Prepare yourself for a brutal combat experience where every decision made will have consequential results. Take on the role of a slave who is about to be sacrificed, but at
the last moment stumbles upon a forbidden book that allows its readers to relive battles between sorcerers and monsters of the past - and perhaps take powers away with
him. There is a price though. In order to use the magic during fierce battles, the player must be willing to make a sacrifice - ranging from personal belongings, a limb, or
even a life. What would you sacrifice for ultimate power?
- Reality blended experience where players must sacrifice parts of themselves to obtain great power
- Freeform character development as a player's decision would affect the characters abilities and visual form
- The first action co-op RPG experience that takes full advantage of PS Vita technical capabilities
- PS Vita functionality, including front and rear touch controls, and built-in motion sensing
- A wide range of enemies drawn from world mythology

- What happens if I save or sacrifice an enemy?
Saving an enemy increases your Life level (defense), restores your HP, and gets you Life Essences. Saving bosses will also add that character to a roster of AI
partners. Sacrificing an enemy increases your Magic level (attack), restores your offerings, and gets you Soul Essences. - How can I tell how many uses my offering has left?
There is no way to know the exact number of uses your offering has left, but when the offering is close to being depleted, the icon starts flashing red. It is
recommended at that point that you stop using the offering and look for enemies/areas to restore it or risk breaking it. - Is there any way to see how much health an enemy has?
You can get an estimate by pressing down on the d-pad to activate Mind’s Eye. The enemy will glow green, yellow, orange, or red depending on how much HP it
has left (in order from highest to lowest). If you are sacrificed, you will enter Spirit Mode, which will allow you to see health bars for all characters on the field. - Should I save or sacrifice my partners?
Generally, you should always save your partners unless (1) he/she asks you to sacrifice him/her, (2) the enemy is brought down to red, or (3) he/she has
contributed little to the battle and has died so many times that he/she seems to be more of a hassle than a help. Sacrificing your partner will give both you
and that partner a boost in your ranking points. - What are Essences and Shards used for?
Essences from enemies and Shards from the field are used to unlock Sigils, the seals that you equip on your arm to modify stats. Each type of enemy has its own
unique Life and Soul Essence. - How do the rewards at the end of the mission work?
The main mission screen tells you the offerings that you may obtain from the mission. The last offering in the list can only be obtained if you reach Divine Sorcerer
rank (Legendary Sorcerer for European and Japanese versions). Some offerings drop as break rewards, which require you to break off a cursed part from a boss,
and as Martyr rewards, which require you to use a Black Rite, sacrifice an ally, or get sacrificed by an ally. - How do I unlock the blacked-out missions in Avalon Pact IV (Atonement)?
Complete all of the missions in the Destinies Past story, sacrifice the Harpy in Avalon Pact I (Innocence) - Snowfield Glutton, and complete the Desert Drag mission
(Avalon Pact I). You may need to sacrifice the Centaur. - Where can I find more information about the gameplay mechanics?
Read the digital manual or check out some of the links in the Extra Information section below. - Can I carry my progress from the demo into the full game?
Yes, your entire save file can be imported from the demo into the full game. In addition, you can unlock an exclusive offering (Spirits’ Heart) in the full game for
doing this. Note that only 10 of each offering and star level can be imported, and that you cannot delete the demo before importing the save file to the full game. - How does this compare to Monster Hunter?
Besides the boss-hunting aspect of the game, Soul Sacrifice is very different from MH. Soul Sacrifice puts a heavy emphasis on story and fast-paced action as
opposed to exploration and crafting in Monster Hunter. Play the demo if you’re unsure. - Does this have anything to do with Demon’s/Dark Souls?
Nope, sorry. Where’d you even get that idea from?

Soul Sacrifice Wikia
Japanese Soul Sacrifice Wiki
Soul Sacrifice Art Gallery
Demo Impressions Thread
Import Impressions Thread
Red Sun Gamer Podcast Part 1 (Part 2)
Quest Rewards List (Essences and Offerings)
Unlockable/DLC Costumes (Dark/Divine Forms)

Metacritic: 77 (based on 63 critics)
Famitsu: 37/40
CVG: 8.5/10
Destructoid: 8/10
OPM UK: 8/10
IGN: 7.7/10
GameTrailers: 7.6/10
Eurogamer: 7/10
Polygon: 6.5/10
Edge: 6/10
Soul Sacrifice Review Thread

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Special thanks to Heckmanimation, Hasemo, Monosukoi, and cyborg009.