Weekend Actuals for this past weekend
1 I, Robot $52,179,887 NEW $52,179,887
2 Spider-Man 2 $24,775,450 -45% $302,287,882
3 Anchorman $13,849,313 -51% $56,956,256
4 A Cinderella Story $13,623,350 NEW $13,623,350
5 Fahrenheit 9/11 $7,175,674 -35% $93,984,261
6 King Arthur $7,161,648 -53% $38,110,849
7 The Notebook $5,651,212 -13% $53,880,561
8 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story $3,813,719 -33% $105,165,752
9 White Chicks $3,436,328 -45% $63,470,104
10 Shrek 2 $3,230,786 -27% $425,011,64
Wow, I, Robot exceeded my expectations (I expected about $40 million), and it looks like Shrek 2 will not just surpass The Phantom Menace, but probably ET as well...
Dodgeball was a real success for Fox, way more than they expected probably.
Spiderman 2 is doing really well, but is already tracking behind Shrek 2 on a day-by-day comparison, even though I expected Spidey to stay ahead. I'm surprised Fox put up I, Robot so close to Spidey 2, I thought they would run scared (like Dreamworks did moving up Shrek 2 to May from mid-June), but in the end it looks like they made the right move.
Here is a link to the comparison chart:
I wonder if 1/2 the forum will still hold to their assured presumptions that Spiderman 2 was going to be #1 for the year.
Still, the point is Shrek 2 surprised a lot of people, and it's still doing well. I wonder if the only chance a movie has of beating this will be either Shrek 3 or next summer's SW Ep. III.
Also, another thing I'd like to mention is how well Shrek 2 is doing overseas, where it was supposed to bomb compared to America. Apparently, it's doing really well.
Sure, it's doesn't seem to be doing as well as The Prisoner of Azkaban or Spiderman 2, but it seems to be a lock for $400 million or maybe way more, which would help it at least match it's gross in the US/Canada market... It's already in the Top 20 movies in the UK.