I'm laughing way too hard at this
Kylo really shouldn't just let his dreams be dreams.
Kylo: "Here."
Rey: "What?"
Kylo: "I can take it. Just do it. I have prepared for this moment for a long time."
Rey: "You are fucked up."
I'm laughing way too hard at this
I'd like more metaphorical reasoning for the mask situation. I think it would make more sense for him to lose the mask now that he's past the "point of no return" with his decision to kill Han.
At first his mask was used to project someone who he hadn't quite become yet, and now that he is that person, there's nothing left to conceal.
I kinda want to build off that idea and take it a different direction. Perhaps Kylo Ren didn't get the full satisfaction of killing his father and slipping further into the darkness that he expected, and now feels regret over it. So he stays in the mask and skips further into the Kylo Ren "character" to mask it.
Alternately, he wears the mask in TFA because it makes him feel more powerful, more like Vader. He takes it off in more vulnerable situations. He thought killing Han would make him surpass Vader (because the one thing Vader couldn't do is kill his family), but it made him feel weaker. And then he got showed up by some know-nothing newcomer using Darth Vader's lightsaber. Everything has fallen apart and he probably feels even more like a loser now.
So he should immerse himself even deeper in the Vader cult.
They'll probably stick to a similar style. Though Kylo still used a lot of 'twirly' moves in TFA, they were probably my favourite parts.
So people are down with the cross guard saber now? I always liked it.
So people are down with the cross guard saber now? I always liked it.
I'm seriously happy as fuck that Star Wars is back
and good again
Kylo Ren said that he really likes the script for Episode VIII, and I imagine that he's also referring to his character. If Kylo likes what they wrote for Driver's character, it's probably very cool.
It doesn't have to be like this.
Oscar Issac also said they're doing amazing things with the script for 8 - stuff he's never seen in a movie like this before...
I kinda want to build off that idea and take it a different direction. Perhaps Kylo Ren didn't get the full satisfaction of killing his father and slipping further into the darkness that he expected, and now feels regret over it. So he stays in the mask and skips further into the Kylo Ren "character" to mask it.
I'm laughing way too hard at this
Yeah, but he's also a vain little shithead with a giant canal cut into his face, so why not keep rocking the mask.
Metaphor is cool but I see this dickhead sticking with what "works."
Also I doubt he's actually the person he wants to be. Or that he ever will be.
Alternately, he wears the mask in TFA because it makes him feel more powerful, more like Vader. He takes it off in more vulnerable situations. He thought killing Han would make him surpass Vader (because the one thing Vader couldn't do is kill his family), but it made him feel weaker. And then he got showed up by some know-nothing newcomer using Darth Vader's lightsaber. Everything has fallen apart and he probably feels even more like a loser now.
So he should immerse himself even deeper in the Vader cult.
A properly trained Jedi should know how to control a lightsaber backwards and forwards. Luke just hacked away at things in the OT because he didn't know what he was doing. The prequels were spot on with this.
Please just no shit like Time Travel or Parrallel Universe
Prequels were complete horse shit as far as saber duels, and no the Darth Maul fight was horse shit too.
The thing that made it remotely tolerable was that the intensity level was upped and there was not so much spinny spinny "look at me I am an asshole swatting flies" crap.
The Maul fight is logically what I expected out of a lightsaber fight featuring Jedi in their prime. The only problem I have with that fight is that there's absolutely no emotional investment in the fight because the movie does a shit job of building up Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul. Plus that fight has some cool visual moments too, like Maul revealing the double bladed lightsaber and I like the shot of Qui-Gon meditating while Maul paces back and forth like a caged tiger.
ehh I'd say it did, enough anyway. Maul fought Jinn on Tatooine so there was a bit of an established rivalry there, and Jinn's death was pretty emotional and gave Kenobi the rage fuel he needed. So I thought that it was fine in that regard, with the buildup and emotional investm-- wait are we doing this again
Please just no shit like Time Travel or Parrallel Universe
Jinn has the personality of cardboard though (which is amazing since he was played by Liam freakin Neason). But I don't think anyone can deny that Maul was completely underutilized.
