Rolling Girl

Developer: Nitro+
Genre: Psychological Horror
Rating: R-18 (Sexual Content and Gore)
Writer: Gen Urobuchi
Release Date: December 26, 2003
System Requirements:
PentiumII 300MHz, 32MB RAM, 800x600 16bit display, DirectX 8.1

Fuminori Sakisaka is a young medical student, whose life is changed when he gets in a traffic accident which kills his parents and leaves him heavily injured. Fuminori undergoes experimental brain surgery to save his life, but the surgery has an unintended side-effect - it creates a form of agnosia, causing his senses to become "warped". He perceives the world as a hellish nightmare with a black sky and buildings covered in pulsating flesh, where all the streets and building interiors are splattered with blood, giant organs and cartilage. Ordinary people appear to him as grotesque, giant grub-like monsters with a hideous stench, and even food that he used to like now tastes utterly disgusting.
As he contemplates suicide in the hospital, Fuminori meets a beautiful, human looking girl among the flesh-covered walls. She introduces herself as Saya, and is apparently looking for her father. Fuminori does not want to be separated from Saya, and asks her to live with him. She agrees.

Official Page (Japanese)
Wikipedia Entry
English Patch Instructional Video listing