Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State

It is time! Reviews for Saints Row IV should be dropping any minute now. I will keep this thread updated with the reviews as they come out.
Destructoid - 9.5/10
Destructoid said:Saints Row IV is, from start to finish, a pleasure. It's a pure pleasure to play. I was cynical, given my feeling let down by The Third, but Volition has worked hard to address almost everything wrong with its last outing, and provide something that delivers over and above expectations. What I love most about IV is how it puts the player first -- absolutely every new feature and ability gifted to the player seems designed purely to make the game more convenient to enjoy, and more fun to play.
Polygon - 9/10
Polygon said:In almost every moment, Saints Row 4 feels like playing a cheesy superhero movie. Tied together by parody and pastiche, the whole world is just an excuse to throw gameplay variety at the player, and I felt like an over-powered badass throughout. It's not sophisticated or subtle, nor does it want to be. And the game's open stance on character customization and gender let me play the way I wanted to. Saints Row IV made me feel superhuman — and that's what this kind of game is all about.
Giant Bomb - 4/5 Stars
Giant Bomb said:The game is packed with some great moments that subvert the open-world crime genre even further than SR3 did, it's funny, and its references aren't just lazily tossed off, they're earned. You'll feel like you've played some of this before, but if you're at all interested in Saints Row's brand of weird, it's absolutely vital.

RPS said:That’s what makes Saints Row IV so absolutely wonderful. It’s not the ghosts of controversy that the series once had, and the promotional materials so desperately wish was still there. It’s not dildo bats, or poorly pixelated winkies. It’s fun. It’s sheer, unbridled, unrestricted fun. It’s a game that boldly lets you do everything you could ever want to, and can survive such freedoms. It’s a game that realises its own potential – that this is a form in which no limitations are necessary, in which conforming to expectations is pointless. Games have the ability to let us live out such mad, explosive, eccentric nonsense, and yet they almost never do. Saints Row IV does, and that makes it incredibly special. That it does it with such panache, such ease, and such ceaselessly entertaining humour, makes it simply one of the most fun games I’ve ever played.
PC Gamer - 90/100
PC Gamer said:Saints Row was born of Grand Theft Auto, but although both feature open cities and freeform violence, they’ve diverged. Grand Theft Auto is desperate to be a film, to be satire, to be an experience. Saints Row IV wants to be a game, and by showing its heartfelt love for the medium, it’s become something wonderful.
EDGE - 8/10
EDGE said:With this game Volition has at last cast off the dumb puerility and blithe misogyny that have long blighted this series, and as we let loose a fully charged super-jump from Steelport’s highest point, gliding to an objective that’s almost three kilometres away, the whistling wind jostling with Montell Jordan’s This Is How We Do It for prominence in our ears, we can’t help but feel this is the game Volition has always wanted to make. One thing’s for sure: it’s the one we’ve been waiting to play.
Joystiq - 5/5
Joystiq said:I was worried that Saints Row 4 would never be able to live up to Saints Row: The Third, that its status as an expansion-turned-full-game would translate to a sloppy experience built on filler and same-y gameplay. Thankfully, Volition's skill for building a living world, lovable characters and ingenious gameplay is as sharply honed as ever. Be it in Steelport, a computer-generated simulation thereof or the very depths of outer space, the Saints rule everywhere.
EGM - 9.0/10
EGM said:Volition did something it seems few developers are brave enough to do at this point: They were willing to reinvent the Saints Row series instead of just reiterating on it. The result is a game that I had an absolute blast with from beginning to end, but also one that—due to the escalation it exhibits—left me dumbfounded on what they’ll offer as a follow-up. So, I have absolutely no clue what Volition is going to do with Saints Row V. And, you know, I’m glad I don’t.
Game Informer - 8.5/10
Game Informer said:Despite a few frustrations, glitches, and questionable design decisions, Saints Row IV is still a ton of fun to play through – whether solo or in the series’ returning co-op mode. Vehicles may not be as exciting this time around, but the thrill of soaring through the skies and navigating with ease makes up for it. With tons of upgrades and weapon customization, making your President more and more powerful is an addictive and rewarding affair, and you can become virtually unstoppable by the end. Saving Steelport may not be quite as novel of an experience this time around, but an arsenal of new abilities and weapons ensures that you are doing it with more style and spectacle than ever before.
