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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yoda confirmed to be in Viii: http://youtu.be/amQ268k32mI


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Apparently they had Frank in and had a scene planned with live action yoda for Ep 7 but it was canned.


Apparently they had Frank in and had a scene planned with live action yoda for Ep 7 but it was canned.

IIRC they had recorded new Yoda dialogue during Rey's vision but scrapped it and reused his dialogue from ESB ("It surrounds us...and binds us....") It's harder to hear than Obi-Wan's lines but it's right around the time you hear Luke go "Nooo!!!!!!!!!"

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
IIRC they had recorded new Yoda dialogue during Rey's vision but scrapped it and reused his dialogue from ESB ("It surrounds us...and binds us....") It's harder to hear than Obi-Wan's lines but it's right around the time you hear Luke go "Nooo!!!!!!!!!"

im 99% sure that there was an actual scene planned with Luke at SOME point, now when this was scrapped ive no idea, but ive heard it from 2 different sources.

Though my terrible memory i cant remember where.
im 99% sure that there was an actual scene planned with Luke at SOME point, now when this was scrapped ive no idea, but ive heard it from 2 different sources.

Though my terrible memory i cant remember where.

Wasn't it the Empire duel from a different perspective or something? I can remember reading that at some point. It was going to be part of Rey's vision.


Anyway ... the one thing that'll make me walk out of the cinema is if VIII and IX will kill of any other major OT character. If Luke dies in this one I'll be fucking pissed. That's for sure.

Just let it end with IX. Show Rey, Luke and Ben Solo training new Jedi's. Show Ben Solo has been redeemed (mirroring ROTJ minus the death). That's it. End. Done.

... then focus on Knights of the Old Republic plz. Or Obi-Wan.

That's cute. Ben is irredeemable and Luke is definitely dying.


Rian Johnson on Episode 8 is just great.
Colin Trevorrow on Episode 9 ... I'm ok with that.

Remember guys ... J.J Abrams, Kasdan and everyone who worked on The Force Awakens will make sure that there's no loss of quality (in terms of script, visuals etc) with VIII and IX. Even though J.J isn't directing he still has SOME influence.

Empire Strikes Back was great because it has another director. It still (to this day) feels different yet refreshing. Same thing could happen with the two other sequels. Aslong as Lucasfilm and Disney keep a close eye on everything I'm pretty confident we'll get two more great Star-Wars movies. VII will be hard to top though.

Anyway ... the one thing that'll make me walk out of the cinema is if VIII and IX will kill of any other major OT character. If Luke dies in this one I'll be fucking pissed. That's for sure.

Just let it end with IX. Show Rey, Luke and Ben Solo training new Jedi's. Show Ben Solo has been redeemed (mirroring ROTJ minus the death). That's it. End. Done.

... then focus on Knights of the Old Republic plz. Or Obi-Wan.

Don't know if there's any redeeming murdering your own family in cold blood. I think that's kind of the point, personally. This is a defining moment for his character and destiny.
I definitely wouldn't bet against this. I can't see them going the Vader route with Kylo and Luke's definitely dying by IX. In IX is my bet.

I'm very afraid of him not making it through VIII, but I hope he lives.

As for Kylo...we might get that Vader style one good action at the end, but I hope that he doesn't get that redemption that Anakin got. I don't necessarily think Anakin deserved it, but I'll give canon the benefit of the doubt and grudgingly agree that he did, in fact, turn (because of his Force phantom showing up).



One of the worst scenes in the damned PT.
Dialogue may have been ok but the entire arena was terrible cg hell.
And when the mass fight was going on, so many people standing around twirling lightsabers trying to look intense when there was nothing actually there.
One of the worst scenes in the damned PT.
Dialogue may have been ok but the entire arena was terrible cg hell.
And when the mass fight was going on, so many people standing around twirling lightsabers trying to look intense when there was nothing actually there.
"Around the survivors, a perimeter create!"

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Watch Hamill make fools of all of you and release a 2:30 official trailer with full score


One of the worst scenes in the damned PT.
Dialogue may have been ok but the entire arena was terrible cg hell.
And when the mass fight was going on, so many people standing around twirling lightsabers trying to look intense when there was nothing actually there.

Nothing beats the 3PO machinery/conveyor scene. That is the most embarrassing creation in the SW universe.


Fuck it, piss on it and burn it.

You want to see a whine and bitch fest let an Old Republic movie get announced or made.
Fanboys will brave the light and come scurrying out of the woodwork to complain and be salty about every little thing because it will not be the movie that they want, or that they have in their nostalgia goggles minds.
There would be no winning, no matter how good the movie was.

You could apply that pointless logic to any proposed adaption of an established IP.
As for Kylo...we might get that Vader style one good action at the end, but I hope that he doesn't get that redemption that Anakin got. I don't necessarily think Anakin deserved it, but I'll give canon the benefit of the doubt and grudgingly agree that he did, in fact, turn (because of his Force phantom showing up).

Yeah I think perhaps my greatest "worry" for the new movies is that they redeem Kylo. It would undermine the entire arc of the first 6 movies - Vader being redeemed is supposed to be a fool's hope and a total longshot, a crazy, powerful moment only Luke was betting on. If they set a precedent where Force users are just habitually switching sides but thinking better of it in the end... it's silly. There are no moral stakes, it makes evil acts almost irrelevant.

I thought people were being silly for complaining about another Death Star. But another "saw the light, pun intended" at the last minute thing would be far worse.


One of the worst scenes in the damned PT.
Dialogue may have been ok but the entire arena was terrible cg hell.
And when the mass fight was going on, so many people standing around twirling lightsabers trying to look intense when there was nothing actually there.

Awful compositing as well. Couldn't believe how bad it was when I rewatched ahead of TFA.
Awful compositing as well. Couldn't believe how bad it was when I rewatched ahead of TFA.

Also, the chaos in the frame hits critical mass. Once the rest of the Jedi get in there, it's just this huge orgy of blaster fire and lightsabers and you can't tell WTF is going on. Then a few minutes later you get the shots of the clone army fighting the droid army in the dust storm and it's all just so loud, obnoxious, and dense. There's so much going on.


Ya'll are crazy, probably one of the coolest shots in the PT

Devoid of context, it's neat looking. They're very serious and swinging glowing sticks with pretty colors around in a dark room. Very pretty. But in the context of a life or death duel, it's flat out hilarious.

That describes most of the action in the PT saber fights, actually.


So JJ says that Rey's parents were not in Episode VII.

After a round of elated applause from the crowd, Abrams jokingly told the young fan to “get out!” And while he, to no one’s surprise, refused to meet Kyle’s quandary with a direct answer, Abrams did say something that might put to bed a series of theories the fan community has been harboring since The Force Awakens’ release. “Rey’s parents are,” he began, pausing for just a moment, “not in Episode VII.”


Huh. So RIP the "Luke's daughter" theory then? Making the "Obi-Wan as family" thing a bit more likely, perhaps.

I really hope it is Obi Wan's family (If I can not have my Ezra / Sabine ).
It would make a great set up for the Obi movies when they come.
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