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Slay the Spire Downfall Mod Suffered Security Breach and Some Users May Be at Risk
The developer of the popular user-made expansion Downfall for Slay the Spire announced that on Christmas day they suffered a security breach.

Hello everyone. I bring some unfortunate news today. Yesterday, Christmas Day, at roughly 12:30 PM Eastern time, we experienced a security breach. Our steam and discord accounts were hijacked, and though the Steam accounts were able to be recovered late in the evening, we were limited in our ability to warn or communicate immediately following the breach. Fortunately, we were able to contain the actual breach much more quickly than the amount of time it took to recover the accounts. The important parts you need to know are:
-Downfall is safe to launch once more, and has been since roughly 1:30-1:40 PM Eastern yesterday.
-If you did not launch Downfall yesterday, you're clear.
-If you got an automatic update for Downfall yesterday but did NOT launch, you're clear.
-If you launched Downfall via the Steam Workshop (meaning you actually launched Slay the Spire), you're clear.
-If you did launch Downfall yesterday and succeeded and everything looked normal, you're clear.
-If you did launch Downfall yesterday and saw a command-prompt like screen, that starting spitting out a bunch of text, you're in the clear. That was actually just the Java log which we usually keep hidden, but accidentally left visible when we restored the game.
-If you did launch Downfall yesterday and got a 'no .exe found' type of error, you're clear. That was us exploding the game to prevent anyone else from being affected.
-If you did launch Downfall yesterday and got a Unity library installer popup, please continue to read. You may be also at risk.