
Sokobond is a game about chemistry, but don't let that scare you. It's about chemistry in the same way that SpaceChem is; as a mechanic for awesome puzzles. You won't need
any knowledge of chemistry at all (you might even gain a little bit!)
It's out now for the PC, and costs $10 for a DRM-free version - and is even cheaper for the next few days! You can also vote for it on Greenlight here, and if you've bought it
previously you'll get the Steam version if/when it releases.
So, how does it play? This is a level of Sokobond:

If you've ever played a puzzle game before, you probably had pangs of recognition about the title of this game, and you can certainly see what's going on now! Basically, it plays a
bit like Sokoban.
Where in that game, though, your goal was to push blocks onto certain squares, your goal here is to construct molecules. You control the atom surrounded by a dotted line, and
use the arrow keys to move it around. The small dots around each atom signify how many bonds it can have. So, for example, if you bonded the two hydrogen atoms on the left
and right together, both would use up their available single bond, and so the solution would fail! Sometimes, though, you can use atoms which have had their bonds used up to
push other atoms around to make them accessible. Your ultimate goal is to bond all the atoms together (and use all available bonds) and then you can move on!
Hopefully that doesn't sound too complicated because, well, it's not. It's incredibly simple to get to grips with the game and its mechanics, but the puzzles soon get very difficult...
More screenshots?
This is what the level select screen looks like:

When you beat a level you unlock the levels around it, and beating a level by an arrow unlocks a new set which may contain a new mechanic. Like the one here, for example:

If you pass a bond over a plus sign, it adds an extra bond between the two atoms. Here's what a solution to that looks like, then:

Educational! There's a bunch more mechanics, but I'll let you discover them for yourself. I'll leave you with this, instead, a trailer for the game: