Ninja Scooter
Many of you gaf'ers might remember my little "run in" with a homeless guy a few months back. Well the last few days i've seen him on the same busy intersection. he's standing on a median with a sign that says "Need Money God Bless You!" and people stop when there's a red light and give him money and shit. I even noticed that he has a walkie talkie in his back pocket. I bet that fucker is in cahoots with a bunch of homeless people, and they get together at the end of the night and use all the money the collected on meth and petrolium jelly. Well i figured its time...TIME FOR REVENGE! What should i do to this guy? I was thinking of calling him over to my car at a stoplight and when he gets close thinking im gonna give him cash, i throw a job application from the nearby supermarket at him and yell "OWNED!" as i drive away. Either that, or i could just get out and throw him into oncoming traffic.