I've started replaying FF8 again. Got about 20 hours into it before some [REAL LIFE BULLSHIT] came up and I paused.
I honestly really enjoy like the game, maybe even more than VII. I find that I care a lot more about the characters and really dig the experimental qualities of the plot.
Squall is a classic edgelord but it suits him because he's an arrogant teenager who doesn't understand how to handle the responsible he's given. It's realistic to consider him being in that situation rather than in more straightforward games where characters handle going out to save the world with no obvious psychological issues.
Then you have thoughtful scenes like where Selphie is simply enjoying being on a train. Or the random conversations that break out between Rinoa and Squall.
FF8 really considers those small moments, not just the grand adventure.
The junction system also adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay, as well as the brilliantly fun mini-game: Triple Triad.
Yeah, I know in your other post you mentioned Evangelion impacting Japanense RPGs, or at least Final Fantasy, and you can see that with FF VII and VIII (hell there is some old Eva armor/suit in the background of FF VII). I remember being a kid and thinking about how much depth the games (VII, VIII) had, due to the fact I couldn't understand what the hell was going on.
I do enjoy VIII as well, as the overall tone and feeling are something unique. The world is what I like to call, goofy 90's FF world, where people with swords clash (and are victorious) against people with sub machine guns. There is some steam punk, cyber punk, sci fi, and even medieval influences in almost all the backgrounds and areas. It really is fantastical and other worldly.
Part of me just wants to play VIII and enjoy everything and soak in the game, and the other part of me wants to break the junction system in the first 2 hours of the game and become god emperor on the battle field. I guess that is what makes video games one of a kind though, you can have immersion, and you can also break it due to how the game is structured.