Dreamfixx said:... and I really need a map! Are there any good maps online? Once I get the double-jump, I should be able to go anywhere, right? But where the hell is it? Help!
MrAngryFace said:SotN is an AMAZING experience, but also a fairly easy one. Which makes half the fun exploring. Then as you play through the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th times its all about tightening up yer game!
adrockthekid said:Just had to get in on the Best Game Evar!!one bandwagon. SOTN, how do I love thee?
Also, playing without spells or weapons is a good challenge. Galamoth is kinda impossible that way, though.
The Promised One said:Some guy over at the Castlevania Dungeon Forums actually beat him weaponless. Beating him with Richter is pretty hard too.
Dreamfixx said:*SPOILER WARNING*
Ok, so i fought Richter Belmont, and, well, It ended.What was i supposed to do to make the game longer? (BTW, "I Am the Wind" is a great song!)
The Hound said:I've never understood the long-lasting appeal of SOTN. While I enjoyed it, I thought it was far too easy; playing through it once was plenty for me. I did like the soundtrack enough to buy it, though. Castlevania III is still my favorite in the series.
Soul4ger said:OMG because games are only good when they're HARD. I guess 99% of the games that come out today suck, then.