Eurogamer - 8/10
Eurogamer said:Saints Row 4 may lack refinement - nothing thwarts a superhero quite so frequently as an overhanging roof or your homies standing in a doorway - but it compensates with sheer exuberance. It's a heartfelt love letter to the superhero genre and to a medium that makes such madness possible. There's a fine art to being this gloriously dumb, it seems, which pretty much makes Saints Row 4 the Sistine Chapel ceiling of stupidity.
IGN - 7.3/10
IGN said:With its recycled map and wildly overpowered abilities, playing Saints Row IV feels like a lot like enabling god-like cheat codes in Saints Row The Third and going nuts. Its ridiculous story, goofy characters, self-aware humor, and amazing character editor make it all work, especially for those of us who’ve played the previous games and can appreciate its in-jokes. But its appeal is shortened by the ludicrous speed at which we can zip across it and grow tired of its lack of challenge.
US Gamer - 4.5/5 Stars
US Gamer said:Saints Row IV is a magnificent game, and the best possible way in which Volition could have sent off the series. Veterans will appreciate the surprisingly strong amount of continuity in the game's story in the context of the series as a whole, while newcomers will simply enjoy the genuinely amusing and dramatic tale on its own merits. This is exactly the kind of experience an open-world game should provide -- fun, free and chaotic, but with a considerable amount of substance beneath the gloss.
OXM/OXM UK - 9/10
OXM said:t's all worth it, however, for the unbridled fun of wreaking havoc at high speeds and experiencing the laughs and unexpected emotional highs of Saints Row IV's storyline. Simultaneously more and less impressive than SR3, it's not quite the highest point the series has reached, but it's nonetheless a satisfyingly explosive send-off for the Saints.
Idol Ninja - 9/10
Idol Ninja said:Saints Row IV is an incredibly fun experience that honors the heritage and roots of the franchise. It has a lot of great nods to the previous games, yet still manages to feel fresh and have a unique voice in the series. The story and all of the missions are excellent, the villain this time is actually a worthy foe that is both fascinating and loathsome, the superpowers are actually done better than most superhero games, and there is a large amount of side content to do with compelling rewards. I feel that Volition has made a huge step in the right direction, and have struck a perfect balance between the crazy fun and the serious storytelling that made Saints Row 2 so great. Saints Row IV is not a perfect sequel though. While there are a huge number of welcomed improvements and additions over Saints Row: The Third, it is still missing features that made Saints Row 2 a true classic; most notably the city itself.
GameTrailers - 7.1/10
Kotaku - YES
Kotaku said:I can forgive SRIV its grievances because, ultimately, I don’t care what the game has me doing—racing, destroying, hijacking, hacking for the thousandth time. As long as I can customize my character to my heart’s desire, shoot my overpowered guns to infinity, and make things explode with my superpowers while bonding with my eclectic crew of badass friends in worlds that could only exist in a Saints Row-branded Matrix, I’ll take your bugs and your repetition. I just want to fly and make things explode. And that’s what I did. Over and over again.
Rev3 Games - 4/5
Rev3 said:Likes:
Extremely enjoyable traversal, There's a goddamn robot in the game, unabashedly silly sandbox fun.
Customization feels recycled, underwhelming visuals.
CVG - 8/10
CVG said:From game-changing superpowers to genre-bending setting, Saints Row IV is the only logical answer to the last game's excess, even if, like The Third, it too often feels like a comedy without a straight man. This is a game in reckless pursuit of crazy, yet for all its blinding slapdashery, it never loses sight of its prime directive: riotous, outrageous, indecent fun.
GamesRadar - 4/5
GamesRadar said:Long after you've completed the main story, you'll still be eager to hop back into the Steelport simulation if only to run a few more laps around its city blocks, destroying everything in your path. With a bit more focus and substance, Saints Row IV could've been a must-play game for the open-world crowd. Still, it's wholly entertaining, caveats be damned, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a game that does superpowers better--you'll just wish the rest of the game was as incredible as the act of running around inside of it.
