Bobby Roberts

art by Christopher Shy of Studio Ronin
(you want to visit WadiumArcadium & Cystm's mighty-fine |OT| for your spoiler-free discussion needs)
There will be no tagged spoilers from this point forward. You may freely discuss any and all plot points, story details, and other interesting moments from the film. Still haven't seen the film? Don't want detail rich conversation flying in front of your eyes until you've finally made the time to get your ass to the theater? This is your cue to do your best Nopetrooper imitation.

If you are looking for proof as to the cyclical nature of not just forum conversations, but really life in general, you may look at the spinning, roiling cauldron of praise, nitpicks, outlandish theories and animated gifs of questionable quality and/or legality in Spoiler Thread #1 and Spoiler Thread #2
If you are looking for more in-depth discussions on the nature of Rey's character, a discussion lamentably kickstarted by semi-professional slapdick knucklehead Max Landis, This thread featuring a well-written OP by Veelk is probably the place you wanna go.
If you're curious as to what the movie looked like as it moved through production and began to take shape, Peter Sciretta at Slashfilm has basically compiled some of the more pertinent bits from the Art of Star Wars book, and you can look at those pertinent bits here, although keep in mind many of these images came from waaaaaaaay early in the production, before there was even a script solidly in place.
If you'd like a soundtrack to underscore your time spent perusing this thread, there's the Official Soundtrack, and the For Your Consideration version of the soundtrack for Oscar Voters (which contains variations and different cues from the Official Soundtrack). If you'd like a film version of the climactic cue where Rey finally claims her destiny, this is likely as close as you're gonna get until an official extended version of the soundtrack is released.
Speaking of home releases, the blu-ray appears to be tentatively scheduled for mid-April, and there do not appear to be any plans for a Special Edition (which many fans keep asking for, although many prefer to use the terms Director's Cut or Extended Edition for various reasons)
Remember to be considerate, and keep all your Force Awakens spoilers in this thread. Please don't go dragging them out of here and stashing them behind black bars in the |OT| or any other of the roughly 2597 Star Wars threads currently floating around Off-Topic. If you feel the pressing, mighty, Zim-like NEEEEED to help people with the knowledge you have, simply direct them back to this spoiler thread so that these spoilers don't go spilling all over the board and pissing off some of our more sensitive and/or innocent members.
Here's some helpful reminders from our 22nd President!
It wasn't Coruscant
Kylo was beating his wound for adrenaline
We don't know who Rey's parents are
Snoke isprobablynot Plagueis
Phasma was thrown in the dumpster
It was Alec Guinness AND Ewan McGregor
Maz knows a guy who knows a guy who got her Luke's lightsaber
Yes it was the same lightsaber from ANH and Empire
Glad you survived the last two threads, buddy. It's good to see you. Once more unto the breach.