A fellow poster at the Uberforums 2 was cool enough to scan the latest PSW magazine and it has a ton of new pics and an in depth article, which I know I probably can't post here.
They talk about gameplay improvements and additions, specifically a more deeper counter system with several new animations and ways to counter.
Create-A-PPV is back along with Create-A-Belt, and now you can create and edit everything about your belts including the straps and details in it, plus wrestlers will wear created belts and I'm assuming you can defend them in exhibition cause it says the more the belt is defended the more prestigious it gets. Both features use trading between memory cards apparently.
Royal Rumbles have changed since now in order to eliminate people over the top rope you have to do it via a specific special move instead of just irish whipping or punching someone repeatedly.
There's now a Heel & Face meter/system where depending on what type of wrestler you choose and how you act, you will be rewarded and allowed to do specific moves and abilities that fit either a Heel or a Face. Sounds like the KOTOR Light & Dark system.
The article mentions Legends and according to THQ they will be big name superstars from WWF/WWE's past, but everything was kept a secret.
Everything sounds great so far but like with every THQ wrestling game, I'll approach it with caution and low expectations, just in case.
Thanks to EC from Uberforums2 for the info and scans.
They talk about gameplay improvements and additions, specifically a more deeper counter system with several new animations and ways to counter.
Create-A-PPV is back along with Create-A-Belt, and now you can create and edit everything about your belts including the straps and details in it, plus wrestlers will wear created belts and I'm assuming you can defend them in exhibition cause it says the more the belt is defended the more prestigious it gets. Both features use trading between memory cards apparently.
Royal Rumbles have changed since now in order to eliminate people over the top rope you have to do it via a specific special move instead of just irish whipping or punching someone repeatedly.
There's now a Heel & Face meter/system where depending on what type of wrestler you choose and how you act, you will be rewarded and allowed to do specific moves and abilities that fit either a Heel or a Face. Sounds like the KOTOR Light & Dark system.
The article mentions Legends and according to THQ they will be big name superstars from WWF/WWE's past, but everything was kept a secret.
Everything sounds great so far but like with every THQ wrestling game, I'll approach it with caution and low expectations, just in case.
Thanks to EC from Uberforums2 for the info and scans.