It's not that Star Fox Zero is hard, really. It's often bizarrely easy, until it suddenly isn't, in part because twitch shooting or action is so dependent on motion control with the GamePad. It is, to be blunt, a miserable experience, and the idea of playing more fills me with the kind of deep, existential dread I can't really justify. The game itself actually seems fairly short, but it has the standard Platinum complement of challenges within each mission, collectibles to find, and more to pad out its length. There's also a co-op mode that allows two players to share control of an Arwing, before, I assume, they commit intense physical violence against each other.
In many ways, Star Fox Zero actually feels like a launch title for the Wii U console, full of half-fleshed out ideas that don't quite stick. But the Wii U has been out for almost four years now, and I can't help but wonder what happened.
This isn't a review of Star Fox Zero. Save for very rare, extreme circumstances, Polygon reviews require that a game be completed, or at least a good faith effort be made to complete it.
I am not playing any more Star Fox Zero.