Has the version packed in with infinite warfare already been cheaper than $40?
Has the version packed in with infinite warfare already been cheaper than $40?
I know people are hating on this with good reason but I'm actually excited for this. If my friends get on board with picking it up, I'll definitely buy it. We're all on Siege at the moment. This was definitely my favorite game back in High School and spent countless hours playing this...
Has the version packed in with infinite warfare already been cheaper than $40?
Port begging is so damn sad.$40?? Come on.
Bring this to Switch with pointer/gyro controls and then we'll talk.
Single player is good and all, but the multi, even discounting the additional content they added, isn't how you remembered it. The players have evolved in ways the game never accounted for. It's an irritating experience.
Didn't they say it won't be sold alone? People lost their minds over that.
Did they ever fix the netcode after launch?
It was awful.
Switch owners are paying $60 to play Skyrim and a years-old Mario Kart port. I don't see how MWR is a ripoff by comparison.
40 dollars for a remake with microtransactions attached to it. Nope
The value on this, without successfully maintaining a player base, is dramatically reduced. If COD WW2 is well received, even a less headache reducing release of this could die off.Switch owners are paying $60 to play Skyrim and a years-old Mario Kart port. I don't see how MWR is a ripoff by comparison.
It's the same damn game with loot boxes. If you don't like loot boxes, don't buy them.
So I kind of want to play IW for the campaign at some point, and wouldn't mind getting the remaster too (albeit at a very reduced price for both), but on PC are the games linked inseparably? Like would I get one single entry in Steam, or would it be two entries I could launch separately?
So I kind of want to play IW for the campaign at some point, and wouldn't mind getting the remaster too (albeit at a very reduced price for both), but on PC are the games linked inseparably? Like would I get one single entry in Steam, or would it be two entries I could launch separately?
Activision is so disconnected from the reality of demand with their cod pricing.
Used versions of these games hit $15 within 12 months and they think they can sell the digital versions and new copies for $60 forever. Or $40 a decade later.
I think it's been 39.99, if that counts
If you really want this, you're better off just buying that and getting two games.
At $40 this will sell loads