious about this also. I know how we felt as kids about them, and how I feel now.I'll bite: what's the deal with MADD?
Im gonna necromance Darwin and ask him to please do something...I've been reading some old era threads about "I'm transphobic if I don't date trans people" and MY GOSH THE ANSWERS MAN.
People saying you indeed ARE transphobic if trans people don't turn you on. People saying "we should reeducate cis people so they are turned on at trans people". My gosh...am I a manphobic if I don't like men? I also don't like skinny girls...am I a skinnyphobic?
It is considered a problem that you say no to trans people based on a sexual level.I've been reading some old era threads about "I'm transphobic if I don't date trans people" and MY GOSH THE ANSWERS MAN.
People saying you indeed ARE transphobic if trans people don't turn you on. People saying "we should reeducate cis people so they are turned on at trans people". My gosh...am I a manphobic if I don't like men? I also don't like skinny girls...am I a skinnyphobic?
Sounds like a made up story anyway. None of those soy boys would drive a car