Oh, and I found out why Nintendo never promoted MGS:TTS. Most everyone, after playing it, will undoubtly want to play MGS2 and most definitely MGS3. Can't do that on GC, so... yeah.
Oh, and I found out why Nintendo never promoted MGS:TTS. Most everyone, after playing it, will undoubtly want to play MGS2 and most definitely MGS3. Can't do that on GC, so... yeah.
The Colonel grabbing the Kuwabara guy is a joke reference to Raiden from MGS2 (the guy looks like him with an asian skin tone).
As for MGS TT sales, I don't know how much people were expecting. The original MGS didn't really need to be remade. Releasing it around the same time as SC Pandora Tommorow probably made it less of a priority for multi-console owners too.
Konami didn't have an internal team work on it so it's probably not a devastating blow to them. Might hurt Nintendo's chances of getting more exclusives from them in the future.
Oh, I'm not knocking the sales. Nor the game. Just saying had Nintendo actually promoted the hell out of it, it would've done much better. Not like it matters, though. In the end, we got a great game out of the deal.
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was 'Raiden'.