- Non Subscribers
very nice thread!
[*]I have a question though, If I bought the game on the release date, used the first 30 days credit, and cancelled my subscription before they charged
me the first paid month, am I considered a preferred o F2p player?
If you’ve previously purchased the game, subscribed, purchased a physical SWTOR key fob, or if you spend a minimum of $5 in the Cartel Market, you will
be upgraded to Preferred status.
- Former Subscribers
Hbroward said:"All former subscribers who reactivate their subscription by the new date of December 20, 2012 at 11:59am CDT will be granted Complimentary Cartel
Coins for their prior paid months up to November 15, 2012."
So no rush for you former subscribers, you have over a month to resub and still receive your CC's.

There are three different ways to access the game with the introduction of F2Play:
- Subscriber - Players who continue to pay the monthly subscription fee will receive most game features as part of their subscription.
- Preferred - This status is reserved for players who were previously subscribed and have cancelled or F2play players who have made a purchase of Cartel Coins.
- Free To Play - Players who have never subscribed to the game previously and have not purchased any Cartel Coins.

- Subscribers
Subscribers have none of the restrictions or Preferred or F2play.- Stipend of 500 Cartel Coins each month.
Preferred Status
As a Preferred Status Player, you will gain the following benefits compared to Free-to-Play Players:- The Sprint ability at Level 1
- Access to your Cargo Hold (an 80 item Player Bank)
- Access to Secure Trade
- The ability to send Mail
- An increased Credits Cap (350k credits)
- Three (3) additional Sale Slots on the Galactic Trade Network
- One (1) additional active Crew Skill Slot
- Increased Server queue priority
- Preferred Status FAQ
AlixMV said:if you’re a Premium Subscriber with Legacy racial unlocks and revert to a Free Account, what will have precedence, the f2p restrictions or the Legacy unlocks?
Blaine: First off – if you change from being a subscriber to a Free-to-Play player, you will always go to Preferred status and will never become a Free Account,
so you’ll have some features unlocked that you otherwise would not. Additionally, you will absolutely retain the Legacy unlocks that you earned/purchased as
a subscriber. In almost all cases, if you have been a subscriber, you will find that things you purchased for in-game credits will be retained when you go down
to Preferred. Including things like Cargo Hold access and Inventory Slots. -
Rassuro said:If someone who is a subscriber later chooses to cancel their subscription, will they then lose their rights to for example equip gear of
Artifact quality, use all six quickbars, and have bank access, or will rights such as these count as permanently "unlocked" for anyone who has a subscription?
Blaine: Most (but not all) of these items will be retained when you move to Preferred Status (which is what happens when you cancel a subscription).
Your ability to equip gear is dependent on what items are bound to your characters. Anything that has been bound will still be usable, but any new Artifact
items you acquire will NOT be usable without a one-time purchase of an Authorization. Your quickslot bars will be reduced to two (but you can purchase the
other four as account unlocks if you wish). You will retain Cargo Hold access. Our goal is to make the transition as easy as we can for former subscribers,
while putting in place the restrictions that make subscriber status a true value. -
What happens if I decide to change from being a subscription player to a Free-to-Play player?
Once your subscription has ended and you no longer have paid game time remaining on your account, your account will be changed to Preferred Status.
As a Preferred Status player, access will be unlocked to the following features:
The ability to run faster (Sprint) starting at Level 1.
Cargo Hold access (Bank Slots) and higher login queue priority.
Increased access to Chat and Secure Trading.
Post more items for sale on the in-game Galactic Trade Network.
If you convert to Preferred Status, you will need to choose which two (2) of your characters will remain active, and play those characters within the
limits of Free-to-Play access.
- Free to Play
As a free to play player you get access to the following:- Full Class story content from levels 1-50.
- 5 Warzones per week. Weekly passes for 240 CC.
- Flashpoint rewards limited to 3 per week. Weekly pass grants unlimited access to Boss Loot from Flashpoints. 240 CC.
- 3 Space missions per week. Weekly passes for 240 CC.
- Complete information on F2play Restrictions and Unlocks
- F2Play FAQ
You will be able to purchase account altering items such as Warzone Passes off the GTN for in-game credits. Meaning that if you truely do not want to spend the money, you do not have to.
I had a Free Trial account but never purchased the game. Will I be able to use my account when the Free-to-Play option goes live as a Free player
and will the restrictions be the same as before?
Yes, you will absolutely be able to use your previous account. All Free Trial accounts will automatically convert to Free-to-Play accounts. Restrictions will be
different, so be sure to check out - Official F2play FAQ

The Cartel Market is basically TF2 Hats. Complete with misc packs that have a chance to drop rare loot.
- Overview of the types of items you can obtain from the Cartel Market.
- Cosmetic
- Unlocks
- Equipment
- Consumables
- Titles
- Rare Items From Cartel Packs
- Legacy Perks and Unlocks
- Emotes, Moods, and Social
- Weapons

Example rare item from Cartel Packs:

Here are some videos previewing what you can get out of the packs.

List of Unlocks, Pets, Armor, Speeders, and Misc. from the Cartel Market.

Be sure to check out the TOR |OT|