Shikamaru Ninja
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Atlus is releasing both games a month apart. I'm confused as to what the differences are between the two games. Can anyone fill me in?
ferricide said:my advice: buy both!
Koei disributing Disgaea in Europe iirc, which means it likely won't hit 5k. :/SolidSnakex said:September 21st for SMT3 and November 18th for DDS. As for a Europe release, I guess it's possible since Disgaea is being released over there. It'll probably depend on just how well that sells though.
ferricide said:SMT3 offers more freedom in shaping the story and deeper gameplay, but is less cinematic. DDS offers a lot more story but is therefore thought to be a lot more linear (nobody has really posted up impressions of the import as yet. i've only played the first ~1 hour of either game, yet, so i don't have any comments about how they actually go beyond that amount.)
my advice: buy both!
heh, i'm not paying attention. i don't import RPGs that are coming out here. my japanese isn't good enough to make it worth my while. well, not with my current level of laziness and huge-ass pile of unplayed english games, anyway.Bebpo said:Well considering the import still isn't out for another 3-4 days![]()
not bloody likely. i won't be touching it again till the U.S. boxed copy, most likely. i only played it for preview. granted, i very much wanted to, but i don't have any reason to continue playing.Bebpo said:But it's good to know that it's going fine at least in the 1st hour. If you can post some more in-depth impressions in the next few days it would be great![]()
very fast paced, pure-turn based, but with strategy to it. i don't, in all honesty, know how good they are yet as i didn't get very deep into either game. i know that you can gain advantage over your enemies and steal turns from them in SMT3. DDS has the same battle system -- or it's based on it, anyway -- and it's also quite speedy. if you run it on auto they're quite possibly the fastest turn-based battles since the 16-bit era.nitewulf said:how are the battle systems though? never played any SMT or persona games.
i don't think grandia is that fast... they spend so much time running around. granted, i only played grandia II.SolidSnakex said:I can't even really imagine a turnbased battle system that moves faster than Grandia so I can't wait to play this game.
true, but i'd point towards something like suikoden I & II for speediest battles in the 32bit gen.SolidSnakex said:What really made Grandia fast was that you could have multiple characters attacking at once instead of taking turns. So all of your characters could be attacking enemies which made the fights move along alot faster than normal turn based battles.