I Incognito Troll Jul 27, 2004 #4 belgurdo said: Playing something else. Click to expand... LOL FO SHO.
K Kiriku SWEDISH PERFECTION Jul 27, 2004 #6 I could go as far as playing the GC version on August 24th to celebrate this event.
O op_ivy Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class) Jul 27, 2004 #9 Drexon said: Either shitting my pants or not shitting my pants. Click to expand... yup.
Alex Member Jul 27, 2004 #12 I wanna see whats up with Halo 2, but...If nothing good, as per usual happens, I'd probably be playing mostly FFXI and Hot Shots 4 still at that time.
I wanna see whats up with Halo 2, but...If nothing good, as per usual happens, I'd probably be playing mostly FFXI and Hot Shots 4 still at that time.
Grizzlyjin Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that Jul 27, 2004 #15 I will also be playing the PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe. Hehe, I was actually playing the Gamecube version just a few minutes ago. I'm just practicing so I can get through the PS2 version quickly and unlock Dante.
I will also be playing the PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe. Hehe, I was actually playing the Gamecube version just a few minutes ago. I'm just practicing so I can get through the PS2 version quickly and unlock Dante.
S SyNapSe Member Jul 27, 2004 #17 Ok, I just caught up on the Ilovebee's thing.. whoa. That's neat, I'm betting demo or something along those lines.
Ok, I just caught up on the Ilovebee's thing.. whoa. That's neat, I'm betting demo or something along those lines.
6 6.8 Member Jul 27, 2004 #18 ourumov said: Celebrating my 22th Birthday... Click to expand... Celebrating my 23rd birthday.
ToyMachine228 Member Jul 27, 2004 #20 Hoping that all this thinking about ilovebees wasn't for nothing
B BeOnEdge Banned Jul 27, 2004 #22 i will be worried about my "credibility" and wiping egg off of my face on august 24th.
S speedpop Has problems recognising girls Jul 27, 2004 #24 Shit there's a few people celebrating their birthdays, myself included.
D Dave Long Banned Jul 27, 2004 #28 The 24th? I'll be anxiously awaiting the 26th and Ozzfest. I played Joe almost a year ago now. *yawn*
The 24th? I'll be anxiously awaiting the 26th and Ozzfest. I played Joe almost a year ago now. *yawn*
E Error Macro Member Jul 27, 2004 #29 I'll probably be playing a combination of Doom 3 and CS:Source BETA, while anxiously awaiting Magnum P.I. The Complete First Season on September 7th.
I'll probably be playing a combination of Doom 3 and CS:Source BETA, while anxiously awaiting Magnum P.I. The Complete First Season on September 7th.
G GDGF Soothsayer Jul 27, 2004 #31 Probably partying with one of my best friends (as he returns from Lybia the day before)
D Dyne Member Jul 27, 2004 #34 Training up like hell for the Penny Arcade Expo's tournaments. (We get to play Halo 2 there whether it's released on the 24th or not.)
Training up like hell for the Penny Arcade Expo's tournaments. (We get to play Halo 2 there whether it's released on the 24th or not.)
M ManDudeChild Member Jul 27, 2004 #37 On August 24th I'll be wondering if X04 is fun. It really seems like a logical thing.
U u_neek Junior Member Jul 27, 2004 #38 On August 24th I'm dissapointed coz EGM's HUGE annoucement sucked - but that's okay because Star Ocean 3 will be released in a week.
On August 24th I'm dissapointed coz EGM's HUGE annoucement sucked - but that's okay because Star Ocean 3 will be released in a week.
SonicMegaDrive Member Jul 27, 2004 #40 Viewtiful Joe on the PS2. I still can't believe it exists. It'll be curious to see how well it sells.
Viewtiful Joe on the PS2. I still can't believe it exists. It'll be curious to see how well it sells.
Alcibiades Member Jul 27, 2004 #42 no matter what happens that week, it won't last long with Pikmin 2 only a week away...
Agent X Member Jul 27, 2004 #43 I'll be checking my wallet to be sure it's got enough money for the next day, because Viewtiful Joe for PS2 actually comes out on the 25th.
I'll be checking my wallet to be sure it's got enough money for the next day, because Viewtiful Joe for PS2 actually comes out on the 25th.