Byronic Hero

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America | Developer: Sanzaru Games | Platform: PlayStation 3 & PlayStation Vita | Genre: 3D Stealth/Platformer | 3D Enabled: Yes | ESRB: Everyone 10+ | PEGI: 7
Release Date:
(NA) February 5, 2013
(EU) March 27, 2013
Multiplayer: No | Runs @: 60fps for PS3 & 30fps for Vita
Thieves in Time supports Cross Buy. (AKA YOPO)
If you buy the PS3 version you get a downloadable Vita copy free!
The game is linked to your PSN account, so you can’t buy the PS3 version and give away or sell the Vita version.

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, or Sly 4, comes from the developers who brought you The Sly Collection for PS3
as well as Secret Agent Clank (Port) for PS2, and is a brand new adventure picking up right where Sly 3: Honor Among
Thieves, left off. Sly 4 was first teased in Infamous and again in Infamous 2; after that, it was teased again, this time in the
form of a secret trailer, unlocked as a reward for getting a platinum trophy in all three Sly games on the Sly HD Collection.
Since then, Sly has made an appearance in two other games: Playstation Move Heroes and Playstation All Stars Battle Royal.
as well as Secret Agent Clank (Port) for PS2, and is a brand new adventure picking up right where Sly 3: Honor Among
Thieves, left off. Sly 4 was first teased in Infamous and again in Infamous 2; after that, it was teased again, this time in the
form of a secret trailer, unlocked as a reward for getting a platinum trophy in all three Sly games on the Sly HD Collection.
Since then, Sly has made an appearance in two other games: Playstation Move Heroes and Playstation All Stars Battle Royal.

Thieves in Time plays very similarly to the previous titles, it is a 3D stealth-platformer with large open areas to explore that also puts a
a focus on completing missions and finding (and/or stealing) collectable items & coins (The game’s currency). A new element
introduced in TiT is the inclusion of different disguises Sly can obtain in order to perform new abilities as well as sneak past guards in
the respective time periods. Returning from previous titles is the ability to play as, not just Sly, but the whole gang. Bentley the Turtle,
Murray the Hippo, Carmelita Fox, as well as Sly’s ancestors, such as: Rioichi Cooper (A Ninja), Tennessee “Kid” Cooper (A Wild West Gunslinger),
Sir Galleth Cooper (A Medieval Knight), Salim al Kupar (an old Arabian thief), and more (presumably).
Every character comes with his or her own set of skills that can be used to progress through each mission. Environments are
also set to be "twice as big" as the previous installments, and along with missions, treasures, and clue bottles scattered around. There is
a new collectible called “Secret Sly Masks” which will net you rewards for every 5 you find, ensuring you enjoy this game for quite a while.
a focus on completing missions and finding (and/or stealing) collectable items & coins (The game’s currency). A new element
introduced in TiT is the inclusion of different disguises Sly can obtain in order to perform new abilities as well as sneak past guards in
the respective time periods. Returning from previous titles is the ability to play as, not just Sly, but the whole gang. Bentley the Turtle,
Murray the Hippo, Carmelita Fox, as well as Sly’s ancestors, such as: Rioichi Cooper (A Ninja), Tennessee “Kid” Cooper (A Wild West Gunslinger),
Sir Galleth Cooper (A Medieval Knight), Salim al Kupar (an old Arabian thief), and more (presumably).
Every character comes with his or her own set of skills that can be used to progress through each mission. Environments are
also set to be "twice as big" as the previous installments, and along with missions, treasures, and clue bottles scattered around. There is
a new collectible called “Secret Sly Masks” which will net you rewards for every 5 you find, ensuring you enjoy this game for quite a while.

The Augmented Reality feature uses the PS Vita system to help you collect some valuable items as you play through the PS3
version of the game. Using the PS Vita system as a set of X-ray goggles, you can look into Sly’s universe to help track them down.
Simply point the PS Vita at the TV screen and press the button to lock onto the image, and the X-ray overlay will pop up and highlight
all of the hidden treasures in orange throughout the world. The PS Vita player simply taps on the front touch screen to display a pointer on
the TV that will show you where to look for the hidden loot!
You can also use Augmented Reality to help you collect ancient hidden art treasures as you play through the game. There are dozens of
beautiful tapestries, paintings, mosaics and other ancient artworks scattered through the game. You can use the camera on your PS Vita
to snap photographs of these as a way to “collect” them and earn more money. Just point your PS Vita at the TV to aim, press the
button to take the photo and bingo – Sly collects the loot! (Check out the trailer in the "videos" section to see this in action.)
version of the game. Using the PS Vita system as a set of X-ray goggles, you can look into Sly’s universe to help track them down.
Simply point the PS Vita at the TV screen and press the button to lock onto the image, and the X-ray overlay will pop up and highlight
all of the hidden treasures in orange throughout the world. The PS Vita player simply taps on the front touch screen to display a pointer on
the TV that will show you where to look for the hidden loot!
You can also use Augmented Reality to help you collect ancient hidden art treasures as you play through the game. There are dozens of
beautiful tapestries, paintings, mosaics and other ancient artworks scattered through the game. You can use the camera on your PS Vita
to snap photographs of these as a way to “collect” them and earn more money. Just point your PS Vita at the TV to aim, press the
button to take the photo and bingo – Sly collects the loot! (Check out the trailer in the "videos" section to see this in action.)

