acutally, I might be off the bat here but isn't the sequel to that movie... kind of like free advertising? That coupled with the cheapness of the cube and the fact that fans of the RE series have been waiting for ages for a real sequel.. and its bloody freaking LEO... and hyped to hell to boot. I expect the game to sell really really well when it hits; you can expect Capcom and Nintendo to advertise this to hell and back. Its one of their biggest exclusive titles. Same for Prime. Which game will sell more? I expect RE4 to bring punters into the cube market .. so RE4.
Prime is great and its exposure as a GH titles is also quite appealing. This is a going to be a close one to call.
I think Nintendo is going to rely on BioHazard 4, Mario Party 6, Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki, Mario Tennis and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in Japan this year. But I think Nintendo should get another Donkey Konga out in December that's geared toward winter tunes and get the Manebito Camera out by then too. On the GBA front, hopefully a third Famicom mini series comes out.