CheapAssGamer - 4/5
CheapAssGamer said:Volition did a very good job on creating an enjoyable Saints Row game that plays quite differently from from its predecessor, released just 1.5 years ago. Perhaps having the Boss in a more traditional superhero role, rather than a “Matrix hero” could have presented additional opportunities for customization (superhero HQ, vehicles, symbols, etc) and more unique mission types. More choices of superpowers, allowing players to create unique heroes would have been appreciated as well. As is, there’s lots of fun to be had, but the combination of sequel and Activity fatigue keeps Saints Row IV from being The One.
GameFront - 93/100
GameFront said:Midway through the game, one characters asks The Boss “you’re easily bored, aren’t you?”, to which the boss says “I don’t know, I’m too busy being awesome to notice.” Saints Row IV is all at once puerile, profane and touching, but mainly, it’s too busy being awesome for you to ever get bored. Seriously, buy this f*cking game.
PS Nation - 9.5/10
PS Nation said:There’s no way you can look at this franchise and consider it a knockoff of Grand Theft Auto anymore. The two have become as different as Gran Turismo and Twisted Metal and Saints Row shines because of it. When I’m not playing, I’m thinking about it and wanting to get back to it as soon as I can. This game is pure blissful, laugh out loud, fun which we just don’t get enough of anymore.
VideoGamer - 8/10
VideoGamer said:Even a heinous final boss encounter can’t dampen the mood. Saints Row 4 is a comedy gem; built by creators that are clearly on our side, and totally in love with what they do. It’s pretty easy to love them back.
Game Revolution - 4.5/5
Game Revolution said:If Grand Theft Auto is drama, then Saints Row is comedy. Both have similar sandbox designs, but their aesthetics are wildly apart. Yet just like drama versus comedy, the former is lauded as superior and the latter is seen somehow negatively as a farce. Those people don't know what they're missing. Saints Row IV is exaggerated fun in the loudest, proudest, awesomest, most fuckingest way possible. So if you want to give this five perfect stars, go right ahead. I won't stop you. Just make sure it chafes.
Gamechup - 9/10
Gamechup said:Overall Saints Row 4 is a fantastic addition to the franchise. The over the top action is always fun and there is never a shortage of things to do while roaming Steelport. Saints Row 4′s action packed story if full of insane twists and amazing cinematic moments take the franchise to a whole new level of crazy leaving only one question. Where do the 3rd Street Saints go from here?
Hardcore Gamer - 4.5/5
Hardcore Gamer said:t’s been a while since a game has captured my interest such as this, introducing monumental new gameplay mechanics for the series and exceptionally comical scenarios. You’ll still be capping anyone who gets in your way, be it aliens or gang members, but now you can do so with supernatural abilities. Even if you don’t have someone to play co-op with, this is an absolutely captivating experience from start to finish. Whether it’s taking on hordes of endless alien invaders or driving around with your homies, Saints Row IV is just pure, unadulterated fun.
The Game Scouts - 8.5/10
The Game Scouts said:Ultimately, with a series like Saints Row it’s really about wreaking chaos and just having mindless fun. Saints Row IV is the perfect game to come home to after a long day at work and unwind. It’s ludicrous, it’s big, and it’s a spectacular recovery from the disappointing predecessor. I can’t even begin to imagine what Volition has in store for us for future Saints releases, but if their latest offering is any indication of where the series is headed…then I’m in!
PSU - 8.5/10
PSU said:I wasn't able to test cooperative gameplay pre-release, but I don't want to wait until launch to dive back into the manic, memorable world of Saints Row IV. There's a disappointing lack of technical polish, and the game's foundation is copy-pasted from its predecessor, but this roller coaster ride is one I'll eagerly take again. For every game concept and trope it lampoons, Saints Row IV respectfully asks, "What makes games fun?" And then it throws you off a tower and hands you a black hole gun on the way down, because it can't be bothered to waste time answering the question. Neither should you. Saints Row IV is the answer.