Thieves in Time follows the conclusion of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves; Bentley, along with Penelope (from Sly 3)
have constructed a time machine, which somehow causes the Thievius Raccoonus’ pages to start changing and disappearing. Bentley must
reform the gang to recover the missing book, and travel through time to protect the Cooper legacy from an unknown enemy. As this
game is a direct sequel, there will be appearances by many of the characters found in the previous titles, including: Dimitri, Penelope,
The Guru, and possibly more.
have constructed a time machine, which somehow causes the Thievius Raccoonus’ pages to start changing and disappearing. Bentley must
reform the gang to recover the missing book, and travel through time to protect the Cooper legacy from an unknown enemy. As this
game is a direct sequel, there will be appearances by many of the characters found in the previous titles, including: Dimitri, Penelope,
The Guru, and possibly more.

*Click Pictures to get characters’ bio (Watch out for spoilers though)
The Cooper Gang (and Carmelita) + Ancestors:

The Villians:

*For Gamestop & Amazon
- Para Glider Skins: Unlock new looks for Sly's para glider and show it off in style with the Sanzaru monkey logo and camouflage!
- Seal Team Murray: Unlock a new look for everyone's favorite pink hippo! Play as Murray in a new undercover Seal Team outfit. This outfit will have the classic green goggles and every bit of gear you'd expect from the most prestigious of undercover agents.

Is Sucker Punch helping with this game?
- Though the original developers of the Sly Cooper games are not working on Thieves in Time, they have faith that
Sanzaru will do the franchise justice. In an interview with Polygon, Sly Cooper producer, Caley Roberts, talks about how
Sanzaru came to them with what they wanted to do: "When we saw their build [of the original Sly game], we were blown
away, they got a development kit and they built a level without any of our official assets and pitched it to us. We totally loved it."
The rest, is history.
Sanzaru will do the franchise justice. In an interview with Polygon, Sly Cooper producer, Caley Roberts, talks about how
Sanzaru came to them with what they wanted to do: "When we saw their build [of the original Sly game], we were blown
away, they got a development kit and they built a level without any of our official assets and pitched it to us. We totally loved it."
The rest, is history.
Do Sly & Co. have the same voice actors as the previous games?
- Yes, all of the main characters have their original voice actors reprising their roles. That is, of course, excluding Carmelita,
whose voice changes in every game. Nolan North also voices a mercenary/Cuban-cigar-smoking tiger who wields dual Fire and
Lightning katanas, so…there’s that.
whose voice changes in every game. Nolan North also voices a mercenary/Cuban-cigar-smoking tiger who wields dual Fire and
Lightning katanas, so…there’s that.
How about the music? Is it done by the same guy who did the other games?
- Peter McConnell, the composer of the second and third game has reprised his role as well.
Should I play the first 3 Sly Cooper games before playing this one?
- While playing the first three would definitely help you to enjoy, and understand, some of the cameos as well as let you
get a feel for the controls; you do not have to play the original trilogy to enjoy this game, as it has been created for both veterans
and newcomers alike.
get a feel for the controls; you do not have to play the original trilogy to enjoy this game, as it has been created for both veterans
and newcomers alike.
I’ve seen a blue arrow under Sly’s feet every time I see gameplay, is this permanent or can it be turned off?
- Yes, it can be turned off.
Will there be separate trophy lists for the PS3 & Vita Versions?
- No, one list to rule them all.
Does the game support "Cross-Save" between the two versions?
- Yes.
Why is it so cheap? Is something wrong with it?

Demo for both PS3 & Vita is out RIGHT NOW!!

Thieves in Time Animated Short
Bentley's Hotline *NEW*
”Who is Sly?” Trailer
Story Trailer
Vita Trailer
zoomin.TV Gameplay Video
Mechanical Menace (Carmelita & Sir Galeth) Gameplay
Vita Gameplay
Augmented Reality Trailer
Costumes Trailer
Sushi House (Rioichi) Gameplay
”Pulling the Heist” Trailer
Comic Con Trailer
IGN Video Preview
Gametrailers Video Preview

PSnation - A+
Game Informer -9.0
Shacknews - "Loved it"
Shacknews review. The reviewer on twitter - "I absolutely loved Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Please don't ignore this like Sony is.
Gameradar - 4.5/5
GamerBliss - 9.0
Gamezone - 9/10
VentureBeat - 89/100
Gaming Nexus - 8.5
justpushstart - 8.3
IGN - 8.0
Gametrailers - 8.0
Examiner - 8/10
Hardcore Gamer Magazine - 8/10
Playstation Universe - 8/10
GameSpot - 7.5
TotalPlayStaion - 7/10
Machinima - 7/10
EGM - 6.5
Game Revolution - 3/5
Eurogamer - 6/10

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