Per Shyamalan's Twitter.
She joins Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Anya Taylor-Joy, and James McAvoy.
She joins Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Anya Taylor-Joy, and James McAvoy.
Yeah, Shyamalan mentioned she's back.They bringing back the kid as well?
Yeah, Shyamalan mentioned she's back.
Weak.Wow! That's quite a demotion to go from former governor and presidential candidate to a mere two-bit actor.
Wow! That's quite a demotion to go from former governor and presidential candidate to a mere two-bit actor.
"Glass" is the sequel to "Unbreakable" and "Split."She is awesome but I have no idea what Glass is, away to Google it just now.....
She is awesome but I have no idea what Glass is, away to Google it just now.....
The third part of the best superhero movie universe.
Unbreakable and Split are so good. Check them out if you haven't.
Didn't even know that Split was a superhero movie. I'm down for an Unbreakable sequel though.
Oh, Summer Child. I have news for you...
SPOILER ALERTSplit is the Unbreakable sequel.
Wouldn't callit a sequel...that's like calling Captain America an Iron Man sequel
Wouldn't callit a sequel...that's like calling Captain America an Iron Man sequel
Yeah, you do have a point there. Its chronologically sound, but that's a weak excuse. I'll change it.
I am calling it now....
Major fight scene in a closed environment where David Dunn is surrounded by a large group of attackers (over 10) and they just continue to beat up on him and even overpower him. But they can't hurt slowly as they get tired he takes them out one by one in a non flashy choke hold or rough looking punch.... until all of them are out, and he just stands there unhurt.....
IsI get to see Mr Glass again yussssss
Great character