An echo chamber is a community of people of very similar views that share these views with each other in a prominent way, advertising and intensifying that viewpoint by selective and pointed sharing of news and information, while behaving exclusive and unfriendly towards people sharing a differing view. By reducing opposing positions to carricatures of said positions they elevate their own position as the only reasonable or justifiable position.
Okay, well I disagree with that definition and I disagree that it applies to GAF.
GAF is
not a community of people of very similar views. Go hop into a thread about upcoming Xbox game-streaming features and you'll see the salt flow like a river.
We do share these views with one another, but in nearly every case there are contrarians who jump in to offer a counterpoint. You do this. I do this. The fact that we can both do this is another strike against your accusation that this is an "echo chamber", because no one is excluding others. You seem to have latched on to the "unfriendly toward people sharing a different view", which really isn't a necessary characteristic of an echo chamber at all. Echo chambers can be blissful in their ignorance and perfectly friendly to outsiders.
"By reducing opposing positions to caricatures", you mean like CNN and MSNBC just did with Kanye West? They're an echo chamber too, I guess, by your definition. A cynical method of argument (reducing positions to a caricature) is not the best way to debate but this also is not an exclusive characteristic of echo chambers.
I'll borrow from Wikipedia's definition because I think it helps here (not that Wikipedia is the letter of the law or anything):
people are able to seek out information which reinforces their existing views, potentially as an unconscious exercise of confirmation bias. This may increase political and social polarization and extremism
On GAF, confirmation bias is actively
fought against. You saw it in the Kavanaugh thread when the Avenatti accusations were coming out and some posters said "this isn't even confirmed. You're choosing to believe it based on nothing" and look! It was based on nothing. Sorry if that makes people think GAF is right-leaning but to me that's just basic logic and skepticism.
That is not evidence of an echo chamber.
Also, I am seeing a DECREASE of political and social polarization and extremism on GAF. Sure, we have some very loudmouthed posters, but I've been able to find a ton of members with differing political views -- yourself included -- where I can have a reasonable back and forth without getting shouted down by a mob or a mod. We disagree in a thread about Xbox but we find agreement in a thread about a politician's bad behavior. We agree on tax reform but we disagree about privacy and censorship. We agree on global warming but disagree on how we should respond.
This is human.
I am someone who can find agreement on issues, even if you hold other beliefs I disagree with. This used to be a pretty standard American/Western ideal. I am in no way special for believing this, and yet it seems like some kind of enlightened Gospel in this age of tribalism and willful ignorance. Find commonground and build from there. An echochamber cannot do that. They cannot find common ground with opposing viewpoints nor let them speak.
The fact that you and I are disagreeing and having this conversation is probably the most obvious rebuttal of your accusation.