S sc0la Unconfirmed Member Jun 12, 2004 #3 Superman > Garfield If only Superman ate lasagna and Garfield flew around.
M Matlock Banned Jun 12, 2004 #4 Although SexyLosers is a good thread, I can see this thread turning out poorly if someone thinks it funny to post a comic from there.
Although SexyLosers is a good thread, I can see this thread turning out poorly if someone thinks it funny to post a comic from there.
S sc0la Unconfirmed Member Jun 12, 2004 #6 ummm so instead of using homoerotic references as humor (PA) they use actual homoerotic dialog and drawings. NO
ummm so instead of using homoerotic references as humor (PA) they use actual homoerotic dialog and drawings. NO
Hawksley Member Jun 12, 2004 #10 scola said: ummm so instead of using homoerotic references as humor (PA) they use actual homoerotic dialog and drawings. NO Click to expand... Dare I... YES!
scola said: ummm so instead of using homoerotic references as humor (PA) they use actual homoerotic dialog and drawings. NO Click to expand... Dare I... YES!
S sc0la Unconfirmed Member Jun 12, 2004 #11 I stand by my original statement. Really there isn't any reason to compare the two. Calvin and Hobbes > Spawn
I stand by my original statement. Really there isn't any reason to compare the two. Calvin and Hobbes > Spawn
A andthebeatgoeson Junior Member Jun 12, 2004 #12 Wait wait wait...to even have to justify Calvin and Hobbes with a lowly > sign, insults the majesty of the comic. But #230 is funny. Too bad he didn't push 'her' over the cliff.
Wait wait wait...to even have to justify Calvin and Hobbes with a lowly > sign, insults the majesty of the comic. But #230 is funny. Too bad he didn't push 'her' over the cliff.
S sc0la Unconfirmed Member Jun 12, 2004 #13 skinnyrattler said: Wait wait wait...to even have to justify Calvin and Hobbes with a lowly > sign, insults the majesty of the comic. Click to expand... Its a little known fact that the actual title of the strip is "Calvin and Hobbes >" so that when its title appears alongside other titles it is rightfuly and immediately labeled as superior.
skinnyrattler said: Wait wait wait...to even have to justify Calvin and Hobbes with a lowly > sign, insults the majesty of the comic. Click to expand... Its a little known fact that the actual title of the strip is "Calvin and Hobbes >" so that when its title appears alongside other titles it is rightfuly and immediately labeled as superior.
A andthebeatgoeson Junior Member Jun 12, 2004 #14 Ferrio said: Look at 201 and 219 Click to expand... 201 is brilliant! Tell me more.
crumbs Member Jun 12, 2004 #15 I had totally forgot about sexy losers, it can be pretty funny. PA is really not my cup of tea.
M MoxManiac Member Jun 12, 2004 #16 Sexylosers is great, too bad it's not worksafe or i'd probably go catch up. Haven't been there for awhile.
Sexylosers is great, too bad it's not worksafe or i'd probably go catch up. Haven't been there for awhile.
J JackFrost2012 Banned Jun 12, 2004 #17 MoxManiac said: Sexylosers is great, too bad it's not worksafe or i'd probably go catch up. Haven't been there for awhile. Click to expand... "Sexylosers isn't worksafe" is in the dictionary next to litotes. But it sure is funny.
MoxManiac said: Sexylosers is great, too bad it's not worksafe or i'd probably go catch up. Haven't been there for awhile. Click to expand... "Sexylosers isn't worksafe" is in the dictionary next to litotes. But it sure is funny.
F Ferrio Banned Jun 12, 2004 #19 skinnyrattler said: 201 is brilliant! Tell me more. Click to expand... 228
A andthebeatgoeson Junior Member Jun 12, 2004 #20 Ferrio said: 228 Click to expand... Eww...Haha...so many mixed emotions. 142 did the same for me. It's just eww and ahah all wrapped up into one. The doctor's look is hilarious tho. holy shit at 007. hahaha
Ferrio said: 228 Click to expand... Eww...Haha...so many mixed emotions. 142 did the same for me. It's just eww and ahah all wrapped up into one. The doctor's look is hilarious tho. holy shit at 007. hahaha