A Black Falcon
What do you mean, you thought the MD did well in Japan? Uh, no, it did quite badly. As I said, it finished third, far behind the PCE, which in turn by the end was far behind the SFC. In fact, some people speculate that Sega of Japan's jealousy that the Western divisions were successful while they were not might have spurred them into making some of their worst decisions, most notably the disaster that was the Saturn's design and Western launch... "design a system that will do better in the home market and ignore overseas, even though almost all of our sales are overseas" was not a good strategy, and it backfired badly. Of course though they made a bunch of other mistakes too, but that was one of them.Ah I thought the Megadrive was in a top position along with SNES then.
Oh yeah, and the idea to make a 32X also came from Japan first. Sega of America approved of the idea, unfortunately, and helped design the system, but the idea that the Genesis needed another addon came from there first.
On that note, this interview, one of Sega-16's more recent ones, is pretty interesting... you can almost hear Joe Miller's tortured defenses of the 32X, because he just doesn't quite want to admit that this system he designed was a bad idea and should never have been released... http://www.sega-16.com/2013/02/interview-joe-miller/
(Oh, if anyone wants to know more about Western Genesis development... uh, go read Sega-16's interviews, like, yesterday! For instance, the most recent one, with Kevin Seghetti (just done a few days ago; this is an ongoing thing) is quite detail-heavy. He worked on bad (Genesis) games like Technocop and Ballz 3D, but has a lot of interesting stuff to say... http://www.sega-16.com/2013/03/interview-kevin-seghetti/ They have dozens of interviews now. http://www.sega-16.com/features-2/?pgno=4#char_49 )
Gleylancer at least you can get on Wii VC... it's the only import shmup for the system that's there, but it is, and that's a lot cheaper than getting the cart. Of course it's in Japanese, unfortunately (there is a translation patch, but they didn't include that fan patch here), but still, better than nothing.Definitely going to go after Gleylancer, Eliminate Down, and others at some point.
As for Eliminate Down, it's a great, great game; it's probably my second favorite shmup for the system, after only Lightening Force... it's really too bad that it's so rare and expensive.
There are some other import-only shmups too, though. Those two are the best, but they aren't the only ones.