
- Developer - Volition
- Genre - Open world Crazyness!
- Releasedates : November 15 (Xbox360/Ps3) / November 18 (PC) / November 17 ( JPN )
- Platforms - PlayStation 3 / XBOX 360 / PC
Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobblehead dolls all available at a store near you. The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute.
Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to Steelport, a once-proud metropolis reduced to a struggling city of sin under Syndicate control. Take a tank skydiving, call in a satellite-targeted airstrike on a Mexican wrestling gang, and defend yourself against a highly-trained military force using only a sex toy in the most outlandish gameplay scenarios ever seen, igniting a city-wide war that will set Steelport on fire.
Saints Row: The Third gives you control of the Saints at the height of their power, and you live the life to show for it. Now Steelport is ripe for the taking, and it's up to you to make the city your own. Mold the skyline based on your choices, outfit your crew in classy gangster gear or furry costumes, and make life-or-death decisions that will change Steelport, and the Saints, forever. This is now your city. These are now your rules. Strap it on.
- Over The Top - Like a lapdance from a porn star, the action is naughty, fun, and better than anything you're getting at home.
- City of Sin - Disrupt and dismantle the Syndicate stranglehold on weapons, cybercrime, and sex trades. Discover the secrets of Steelport, where there is action on every street corner, for better or, more likely, worse.
- Weapons of Crass Destruction - It's one thing to defeat your enemies. It's another to humiliate them. Hover jets, human cannonball cars and sex-toy warfare are all part of the fun.
- Co-op Madness - Give naked skydiving a try, landing in your partner's flaming pickup as you make a suicide run toward a heavily armed Syndicate brothel. Steelport is more fun with a friend.
- Initiation Station - Create, share, and download the most outlandish characters every seen, from washed-up celebrities to naked ninja pirates. Inside every sinner, there is a Saint.

Meet The Bosses
The Syndicate

Phillipe Loren is the leader of the Syndicate, in particular the gang called the Morning Star. Hes kind of like a Bond villain. Hes statuesque and poised and elegant, and hes a total gentleman. Hes not a fophes not effeminateand hes not going to play to that European stereotype. Hes coldly logical and dangerous and very savvy.
The Luchadores

The DeckersThe wrestling-masked Luchadores are one of the more flamboyant criminal organizations in Steelport, so its only appropriate that the gang is led by someone equally peculiar. Killbane is a former professional wrestler who also founded the Luchadors with his tag-team partner, Angel. Killbane became jealous of his partners success, which led him to publicly unmask and shame his former friend. Eventually, Killbane was banished to Mexico after he killed an opponent in the ring. That exile didnt last, and the grappler is back and running his group.

ZimosMatt Miller is the Syndicates go-to guy for those instances. As leader of the Deckers, Miller is in charge of the citys cybercrime. As with a lot of folks bolstered by the anonymity of the Internet, Miller is all swagger when hes at his keyboard. Take him out of his element, and its another story. Hes super cocky and kind of obnoxious and is very self-assured in what he does. However, when hes around Killbane or Phillipe, hes like a 15-year-old kid sitting at the big kid table.

As Steelports oldest pimp, Zimos is a fixture in the criminal ecosystem. At first, the Syndicate tolerates the eccentric character, and he even forges a friendship with Phillipe Lorens protégés, Viola and Kiki DeWynter. The relationship goes south for as-yet-unknown reasons, and Zimos finds himself locked away in the basement of one of the Syndicates human trafficking hubs. After being rescued by the player, the temporarily gimp-suited Zimos becomes an important ally.
Ofcourse this game is also full of customization, you can create your own character in pretty much any way you see fit.
From a big fat woman with a beard to a dude with a tiny sack and talks like a zombie while wearing a tophat.
Or you can create some crazy ass shit like this :
Walter White! Made by Ploid 3.0 using the Initiation Station.


The game is filled to the brim with stuff to do, protect your homies on foot or in a jet. Saints Row : The Third also features a Whored mode, similar to Gears or War, but on this time on crack.
All of these have obviously been improved from their previous iterations. Saints Row : The Third features some of the most insane gameplay elements ever seen in a sandbox game.New Activities
- Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax
- Tank Mayhem
- Guardian Angel
- Trafficking
Returning Activities
- Insurance Fraud
- Trail Blazing
- Heli Assault
- Escort
- Snatch
- Mayhem
- Hitman
- Vehicle Theft
- Base Jumping
- Streaking & Flashing
- Barnstorming

Pimps and Gims trailer
Debut Trailer
Power CG Trailer
8 Minutes of Glorious Open-World Gameplay
Professor Genki's Hyper Ordinary Pre-Order Pack!
Freefalling Trailer
Saints Row: The Third - "Shock and Awesome" Trailer
Still not convinced?
Watch the first hour of the on Gamespot
Bu bu bu MMaRsu why did all this shit take so long?This OT isnt even that great! OTs should be up right a week before the game drops on the clock!