From Siliconera, translation from Esuteru:
Also some more info about Peach Beach Splash in the link.
Latest big trailer for SK
BS (with a bit of a recap at the start)
Doesn't sound like they are planning anything else than PS4 yet, but he recently confirmed he was working on a Switch game, so likely another of those 7 projects (especially since it's probably going to replace the Vita in that regard). Didn't find a picture of the studio logo yet.
(also a bit related: SK Estival Versus is out on Steam this week)
Here are some notes from the interview with producer Kenichiro Takaki:
- Kenichiro Takaki launched his new studio, Honey ∞ Parade Games and their first title is Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash.
- This change comes after the Senran Kagura series scale has increased, theyve made Takakis division into its own brand.
- This studio wont be exclusive to the Senran Kagura series and theyre looking to release all kinds of fun titles.
- There are seven characters for its logo, and it has the meaning of creating the seven titles. For now he has a basic idea for the seven titles in mind, and theyre looking to solidify it as a team.
- The reason they went with the PS4 for Peach Beach Splash is because Takaki realized the PS4 can present a see-through look from wet clothing. Thats the reason its only on PlayStation 4, as it cant be represented the same way on PS Vita.
- If given the opportunity, Takaki would like to take on other genres.
- The story continues after Estival Versus. While some may think of it as just a spinoff, it actually has some important element that paves the path to a new story for the series.
- There are only plans for a locker room feature for PSVR, but itll have to be through a post-release update.
- You can change the locker room shower colors, but white and other colors will need to be purchased via DLC. Takaki wants this to be something that is bought only by gentlemen who understand.
- There are plans to make more PS4 games for the series.
Also some more info about Peach Beach Splash in the link.
Latest big trailer for SK
Doesn't sound like they are planning anything else than PS4 yet, but he recently confirmed he was working on a Switch game, so likely another of those 7 projects (especially since it's probably going to replace the Vita in that regard). Didn't find a picture of the studio logo yet.
(also a bit related: SK Estival Versus is out on Steam this week)