God is a Geek - 9/10
God is a Geek said:Saints Row IV is one of the most enjoyable games you’ll likely ever play, and while the story makes little to no sense, it’s not really supposed to. You’re playing games to have fun, and Saints Row IV does everything it can to make you remember that. A lot of us will have watched parody films (Airplane!, Hot Shots, National Lampoons, etc) and scoffed at the stories they’re trying to tell – well, Saints Row IV is the same, just in video game form. You’ll want to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, you’ll want to laugh at the cheesy story and character designs, but, most importantly, you’ll just want to laugh.
Digital Chumps - 8.0/10
Digital Chumps said:It becomes a question of what you value in your gaming experience. Can you enjoy a game if it declines to seize its potential but makes you laugh anyway? Will you be able to reconcile not having the best of both worlds? Saints Row IV reminds me of that classic stereotype of the super smart kid in high school who abandoned his gifts in favor of light recreational drug use. Sure, climbing satan’s ladder was probably fun but it prevented him from doing something truly special with his gifts. Likewise, Saints Row IV's veritable drugs are fun, but, given the apparent strengths of its super powers, it feels like like it didn't reach its potential. How good is the world’s most impressive super hero if he or she is never thoroughly tested?
HeyAsh - PLAY
HeyAsh said:This isn’t a game full of broad, inoffensive humor: it makes really specific references, and assumes that you find some really specific types of things funny. And if you do, like me, then holy shit are some of the gags in that game spectacular. I felt like this was one of the only games I’d ever played that had been written for someone with my exact sense of weird humor. And in a world where most games are afraid to be funny at all, that’s really endearing.
Pixel Enemy - 8.5/10
Pixel Enemy said:From its opening mission to its closing “twist,” Saints Row IV is a wild ride. It’s fun to play, hilarious, and a good bang for your buck. What I think the game lacks in story-based missions, it makes up for it with the hours of side-quests and things to do around the city. Running/flying around the city and using your super powers is an absolute blast and never feels old. Now if you’ll excuse me, vice president Keith David and I have to go drink some Donkey Beer over at Satan’s Ladder and discuss Saints Row V……playa.
Shogun Gamer - 9/10
Shogun Gamer said:While I doubt this is the last we’ll see of the Third Street Saints, Saints Row IV is so well-executed that I would be content with this being the last game Volition released in the series since it’s simply that damn fun.
Game Reactor - 7/8/7/7 out of 10
Game Reactor said:When you finish the story you just hand it finished. It's sad, because we are talking about a sandbox game, but the rest of the game simply is not alluring enough. Side missions and activities are the same ones we've played before. That they did not create a new city to explore is simply too weak. This is a game for those who worshiped its predecessor, or for those who have never tried it. It's funny enough to secure a Series 7. It is however not a game absolutely everyone should see.
Atomic Gamer - 9/10
Atomic Gamer said:I'm not going to even attempt to suggest that Saints Row IV is some kind of video-game-defining-moment or whatever, but at least for this generation, we might have found the best example yet of a big-budget developer doing whatever the hell they want and rather than being generally criticized for what doesn't work, being celebrated by newcomers and fans alike for what does. I'm not trying to be flippant or disrespectful; I think that this kind of anything-goes attitude towards big and boastful open-world games should pay off immensely, especially in a year where so few big game publishers are willing to try new things and take risks.
Saving Content said:Saints Row IV is like an eternal nightclub, filled with dubstep, flashing bright lights, sexual innuendos, harassment and fighting with floppy, embarrassing bats. It’s key to remember that Deep Silver Volition have made a videogame, and you should treat it as such. This has simply been the most fun I’ve had playing a game all summer. The enjoyment found here is incomparable.
Stupidly Epic - 5/5
ElDojoGamer(Spain) - 10/10 (German) – 9/10
Gamer365 (Hungarian) – 8/10
GameSurf (Italian) – 7.5/10
Armchair Empire - 10/10
(If someone wants to whip up a cool banner go for it and PM me)