Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Noisy Pixel
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is standing out for both hardcore veterans who love the series and complete newcomers who have no idea what they’re getting into. The former can anticipate a renewed experience with several gameplay additions and a new narrative.
At the same time, the latter can look forward to what is essentially two games in one with updated systems. Even as a casual fan, I was already far more invested in what I played of Vengeance than the original for narrative and gameplay reasons. Prospective players should get prepared for this incoming 160-hour adventure.
This preview largely raised more questions about Vengeance than it answered, but in the best way possible. The bits that were teased from the new storyline are clearly part of a much bigger picture, and the mysterious nature of both Yoko and the Qadištu is undeniably intriguing. There was much of the Shinjuku ward left to be explored when the preview ended, and with a total of 40 demons added, many new enemies left to encounter as well.
The modus operandi of Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance appears to be "more." At its core, Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance is more of everything - more stories, more demons, more characters, and more to love. This approach should bold well for the title, as it builds on everything that came before in new and exciting ways and truly represents what a "definitive edition" should be.
If you’ve never played a Shin Megami Tensei game before, Vengeance looks set to offer a brilliant introduction to the wonderfully weird and nihilistic RPG series. While millions of players have enjoyed Sega’s slice of bleak sci-fi weirdness, Shin Megam Tensei has never quite hit the mainstream.
With Persona fever at an all time high, this definitive edition sits alongside Royal and Persona 3 Reload as a shiny and more accessible way to dive into Persona’s bleaker and less amenable older brother. Despite the visual touch up, SMT V still feels ostensibly like a game that was built for a handheld, and while it’s unlikely to be SMT’s Persona 5 moment, Vengeance is still shaping up to be a brilliant RPG to lose yourself in during the wait for October’s Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance gets its name from the entirely new storyline branch added to the game. Where the original offered branching dialogue with little real difference in outcomes, Vengeance allows you to play a completely new story path which takes a decidedly different turn. How you choose to play is up to you, with the original storyline intact for those who want to experience that, and the new storyline for those who want something different. Or, both if you want to sit and pour hundreds of hours into the game. As someone who has played almost all of the Persona games (yes, even the dancing ones), I can promise you that this is easily doable.
Rock Paper Shotgun
As a total newcomer to SMT, I did appreciate the ability to extend your turn almost indefinitely by targeting an enemy's weakness. And I enjoyed swapping in and out various demons to prize weaknesses out of unknown nasties or capitalise on known quantities. Yet - the preview environment and save definitely didn't help, mind - I found the combat a bit jarring, in a demon's ability to use the 'one more' against you if they discovered a weakness in your party you weren't privy to. And in the lack of punch in your teams' turns, as I found most spells, even those that would target weak spots weren't all that powerful. At least in the preview build, most fights felt a bit knife edge, where the knife was very much poking me in the chest. Still, there's the ability to turn down the difficulty if need be, which I probably should've taken advantage of.
- Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance is a smooth, multiplatform effort at redemption with improved performance and exciting new content.
- The 'Canon of Vengeance' storyline, new demons, and quality of life improvements make Vengeance a must-play for SMT fans.
- Despite retaining the series' signature difficulty, Vengeance offers new features like Demon Haunts and fast travel to enhance the player experience.
The folks over at Noisy Pixel have done a nice list with all the major QoL features that have been added to the SMTVV:
- Magatsu Rails – Connections between two points used for fast travel within Da’at. Grants shortcuts and occasional access to hidden areas for treasure.
- Consecutive Encounters – Enemy Reinforcements can appear during combat if you were chased by multiple enemies on the field. Greater rewards will be granted upon victory.
- Mercy Adjustment – Conversations where demons beg for mercy are now more likely to occur during battle. Additionally, a Miracle demanding Incense from cornered demons has been added, improving the usefulness of such conversations.
- Protagonist Respec – The main character’s parameters can be reshuffled by using the New Testament Tablet.
- Dyad Compendium Fusion – New fusion option that combines a demon in your possession with one in the compendium.
- Fusion Accidents – Alongside adding a fusion accident-only edmon, Miracles that greatly increase the rate of combining accidents have also been added.
- Abscess Obstructions Removed – Previously, there were portions of the map that could not be seen until Abscesses were destroyed. This has been updated, so the map may always be viewed in full.
- Flying Demon Encounters – Changed so that attacks from flying demons on the field must always take place within the frame.
- Relics – Extended the obtainable range of relics by two times.
- Map – Adjusted the color coding of the map to make it easier to see the differences in elevation.
- Quest Navigation – The number of quest navigation demons that will journey alongside the Nahobino to find hidden treasures and other items has been increased from 6 to 17.
- Quest Navigators – Updated demon navigators so that their movement is highlighted and a pillar of light emanates from their arrival point.
- First Strikes – Updated so that even after being detected by an enemy, you can still gain the initiative in battle by striking them from behind.
- Miracles – Some Miracles can be turned on or off at will.
- Tutorials – Tutorials can be revisited at any time by opening the menu.
- Destination Indicators – Changed so that quest destination can be viewed by displaying a map from a list.
- Level Difference Scaling – The damage adjustment by level difference was changed to be more moderate compared to the previous version. Depending on tactics, it has been made easier to defeat stronger opponents.
- Auto Skill – The Auto-Attack/Auto-Skill mode can be selected at the user’s discretion when selecting Auto-Battle. Auto-Attack is a conventional battle mode utilizing standard attacks. Auto Skill is a new mode in which players use their skills to attack their opponents’ weak points during Auto-Battle.
- Control Options – Changed to allow adjustment of stick operation sensitivity and key assignments.
- Graphic Options – Added the ability to adjust and change brightness, contrast, etc.
- Skill Cutscene Speed – The speed setting, which was only available for skip/double-speed, has been expanded to 4x.
- Character Essence Info – Changed so that when you hover over a demon, for example, you can tell if you already possess that demon’s Essence.
- Essence Searchability – The ability to search for Essences by the skills you want is now available. Additionally, a mark has been added to an Essence that can be purchased in the store.
- Sorting – Enhanced sorting functions, such as sorting by purchasable Essences, reverse fusion, ingredients, etc.
- Gift Giving – Changed so that gift giving and learning skills, which happened only at a normal level-up for demons, will now occur via Fusion level-up as well.
- Compendium – Demon Compendium data can be Original or Custom. Comparative display between custom data and original data is now possible.
- Estoma – Chaned the specifications of Estoma, a skill to avoid enemy encounters. It is no longer affected by the new moon, and consumes Magatsuhi instead of MP. It can be turned on/off at any time after obtaining it.
- Sky View – Added the ability to look around from above while exploring.
- Landmark Function – Added the ability to place markers at desired locations.
- Obstacles – Added the ability for the camera to see through obstacles to prevent 3D sickness.
- Map Icons – Changed so that map icons can be turned on and off individually.
- Minimap – Added option to rotate the mini-map to match the camera.
- Recommended Levels – Changed so that the recommended level of subquests can be found within the quest list.
- Growth Items – Changed so that status-enhancing items and other items can be used all at once.
- Experience Items – The level-up process, which used to take place after the battle, has been changed so that it takes place immediately after the use of experience items.
- Saving – Saving can now be done anywhere, not just in leyline founts.
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