A Pokemon DS launch title would just be grand, and if Nintendo can think up a way to really give even more life to the series it could have the DS selling like hotcakes.
Personally what I'd love to see Nintendo do is make the battles 3-D maybe Pokemon Stadium quality would work. I think they should keep the 2-D style for their out of battle sequences (How about they just make it look like F/L/Ru/Sa but with 3-d elements, textures, etc. Maybe even isometric views would be okay, but no full 3-D I don't want to style of games to stray too far). Also, I think the DS can give the series a chance to produce something the anime has always had but the games lacked. Fast battles. While most pokemon battles in the game don't take a few turns depending on the easy, I think a nice real time or semi-real time battle system would really give the series a kick in the pants. Top screen shows the battle, bottom screen gives you a list of basic commands and attacks to choose witht he stylus to do on the fly. Voice recognition stuff may work too, I can't see kids getting a kick out of actually calling out to the pokemon they want to bring out, or order it. These little things could keep what is truely great about the series (collecting, battling, colorful monsters, communication through trading and battling) while introducing some new elements that I think would really make the series even more popular.
Anywho, the question was what was to be expected at launch... I would put m money on Animal Crossing, Wario Ware, Metroid, SM64x4, and perhaps Super Mario Bros. And the rest of the E3 games to follow suit not long after hopefully. Personally I'm waiting to hear more about the games announced around E3 (FFCC, Viewtiful Joe, etc). Plus I'm crossing my fingers for new titles to be announced soon or at least the beginnings of a project, like Four Swords, Starfox, Pokemon, Mario Party, and any other fun multiplayer games that could use an online aspect.