Would it run better on my PC? I got it for Xbox because everyone who tried it seemed to think it was more console-like than the first Deus Ex. Also, I don't know how it would run on my PC.
EB's used games suck. Whether or not that's normal, I quit buying used from them because they sell complete crap when it comes to used. Gamestop (at least the stores by me) takes a hell of a lot more pride in what they'll put on the used shelves.
It's bad and has one of the worst batch of end cinemas in game history. Quit while you're ahead.. and the Xbox version is much maligned for its slowdown so you may indeed wish to consider playing it on PC if you must (that's where I did).
"Typical Console Shooter" - Framerate problems and technical limitations of the hardware usually find their way into most console shooters. Comparing a PC shooter and a console shooter usually means the PC is far superior, note I did say usually.
Awww you were talking from a technical stand point. Gotta agree with you, the fact that all the levels were made of these small "section" that had loading times between them really bothered me. I mean god damn, the original had bigger levels!