I had a crazy amount of fun with the Black Talon Flashpoint as a sorcerer. Going through the story together with four game strangers was surprisingly amusing.
I'm also slowly getting used to the morality system. It's Mass Effect style where the end is the same and all that really changes is the means. So whereas in ME either you were a hardass or a diplomat when playing Sith being pragmatic earns you Light side points. You need to be psychotic to get Dark Side. I mean at the end of the Black Talon you capture a Republic admiral and I was the only one of the four to decide to capture the dude for later torture/interrogation/life in political gulag and won the conversation roll. Everybody else was like WTF Y U NO KILL? and I was like "I was just being sensible"
I did come across a mission where I am curious how your end choice affects later story lines in the Sith Warrior missions around level 15
Where you are tasked with infiltrating a bunch of Sith that now call themselves Revanites and they follow the teachings of Revan, at the end you can choose to call another their leader or to rat them out. Wonder how or if it changes the story in any way. I do wonder if what they think happened to Revan is true or not