Maul was better after he got cut in half.
Maul was better after he got cut in half.
Maul going crazy after being beaten by Obi-Wan and then going on a murder spree for the sole purpose of drawing out Kenobi for a blood-feud rematch is picture perfect dark side shit, though.
It's also shit. He was cut the fuck in half and plummeted what looked like a bazillion feet into god knows where. I don't buy it and no amount of space magic can convince me otherwise. I don't care if the idea was made up of 90,000 midichlorians, it's dumb.
It's this. Daisy said as much.That isn't actual fight choreography, from what I understand. She's just getting Wushu lessons from Yiang.
It's also shit. He was cut the fuck in half and plummeted what looked like a bazillion feet into god knows where. I don't buy it and no amount of space magic can convince me otherwise. I don't care if the idea was made up of 90,000 midichlorians, it's dumb.
The most notable villain in the entire franchise had all of his limbs cut off, was set on fire, and spent the rest of his live in a mobile lung. General Grevious was a living person who was turned into a robot. Maul surviving getting cut in half isn't that crazy. Also, Luke survived a much larger fall in Empire.
Being cut in half and remaining at the bottom of something for a while, after falling that far-- still being cut in half-- would result in death. Lucas even said that he made the death extreme on purpose so that people wouldn't want him to bring him back. It was intentionally finite, and bringing him back was nothing more than illogical fan service.
Lucas was ultimately the one who greenlit him being brought back
Maul surviving that is really no more ridiculous than Anakin surviving at the end of ROTS though. Anakin laid there for a while before Palpatine showed up.
The Maul fight is logically what I expected out of a lightsaber fight featuring Jedi in their prime. The only problem I have with that fight is that there's absolutely no emotional investment in the fight because the movie does a shit job of building up Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Darth Maul. Plus that fight has some cool visual moments too, like Maul revealing the double bladed lightsaber and I like the shot of Qui-Gon meditating while Maul paces back and forth like a caged tiger.
To me suffering extreme burns with your internals intact, as extreme as it was, is far more believable to me than someone getting cut in half and both halves falling that far.
Maul surviving that in any way is ridiculous. I can bend logic a bit over the Anakin thing.
Ignoring all this Maul surviving nonsense, I'm with you on General Grievous. I'd take a retcon for that son of a bitch. Grievous was my favorite villain until Benjamin.
Let's say we're on terms about his survival conditions-- I still didn't think he was utilized that well in Clone Wars. I might have been okay with it if Maul and Kenobi had a final battle, but they left it unresolved, so I can't really think of any decent justification behind it. It left me with severe blue balls. I rolled my eyes at him coming back, but ran with it because I liked the show, but didn't even feel like they did much of anything interesting with him. No actual arc or payoff.
If I to guess (Rebels spoilers) -Maul's gonna get that fight with Obi-Wan, maybe next season.
ehh I'd say it did, enough anyway. Maul fought Jinn on Tatooine so there was a bit of an established rivalry there, and Jinn's death was pretty emotional and gave Kenobi the rage fuel he needed. So I thought that it was fine in that regard, with the buildup and emotional investm-- wait are we doing this again
I fell in love with that Tatooine Jinn-Maul fight, one of my favorite's from the prequels.
I am with Brandon here. Maul's sustained injury coupled with that fall was just too much for me to believe that he could have survived even minutes after landing.
Sure, Anakin had limbs cut off but he also received medical attention in what seemed like a fairly short period of time. No internal organs would have been affected by those limbs that were cut off and the burns were severe but treatable.
I fell in love with that Tatooine Jinn-Maul fight, one of my favorite's from the prequels.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Qui Gon does a stabbing motion in this fight. Does this mean that he's related to Palpatine, guys?