Like EVERY OTHER Sonic Youth album, this one is very... different. Holy shit, there's lots of noise!
Just a quick rundown:
Becuz - Good opening track... Kim Gordon rocks.
Junkie's Promise - Kind of weird. Maybe because I can't relate with being a junkie? I dunno, it seems kind of weak.
Like - Is it soft indie pop or noise?! I like it
Washing Machine - MY EARS! This song is really... strange.
Unwind - The first few notes of the main riff sounds like Modest Mouse's "Blame it on the Tetons" (actually it's the other way around)
Nice noise pop kind of song.
Little Trouble Girl - Messed up! Kind of lets you see into the mind of what seems like a psychologically (and maybe physically) abused girl that can't understand her parents... or people.
No Queen Blues - Quite the crazy indie whatthefuckisit kind of vibe.
Panty Lies - Ohhh boy, another crazy Kim Gordon song
She says she hasn't dropped acid since she was 17... I'm not so sure about that :|
Untitled - Nicely produced wall of calm soothing noise that goes on for almost three minutes.
Skip Tracer - Pretty weird... deep in thought for sure.
The Diamond Sea - One of the best songs ever recorded in the history of rock. FACT. I like the alternate ending version that you can get from better, though.
I'd just like to thank all of the people who said I was full of it for not giving Sonic Youth a chance. What was I thinking? I've listened to Evol, Daydream Nation, Dirty, Washing Machine, and Nurse. They all are amazing. I can't believe so many people have heard nothing from this band.
To all of you other music people here that haven't paid attention to SY, stop listening to stupid bands like A Perfect Circle and get some Sonic Youth albums.
Just a quick rundown:
Becuz - Good opening track... Kim Gordon rocks.
Junkie's Promise - Kind of weird. Maybe because I can't relate with being a junkie? I dunno, it seems kind of weak.
Like - Is it soft indie pop or noise?! I like it
Washing Machine - MY EARS! This song is really... strange.
Unwind - The first few notes of the main riff sounds like Modest Mouse's "Blame it on the Tetons" (actually it's the other way around)
Little Trouble Girl - Messed up! Kind of lets you see into the mind of what seems like a psychologically (and maybe physically) abused girl that can't understand her parents... or people.
No Queen Blues - Quite the crazy indie whatthefuckisit kind of vibe.
Panty Lies - Ohhh boy, another crazy Kim Gordon song
Untitled - Nicely produced wall of calm soothing noise that goes on for almost three minutes.
Skip Tracer - Pretty weird... deep in thought for sure.
The Diamond Sea - One of the best songs ever recorded in the history of rock. FACT. I like the alternate ending version that you can get from better, though.
I'd just like to thank all of the people who said I was full of it for not giving Sonic Youth a chance. What was I thinking? I've listened to Evol, Daydream Nation, Dirty, Washing Machine, and Nurse. They all are amazing. I can't believe so many people have heard nothing from this band.
To all of you other music people here that haven't paid attention to SY, stop listening to stupid bands like A Perfect Circle and get some Sonic Youth albums.