not that I think they are way off or anything, but I think they are underestimating their own sales, this is probably going to do better than that considering all the hype and positive reviews it's been getting recently...
Inside Move: 'Riddick' vidgame victorious
Tue Jun 29, 9:19 PM ET
Online Staff, STAFF
HOLLYWOOD -- Get ready for a sequel to "The Chronicles of Riddick" -- several, in fact -- but don't look for them on the bigscreen.
They're earmarked for the Xbox (news - web sites) vidgame platform, where "Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay" is flouting conventional wisdom that only hit films turn into hit vidgames. Despite disappointing reviews and B.O. for "Riddick" the film, the vidgame is a smash on both counts.
"Butcher Bay" sold 110,000 copies in its first three weeks of release and is on track to sell more than 250,000, translating to a gross of at least $15 million. It's a high marker for a title released only on Xbox and not the bestselling console, PlayStation 2 (news - web sites).
Execs at publisher Vivendi Universal Games are so pleased, they already have a PC version timed for release with the DVD around the holidays and are strongly considering sequels.
Both Vin Diesel (news)'s Tigon Games, a co-publisher, and Universal stand to make several million dollars in royalties, plus more from sequels. That's relatively small potatoes to a studio, of course, but it represents a steady stream of income from a franchise that looks to have a short life in theaters.
It could have meant even more for NBC U, but GE passed on VU Games when buying most other Vivendi entertainment assets last year.
not that I think they are way off or anything, but I think they are underestimating their own sales, this is probably going to do better than that considering all the hype and positive reviews it's been getting recently...